Gauge Theories of Weak Interactions (original) (raw)
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Theory Division, CERN, CH-1211 Geneva 23, Switzerland
In a series of four lectures, I present the theory and phenomenology of heavy-quark symmetry, exclusive w eak decays of B mesons, inclusive decay rates and lifetimes o f b hadrons, and CP violation in B-meson decays. 1. HEAVY-QUARK SYMMETRY This lecture gives an introduction to the ideas of heavy-quark symmetry [8]{[13] and the heavy-quark eective theory [14]{[24], which provide the modern theoretical framework for the description of the properties and decays of hadrons containing a heavy quark. For a more detailed description of this subject, I refer to the review articles in Refs. [25]{ [30].
This textbook deals with advanced topics in the field of quantum mechanics, material which is usually encountered in a second university course on quantum mechanics. The book, which comprises a total of 15 chapters, is divided into three parts: I. Many-Body Systems, II. Relativistic Wave Equations, and III. Relativistic Fields. The text is written in such a way as to attach importance to a rigorous presentation while, at the same time, requiring no prior knowledge, except in the field of basic quantum mechanics. The inclusion of all mathematical steps and full presentation of intermediate calculations ensures ease of understanding. A number of problems are included at the end of each chapter. Sections or parts thereof that can be omitted in a first reading are marked with a star, and subsidiary calculations and remarks not essential for comprehension are given in small print. It is not necessary to have read Part I in order to understand Parts II and III. References to other works in the literature are given whenever it is felt they serve a useful purpose. These are by no means complete and are simply intended to encourage further reading. A list of other textbooks is included at the end of each of the three parts.
Research in particle theory. Annual progress report, December 1, 1990--October 10, 1991
This report was prepared as an account of work sponsored by the United States Government. Neither the United States nor the United State's Del)artment of Energy, nor any of their employees, makes an}' warranty, express or implied, or ass_llnes any legal liability or rest)onsibility for tlm accuracy, completc'ness or usefu!n(_ss of ;_I_3'inforlnation.-'_ppal'atus, product or procc'ss disclosed or l'(q)resents that its list, would no infringe privately owned rights.