Parallax photography: creating 3D cinematic effects from stills (original) (raw)

Immersive light field video with a layered mesh representation

ACM Transactions on Graphics, 2020

We present a system for capturing, reconstructing, compressing, and rendering high quality immersive light field video. We accomplish this by leveraging the recently introduced DeepView view interpolation algorithm, replacing its underlying multi-plane image (MPI) scene representation with a collection of spherical shells that are better suited for representing panoramic light field content. We further process this data to reduce the large number of shell layers to a small, fixed number of RGBA+depth layers without significant loss in visual quality. The resulting RGB, alpha, and depth channels in these layers are then compressed using conventional texture atlasing and video compression techniques. The final compressed representation is lightweight and can be rendered on mobile VR/AR platforms or in a web browser. We demonstrate light field video results using data from the 16-camera rig of [Pozo et al. 2019] as well as a new low-cost hemispherical array made from 46 synchronized ac...

Camera Animation for Immersive Light Field Imaging


Among novel capture and visualization technologies, light field has made significant progress in the current decade, bringing closer its emergence in everyday use cases. Unlike many other forms of 3D displays and devices, light field visualization does not depend on any viewing equipment. Regarding its potential use cases, light field is applicable to both cinematic and interactive contents. Such contents often rely on camera animation, which is a frequent tool for the creation and presentation of 2D contents. However, while common 3D camera animation is often rather straightforward, light field visualization has certain constraints that must be considered before implementing any variation of such techniques. In this paper, we introduce our work on camera animation for light field visualization. Different types of conventional camera animation were applied to light field contents, which produced an interactive simulation. The simulation was visualized and assessed on a real light fi...

Real-time Rendering with Compressed Animated Light Fields


We propose an end-to-end solution for presenting movie quality animated graphics to the user while still allowing the sense of presence afforded by free viewpoint head motion. By transforming offline rendered movie content into a novel immersive representation, we display the content in real-time according to the tracked head pose. For each frame, we generate a set of cubemap images per frame (colors and depths) using a sparse set of of cameras placed in the vicinity of the potential viewer locations. The cameras are placed with an optimization process so that the rendered data maximise coverage with minimum redundancy, depending on the lighting environment complexity. We compress the colors and depths separately, introducing an integrated spatial and temporal scheme tailored to high performance on GPUs for Virtual Reality applications. We detail a real-time rendering algorithm using multi-view ray casting and view dependent decompression. Compression rates of 150:1 and greater are ...

Compressed Animated Light Fields with Real-time View-dependent Reconstruction

IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics, 2018

We propose an end-to-end solution for presenting movie quality animated graphics to the user while still allowing the sense of presence afforded by free viewpoint head motion. By transforming offline rendered movie content into a novel immersive representation, we display the content in real-time according to the tracked head pose. For each frame, we generate a set of cubemap images per frame (colors and depths) using a sparse set of of cameras placed in the vicinity of the potential viewer locations. The cameras are placed with an optimization process so that the rendered data maximise coverage with minimum redundancy, depending on the lighting environment complexity. We compress the colors and depths separately, introducing an integrated spatial and temporal scheme tailored to high performance on GPUs for Virtual Reality applications. A view-dependent decompression algorithm decodes only the parts of the compressed video streams that are visible to users. We detail a real-time ren...