Flexibility along the neck of the ostrich (Struthio camelus) and consequences for the reconstruction of dinosaurs with extreme neck length (original) (raw)
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The flexibility and posture of the neck in sauropod dinosaurs has long been contentious. Improved constraints on sauropod neck function will have major implications for what we know of their foraging strategies, ecology and overall biology. Several hypotheses have been proposed, based primarily on osteological data, suggesting different degrees of neck flexibility. This study attempts to assess the effects of reconstructed soft tissues on sauropod neck flexibility through systematic removal of muscle groups and measures of flexibility of the neck in a living analogue, the ostrich (Struthio camelus). The possible effect of cartilage on flexibility is also examined, as this was previously overlooked in osteological estimates of sauropod neck function. These comparisons show that soft tissues are likely to have limited the flexibility of the neck beyond the limits suggested by osteology alone. In addition, the inferred presence of cartilage, and varying the intervertebral spacing within the synovial capsule, also affect neck flexibility. One hypothesis proposed that flexibility is constrained by requiring a minimum overlap between successive zygapophyses equivalent to 50% of zygapophyseal articular surface length (ONP50). This assumption is tested by comparing the maximum flexibility of the articulated cervical column in ONP50 and the flexibility of the complete neck with all tissues intact. It is found that this model does not adequately convey the pattern of flexibility in the ostrich neck, suggesting that the ONP50 model may not be useful in determining neck function if considered in isolation from myological and other soft tissue data.
Neck Posture and Feeding Habits of Two Jurassic Sauropod Dinosaurs
Science, 1999
26. The magnetic field of a point source, dipole, or equiv-alently a uniformly magnetized sphere varies as llr3, where r is the distance t o the source. The field of an infinite Line of dipoles, or equivalently a uniformly magnetized infinite cylinder, varies as llr2, where r is the distance t o the source along the line perpendicular t o the source joining source and observer. See, for example, R.
Neck posture and overall body design in sauropods
Mitteilungen aus dem Museum für Naturkunde in Berlin. Geowissenschaftliche Reihe, 2002
The stress on the intervertebral discs in the necks of Brachiosaurus brancai, Diplodocus carnegii, and Dicraeosaurus hansemanni are calculated for various hypothetical neck postures. Assuming similar safety factors along the neck and a predominance of static or quasistatic forces, neck postures in which the stress is not more or less constant along the neck are rejected. The necks of two large and long-necked recent mammals, Giraffa camelopardalis and Camelus sp., are examined in the same way in order to test the method. The method is shown to be suitable for the reconstruction of the habitual posture of longnecked terrestrial vertebrates, even if the distribution of mass along the head and neck and the lever arms of the neck muscles and ligaments are only roughly estimated. Among sauropods, the neck posture differed considerably, being nearly vertical in Brachiosaurus brancai, but more horizontal in Dicraeosaurus hansemanni and especially in Diplodocus carnegii. Therefore, Brachiosaurus brancai appears to have been an extremely specialised high browser, whereas in Diplodocus carnegii and in Dicraeosaurus hansemanni the Iong neck permitted a large feeding volume. The contrast in neck posture is reflected in the overall body design, especially in tail and limb length.
Fossil Record – Mitteilungen aus dem Museum für Naturkunde, 2007
The neck posture of Brachiosaurus brancai Janensch, 1914 is reanalysed by employing the Preuschoft method to deduce the pattern of stress in the joints between the vertebral centra along the neck. The cogency of different methods for reconstructing the posture of a long neck, especially the Preuschoft method and approaches that are based on optimal articulation of the neck vertebrae, is discussed critically. The results corroborate the reliability of the Preuschoft method whereas the analyses of recent vertebrates with long necks show that approaches based on optimal articulation of the neck vertebrae are less suited for reconstructing habitual postures of long necks during rest. Such models are better suited for reconstructing the neck posture that was employed during locomotion. With the evidence obtained by different methods a conclusive picture of the neck posture and the feeding strategy of Brachiosaurus brancai can be drawn. The neck appears to have been slightly S-shaped with a ventrally flexed cranial section, an approximately straight middle section, and a dorsally flexed proximal part. In the habitual posture during standing, the angle between the middle section of the neck and the horizontal plane was about 60 or 70. During locomotion the whole neck probably was kept in an lower position with the inclination reduced by approximately 20 compared with the position at rest. During feeding movements of the head relative to the neck and movements in the cranial neck section were performed without much altering the height of the centre of gravity of the neck. With slow dorsoventral movements of the whole neck pronounced changes in the feeding height were possible. Sideways movements of the whole neck were performed by lateral flexion at the base of the neck. According to these findings, the long neck of Brachiosaurus brancai was a means for browsing in great heights as well as a means for increasing the feeding volume without moving the body.
PloS one, 2013
A very long neck is a characteristic feature of most sauropod dinosaurs. In the genus Mamenchisaurus, neck length is extreme, greater than 40 percent of total body length. However, the posture, utilization, and selective advantage of very long necks in sauropods are still controversial. An excellently preserved skeleton of Mamenchisaurus youngi, including a complete neck, provides an opportunity for a comprehensive biomechanical analysis of neck posture and mobility. The biomechanical evidence indicates that Mamenchisaurus youngi had a nearly straight, near horizontal neck posture and browsed at low or medium heights. The results differ from the findings for some other sauropod species, like Euhelopus, Diplodocus, and Giraffatitan (Brachiosaurus) that had been analyzed in previous studies with similar methods. The selective advantage of extreme neck length in sauropods is likely advantageous for different feeding strategies.
…, 2012
Abstract Sauropod dinosaurs were the largest terrestrial herbivores and pushed at the limits of vertebrate biomechanics and physiology. Sauropods exhibit high craniodental diversity in ecosystems where numerous species coexisted, leading to the hypothesis that this biodiversity is linked to niche subdivision driven by ecological specialisation. Here, we quantitatively investigate feeding behaviour hypotheses for the iconic sauropod Diplodocus. Biomechanical modelling, using finite element analysis, was used to examine the performance of the Diplodocus skull. Three feeding behaviours were modelled: muscle-driven static biting, branch stripping and bark stripping. The skull was found to be ‘over engineered’ for static biting, overall experiencing low stress with only the dentition enduring high stress. When branch stripping, the skull, similarly, is under low stress, with little appreciable difference between those models. When simulated for bark stripping, the skull experiences far greater stresses, especially in the teeth and at the jaw joint. Therefore, we refute the bark-stripping hypothesis, while the hypotheses of branch stripping and/or precision biting are both consistent with our findings, showing that branch stripping is a biomechanically plausible feeding behaviour for diplodocids. Interestingly, in all simulations, peak stress is observed in the premaxillary–maxillary ‘lateral plates’, supporting the hypothesis that these structures evolved to dissipate stress induced while feeding. These results lead us to conclude that the aberrant craniodental form of Diplodocus was adapted for food procurement rather than resisting high bite forces.
The Neck Posture of Brachiosaurus brancai
Fossil Record, 2008
Compressive forces acting on the intervertebral discs along the neck of Brachiosaurus brancai from the Late Jurassic of Tendaguru are calculated for different neck postures. The distribution of compressive forces along the neck is compared to the distribution of the cross-sectional areas of the intervertebral discs. Neck postures in which the pattern of compressive forces does not match the pattern of cross-sectional areas of the intervertebral discs are rejected. The neck posture of Brachiosaurus brancai must have been nearly vertical. A more inclined neck posture can only occasionally have been kept. Therefore, Brachiosaurus bruncui appears to have been an extremely specialized high browser. In the same area, different sized individuals fed in different heights instead of each individual exploiting an extended vertical feeding range.
The cervical anatomy of Samotherium , an intermediate-necked giraffid
Royal Society Open Science, 2015
Giraffidae are represented by many extinct species. The only two extant taxa possess diametrically contrasting cervical morphology, as the okapi is short-necked and the giraffe is exceptionally long-necked. Samotherium major , known from the Late Miocene of Samos in Greece and other Eurasian localities, is a key extinct giraffid; it possesses cervical vertebrae that are intermediate in the evolutionary elongation of the neck. We describe detailed anatomical features of the cervicals of S. major , and compare these characteristics with the vertebrae of the two extant giraffid taxa. Based on qualitative morphological characters and a quantitative analysis of cervical dimensions, we find that the S. major neck is intermediate between that of the okapi and the giraffe. Specifically, the more cranial (C2–C3) vertebrae of S. major represent a mosaic of features shared either with the giraffe or with the okapi. The more caudal (C5–C7) S. major vertebrae, however, appear transitional betwee...
The cervical anatomy of Samotherium , an intermediate-necked giraffid
Royal Society Open Science, 2015
Giraffidae are represented by many extinct species. The only two extant taxa possess diametrically contrasting cervical morphology, as the okapi is short-necked and the giraffe is exceptionally long-necked. Samotherium major, known from the Late Miocene of Samos in Greece and other Eurasian localities, is a key extinct giraffid; it possesses cervical vertebrae that are intermediate in the evolutionary elongation of the neck. We describe detailed anatomical features of the cervicals of S. major, and compare these characteristics with the vertebrae of the two extant giraffid taxa. Based on qualitative morphological characters and a quantitative analysis of cervical dimensions, we find that the S. major neck is intermediate between that of the okapi and the giraffe. Specifically, the more cranial (C2-C3) vertebrae of S. major represent a mosaic of features shared either with the giraffe or with the okapi. The more caudal (C5-C7) S. major vertebrae, however, appear transitional between the two extant taxa, and hence are more unique. Notably, the C6 of S. major exhibits a partially excavated ventral lamina that is strong cranially but completely absent on the caudal half of the ventral vertebral body, features between those seen in the giraffe and the okapi. Comprehensive anatomical descriptions and measurements of the almost-complete cervical column reveal that S. major is a truly intermediate-necked giraffid. Reconstructions of the neck display our findings.