Transportation Management and Economic Performance of Selected Textile Firms in Lagos State (original) (raw)

The Effect of Transport Management on Organizational Performance Among Textile Manufacturing Firms in Kenya

International journal of academic research in business & social sciences, 2017

The purpose of the study was to analyze the effect of inventory management on supply chain performance in terms of profitability, reliability, cost, responsiveness, flexibility and asset management efficiency of textile manufacturing firms in Kenya. The study was guided by the inventory management theory. The study adopted the convergent parallel mixed methods design. The study targeted a total of 196 respondents drawn from employees of procurement departments and departmental heads of respective 15 textile manufacturing industries operating in Nairobi County. The sample size was therefore 139 respondents. Stratified and simple random sampling methods were used to select employees of procurement departments from their respective textile firms. Questionnaires and interview schedules were used to gather the data from primary sources. The study applied the use of both qualitative and quantitative data which was analyzed using statistical package for social sciences (SPSS Version 22). Inferential statistics using hierarchical multiple regression and Correlation analysis was applied to test the relationship between the variable and formulated hypothesis. The final analyzed

Assuring Business Excellence with the Aid of Effective Transportation Management

The paper presents an evaluative analysis of business excellence with the assistance of effective transportation management and control.The study was conducted on 152 wholesalers operating in district Udhampur of J&K state. The respondents were contacted through snowball referral sampling resulting into an effective response rate of 83.55%. The research platform was developed and carried out by empirical analysis with the assistance of primary data collected by field surveys. BTS and Cronbach-alpha were used to assess and validate the reliability of the scales in the data construction form. Factor analysis of the data was done and after its proper purification and validation it was analysed with abet of assorted multivariate tools. The results of hierarchal regression model and ANOVA revealed that proper transportation management leads to maximisation of customer service, proper transportation management assists in reducing warehousing costs, improper transportation management affects prices of products in the market, effective transportation management results in placing right product at right time in the market and respondents belonging to different age group differs with regard to adaptation of transportation management techniques.

Developing Company’s Performance by Improving Employee Satisfaction in Transportation Economy


The two major ways in which firms can increase profits is either by increasing revenue or reducing cost. With stiff competition, high fuel prices and other external factors impacting profit negatively, logistics firms are obligated to come up with innovative ways of reducing costs whilst maintain profitability and maintaining or increasing customer satisfaction. The aim of this research is to investigate and improve logistics operations in Kenya using the case of PJ petroleum Equipment Ltd. The three objectives that will be covered in this research are; Ways in which PJ Petroleum can reduce fuel costs of its fleet, reduce driver turnover rate which has plagued the company as a result of employing dishonest drivers and on improving customer satisfaction overall. The research used a mixed method approach. Primary data was collected using questionnaires whilst secondary data was gathered from use of articles, books journals and other publications. Excel and SPSS were the preferred primary tools used to analyse data. Findings as a result of the study showed that drivers were unhappy with the current treatment they got from their supervisors. This resulted many of them to act dishonestly as a way of revenge thus plaguing the whole transport industry in the country with high driver turnover rate. Methods of reducing fuel consumption were also study together with the biggest reasons why customers complain when receiving services and its projected costs to companies.

Transportation Management Challenges in Ghana: A Study of Three Selected Companies in the Sekondi-Takoradi Metropolis

American Journal of Economics, 2020

Effective transport systems are critical in the socio-economic development of nations. Globally, there is a wide recognition of the need to put in place adequate measures to achieve sustainable transport systems for the greater good of society. To do this, requires an awareness of the myriad of challenges faced by stakeholders in the transport sector. Against this background, the researchers sought to explore the transportation challenges companies in Ghana face using Sekondi-Takoradi Metropolis (STM) as a case. The study adopted the mixed methods approach with descriptive survey as the design. A total of 85 employees of three companies in the Metropolis was involved in the study through census data collection method. The research instruments used were questionnaire and interview guide whilst percentages, means, standard deviation and thematic analytical tools were employed for the study. The study discovered that the greatest transport management challenge in the Metropolis is the ...

Influence of Transport Management Practices on Procurement Performance of Manufacturing Firms in Kenya. A Case Study of Butali Sugar Company Limited

Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 2020

Organizations in manufacturing sector have realized the importance of procurement performance with an essence of establishing and maintaining their competitive advantage. Manufacturing sector in any economy values the relevancy of warehousing since stocks of both raw materials and finished goods is of essence in the production system. Procurement performance is regarded as the efficiency and effectiveness of procurement processes in an organization. Warehousing practice is considered as one of the aspect that can enhance organization’s competitive advantage which at the end yields to effective organization performance. Transportation being one of warehousing Practices plays a role in procurement performance. The specific objective of this study was to examine the influence of transport management practices on procurement performance of Butali Sugar Company Limited, County Government of Kakamega; Kenya. This research problem employed descriptive research design. The target population...

Logistics Management and the Performance of Manufacturing Firms in Selected States of Northern Nigeria

SSRN Electronic Journal, 2019

The study examined the role of logistics in manufacturing firms' performance in some states in Northern Nigeria. A firm-level survey was conducted in a cross-sectional examination of members of the Manufacturers Association of Nigeria (MAN), with a sample of 144 firms. The study was underpinned by the resource-based theory, and data was analyzed using multiple regression analysis through the partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM). It was discovered that both inbound and outbound logistics have positive relationships with performance. However, the relationship between outbound logistics and performance was not significant. The findings implies that managers of manufacturing firms cannot entirely rely on the contributions of logistics to enhance performance. It was therefore recommended that management in the manufacturing sector could find ways of improving those outbound activities they perform; contemplate involving drivers, such as information technology to boost performance; and consider outsourcing those outbound activities.

Logistics Management and Operational Efficiency of Food and Beverage Firms in Port Harcourt

African journal of economics and sustainable development, 2024

This study examined the relationship between logistics management and operational efficiency of Food and Beverage Firms in Port Harcourt. Two objectives, two research questions and two hypotheses were formulated to guide the study. This study is anchored on the positivist research paradigm; this study adopted the correlation survey research. The population of the study comprised 30 food and beverage firms in Port Harcourt. Based on the population of the study, which is 30 food and beverage firms, the study adopted a census approach with a focus on the staff (inventory manager, distribution manager and warehousing manager). To ascertain the respondents, the questionnaire was distributed in batches of three (3) copies per headquarter branch. A total of ninety (90) copies of the questionnaire were distributed. Copies of the questionnaire were administered and distributed to the management staff of food and beverage firms in Port Harcourt. The reliability of the study was tested using the Cronbach Alpha method. The study employed the Spearman Rank-order Correlation Coefficient for testing the various hypotheses formulated for the study. The findings of the study established that transport management showed a positive and significant relationship with operational efficiency of food and beverages firms in Port Harcourt. It also confirmed that inventory management showed a positive and significant relationship with operational efficiency of food and beverages firms in Port Harcourt. It was concluded that logistics management is a precursor to operational efficiency of food and beverages firms in Port Harcourt. The study recommends that foood and beverage firms should incorporate transport management (vehicle scheduling and route planning) in their operations processes and inventory management should be enhanced as it will help to improve productivity within the organization.

The Effect Of Transport Management Practice On Logistics Performance The Case Of Ethiopian Defense Force Logistics Main Department


As part of logistics, transportation has emerged to have huge potential in enhancing production and distribution of goods, personnel, military equipments materials in the organization. Understanding this is very essential and important in defense organization where each and every part of supply chain management is essential for the effectiveness of the entire department in the organization. The department was chosen because it has not been performing well as expected despite in the last three years (2016-2018). The study was guided by the following objectives; to establish the level of implementation of transport management practice on logistics performance, to determine the relation between transport management practices and logistics performance and to identify the challenges in the implementing of transport management practices on logistics performance at LMD. This study was adopted the descriptive and inferential statics on explanatory research design to obtaining the informatio...

Logistics Management from Firms’ Performance Perspective

International Journal of Supply Chain and Logistics

Purpose: The study was carried out to throw light on how effective logistics management has on on-time delivery and sales growth. Efficient and effective logistics management is viewed and regarded as competitive tool used as a means of increasing performance. This study empirically looked at the relationship between logistics management and performance of 122 selected firms across Rivers State, Nigeria. It focused on logistics management (using the dimension of transportation and physical distribution) on on-time delivery and sales growth.Methodology: The research framework was examined by empirical analysis of primary data collected through the use of questionnaire; hence the study adopted the research survey method.Results: The outcome of the analysis revealed that effective transportation and distribution influences on-time delivery and sales growth respectively.Contributions: Therefore, organizations should establish and maintain standard and vanilla logistics management syste...

Influence of Reverse Logistics on Organizational Performance of Textile and Apparel Firms in Nairobi County

Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management

This study found out the influence of reverse logistics towards organizational performance of textile and apparel firms in Nairobi County, Kenya. The study utilized natural resource based view theory. A descriptive research design was used in this research. The target population of this study was 92 textile and apparel industries in Nairobi County. The respondents were one procurement manager and one finance manager making a total of 184 respondents. The sampling frame for the target population in this research was the list of all 92 textile and apparel industries in Nairobi County. This study however conducted a census on all the 92 textile and apparel industries in Nairobi County without adopting a sampling technique. Because the sample size for sampling was insufficient, the census approach was used. The questionnaire items comprised of both closed ended and open-ended questions. This study pilot tested 10% of the target population size, which represent 9 procurement and finance managers in textile and apparel firms in Kiambu County. The research utilized descriptive statistical tools called SPSS version 26 to analyses data. In order to summarize feedback for further analyzing and enhance comparison, tables and figures were used. The study revealed a strong and statistically significant positive relationship between reverse logistics and the organizational performance of textile and apparel firms in Nairobi County. Based on these findings, it was recommended that reverse logistics should be considered a vital factor for all manufacturing firms in the twenty-first century. Additionally, the study proposed that the Kenyan Government, through NEMA, should establish rules and regulations mandating all manufacturing firms to adopt environmentally friendly practices throughout their entire supply chain.