Life of Filipino educators after retirement: A reflective phenomenological study (original) (raw)

The Tale and Tell of the Retired Teachers’ Philosophies

International Journal of Multidisciplinary: Applied Business and Education Research

This is qualitative research which utilized the narratology, intended to understand the philosophies of retired teachers from a state university in Pampanga, as they tell their lived experiences. Six (6) retired teachers participated in the pursuance of the study. The researchers used purposive sampling. To obtain pertinent information, the participants must be a retired teacher from a university. The retired teacher must be sixty- sixty-five (60-65) years old and has rendered fifteen (15) years or more in the university and active members of the community as they are still engaged in public and private organizations. The used instrument was a semi-structured questionnaire that was content validated prior to its utilization. Data were analyzed using the six (6) phases of Braun and Clarke’s Thematic analysis. The philosophies of the retired teachers are focused on their experiences, which brought significant mark in their lives as teachers. Therefore, it is recommended to recognize t...

Teachers Retirement in Private Higher Educational Institutions in Northern Philippines

International journal of research and innovation in social science, 2022

It is usually said that when one retires, this is the time when one would live a more comfortable and happy life. But for many retirees, this is not always the case. Thus, preparation for retirement is very important. This study aimed to determine (1) the level of readiness of teachers for retirement; (2) identify considerable socioeconomic barriers to a good retirement and (3) determine as well as propose certain programs, projects, and activities that would promote a good retirement for teachers. This study focused on teacher-retirees in private higher educational institutions. A questionnaire was floated to ascertain the level of readiness of respondents-retirees for retirement as well as the socioeconomic barriers to a good or happy retirement. This research employed a quantitative and qualitative-descriptive method and used a combination of frequency counts, percentage as well as Mean and Standard Deviations in the analysis and interpretation of data. The respondents were 44 teacher-retirees from four private higher educational institutions in Nueva Vizcaya, Philippines. Results of the study showed that teacher-retirees are well prepared to a high extent for retirement, personally and by their employers. The study showed that the majority of the teacher-retirees are prepared personally to a high extent. However, despite such a level of preparation, it was found out that there are still considered socioeconomic concerns that bar them from enjoying a good retirement. The main reasons for them not experiencing a good retirement were that their retirement pay was used to pay their debts, their retirement pensions are not sufficient for their and their family's needs, no savings after reinterment, and they do not have health insurance policies. The results of the study also showed that socioeconomic preparation determines how retirees enjoy life in retirement. It was then a recommendation that private educational institutions should, as part of their management plan, establish socioeconomic programs, projects, or activities for the welfare of their teacher-retirees.

Retirement: Keeping the Zeal for Teaching Aflame

International Journal of Multidisciplinary, 2023

This phenomenological inquiry intended to unearth the lived experiences of the retired faculty members on post retirement career. Previous studies had linked retirement with leisure, relaxation and benefit. However, this current study viewed it as an avenue to pursue a career as evidenced by twenty-one (21) retired teachers from basic to tertiary education in both public and private institutions. The salient findings revealed that the preference to work after tenure was anchored from economic reasons, defying age, loss and fear of insignificance. As they were nearing the twilight, working for them meant making every tick count. Economic reason was also a factor as they found their pension too minimal an amount to purchase not only basic commodities but hospitalization and maintenance medicine as years went by. But seasoned as they were, they managed to jump over the hurdles by being optimistic and maintaining circle as support system like family and friends, above all, imploring the Divine Providence. To lighten the plight, it was suggested that institutions may implement policies like seminars and training that could provide a better retirement preparation and transition to probable retirees.

Personality Traits and Retirement Adjustment: The Mediating Role of Life Satisfaction among Retired Filipino Teachers

Psychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journal, 2024

The transition from an active working life to retirement is especially important when it comes to retired teachers—that is, Filipino teachers—because education plays a deeply embedded role in the sociocultural structure of the Philippines. Previous studies showed that personality traits and life satisfaction play a crucial role in retirement adjustment. This predictive-correlational research investigated the relationship between personality traits and retirement adjustment and the mediating role of life satisfaction among 396 purposively sampled retired Filipino teachers residing in Metro Manila, Philippines. Standardized instruments were employed to measure the variables, such as the Big Five Inventory-2 Short Form (BFI-2-S), the Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS), and the Retirement Adjustment Scale (RAS). Results revealed that the respondents have high levels of extraversion, conscientiousness, agreeableness, and openness to experience but have moderate levels of neuroticism. Retired Filipino teachers have moderate levels of life satisfaction and retirement adjustment. Tests of correlation showed a positive relationship between retirement adjustment and extraversion (r = .118, p = .019), conscientiousness (r = .129, p = .010), agreeableness (r = .112, p = .025), and openness to experience (r = .101, p = .046). The relationship between personality traits and retirement adjustment is not mediated by life satisfaction; rather, personality traits are proven to be a significant mediator between life satisfaction and retirement adjustment. Therefore, retirement support services including individualized plans tailored to each person's needs and preferences should be designed with retirees' unique personality profiles and life satisfaction levels.

Psychological Attributes, Stressors, and Coping of Older Adults Teaching in Selected State Universities in Manila, Philippines

This paper examined the psychological attributes of older adults aged 55 years old and above who teach in selected state universities in Manila, Philippines. Psychological attributes, in this study, include self-concept, and their perception about the changes in their bodily, cognitive, and social attributes. Two hundred six (206) pre-retirees (55 to 64 years old) and retirees (65 years old and older) participated in the study. Results revealed that the older adults described themselves as generally friendly and generous, feel secured and competent, assertive, emotionally strong, and are contented and happy about life. They graciously acknowledged the changes in the physical, physiological, cognitive, and social attributes concomitant with aging. The stressors experienced by some of them within the last two years include: bereavement stressorsdeath of spouse, death of a son or daughter, death of a family member and a close friend; family-related stressorsseparation with child, and serious illness/injury of a family member, and; work-related stressorsconflict with superiors and/or subordinates, and major career changes. Few have disclosed having experienced incidence of physical and verbal assaults, and financial exploitation. Various spiritual, cognitive, and social support mechanisms were resorted to by the respondents to cope with the experienced changes and stressful events. Implications for practice and research were discussed.

Second Wind: Understanding How Academics from the Philippines Adjust to Retirement

Scientia - The International Journal on the Liberal Arts

This article aims to 1) explore how retired academics experienced work-to-retirement transition and 2) offer insights that can be applied in addressing its potential opportunities and challenges. Toward this end, we conducted face-to-face interviews with retirees (n=7) from a comprehensive private university in Manila, Philippines. The descriptive phenomenological method surfaced a general psychological meaning structure depicting the participants' collective work experiences to retirement transition. Moreover, it identified three distinct but interrelated elements of the retirement phenomenon: moving on, passing time, and coming on stage. This paper contributes and supports accumulated empirical knowledge on the work-to-retirement transition that can be helpful for individuals preparing for or transitioning into retirement.References April, Kurt A., Babar Dharani, and Kai Peters. “Impact of Locus of Control Expectancy on Level of Wellbeing.” Rev. Eur. Stud. 4 (2012): 124.Atchle...


Jurnal Sains Psikologi, 2019

ABSTRAK Kepuasan hidup memegang peranan penting dalam kualitas dan kinerja seseorang dalam profesi apa-pun, termasuk guru. Guru adalah pendidik profesional dengan tugas utama mendidik, mengajar, membimbing, mengarahkan, melatih, menilai, dan mengevaluasi peserta didik. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode survey kuantitatif dengan tujuan untuk menganalisis keterkaitan antara faktor demografi terhadap kepuasan hidup guru di Palopo dan Toraja. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dengan menggunakan skala SWLS (Satisfaction W ith Life Scale) didapatkan data bahwa dari 111 orang guru yang menjadi partisipan, 67,6% guru merasa puas akan hidupnya. Berdasarkan analisa tabulasi silang, diketahui bahwa perbedaan faktor demografis di antara responden memiliki keterkaitan yang unik dengan kepuasan hidup para guru tersebut. Hasil penelitian dengan menggunakan korelasi non para-metrik ordinal kendall tau dan koefisien Asosiasi Cramer's V juga menunjukkan bahwa faktor demo-grafis seperti jenis kelamin, status kepegawaian, suku bangsa, lama bekerja, persepsi besarnya penda-patan, persepsi perbandingan gaji, memiliki keterkaitan yang signifikan dengan kepuasan hidup guru. Dengan analisis regresi ordinal, dapat disimpulkan pula bahwa faktor jenjang pendidikan, persepsi besarnya pendapatan, dan perbandingan gaji memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap kepuasan hidup guru. Rekomendasi tindakan untuk meningkatkan kepuasan hidup guru perlu dipikirkan oleh pihak Pemerintah dan Yayasan dengan membuat rencana pengembangan karir guru yang berdampak bagi tingkat kesejahteraaan hidup mereka di masa depan. Kata kunci: kepuasan hidup; gur u; Palopo dan Tor aja; faktor demogr afi. ABSTRACT Life satisfaction plays an important role in the quality of life and performance of a human in every profession, including teachers. The teacher is a professional educator with the main task of educating, teaching, guiding, directing, training, and evaluating students in elementary and middle schools. Life satisfaction refers to an individual's overall judgment or global evaluation about his or her life condition. This study is a quantitative survey research that aims to analyze relation between demographic factors with school teachers' life satisfaction at Palopo and Toraja Region. This research using SWLS (Satisfaction with Life Scale) with 111 respondents who came from several schools in Palopo and Toraja region. Result of this research found that most of the teachers (67,6%) were satisfied with their lives. Based on the cross-tabulation analysis and non-parametric correlation, its proven that several demographic factors, namely gender, employment status, ethnic groups, length of services, income perception, and salary comparison perception have a significant association with teachers' life satisfaction. In particular, with ordinal regression analysis, we found that educational status, income perception, and salary comparison perception has influence on teachers' life satisfaction. Government and Private Educational Foundation should do effort to increase teacher's income and have a career development plan for teachers to maintain their subjective wellbeing level and wellfare.

Life Coping Strategies Among Retired Teachers In Makueni

Retirement is a period that is associated with many challenges ranging from physical, psychological to socio-economic ones. This study sought to find out how retired teachers in Makueni County adjusted in their retirement despite of the challenges associated with this period. The study was guided by the following theories: Social Construction Theory by Berger (1966), Disengagement Theory by Cumming and Henry (1961) and Life Cycle Perspective by Elder Jr (1960). The research sample consisted of 249 respondents (173 males and 76 females) who were selected through purposive and snow ball sampling techniques. Data was collected using questionnaires, face to face interviews and focus group discussions. Qualitative data was thematically analysed and reported through narratives and verbatim quotes while Statistical Package for the Social Science (SPSS) was used to analyse quantitative data and presented through simple tables and percentages. The research found that retirees cope with retirement by engaging in economic, social and leisure activities. Therefore, the study concluded that retirement is a time of freedom when retirees can constructively invest their time, wealth and energy in ways that bring prosperity to themselves and the society. The study recommends that employers need to continually train workers in preparation for retirement, and pension should be paid in time.

Teachers in the late phase of their career

International Journal on New Trends in Education and Theirimplications, 2011

The text presents selected results of a questionnaire investigation focused on identification of several factors in the work of basic school teachers aged over 50, particularly subjectively perceived changes in the selected factors forming self-concept-in the sense of security, responsibility, usefulness, success and satisfaction. Attention is paid also to the reflection of the changes in relationships and motivation for continuance in the profession from the point of view of the addressed teachers.

A Review of Factors influencing Teachers’ Perceptions and Attitudes towards Retirement

Journal of Educational Policy and Entrepreneurial Research, 2014

adjustments in other to cope with the realities that accompany the change. This paper reviewed factors that influence teachers' perception and attitudes towards retirement. It discussed concepts of retirement; reviewed extensively the theories of retirement, types of retirements, factors that influence the teachers' perception and attitudes were reviewed as well. The paper concludes that various reforms have been carried out in the public service in form of severance retirement and pension reforms, which aim to ensure stability in the process of retirement and adequate resettlement for retired officers. But, little or no emphasis has been made on the teachers in the school system. Teachers are part of the system and therefore should not be left out and must definitely retire.