Mirror-curve codes for knots and links (original) (raw)
Related papers
Mirror-Curves and Knot Mosaics
Inspired by the paper on quantum knots and knot mosaics [23] and grid diagrams (or arc presentations), used extensively in the computations of Heegaard-Floer knot homology , we construct the more concise representation of knot mosaics and grid diagrams via mirrorcurves. Tame knot theory is equivalent to knot mosaics [23], mirror-curves, and grid diagrams . Hence, we introduce codes for mirror-curves treated as knot or link diagrams placed in rectangular square grids, suitable for software implementation. We provide tables of minimal mirror-curve codes for knots and links obtained from rectangular grids of size 3 × 3 and p × 2 (p ≤ 4), and describe an efficient algorithm for computing the Kauffman bracket and L-polynomials directly from mirror-curve representations.
Journal of Knot Theory and Its Ramifications
We study collections of planar curves that yield diagrams for all knots. In particular, we show that a very special class called potholder curves carries all knots. This has implications for realizing all knots and links as special types of meanders and braids. We also introduce and apply a method to compare the efficiency of various classes of curves that represent all knots.
Quantum Information Processing, 2008
In this paper, we give a precise and workable definition of a quantum knot system, the states of which are called quantum knots. This definition can be viewed as a blueprint for the construction of an actual physical quantum system.
An Algorithm for Generating a Family of Alternating Knots
ISRN Algebra, 2012
An algorithm for generating a family of alternating knots which are described by means of a chain code is presented. The family of alternating knots is represented on the cubic lattice, that is, each alternating knot is composed of constant orthogonal straight-line segments and is described by means of a chain code. This chain code is represented by a numerical string of finite length over a finite alphabet, allowing the usage of formal-language techniques for alternatingknot representation. When an alternating knot is described by a chain, it is possible to obtain its mirroring image in an easy way. Also, we have a compression efficiency for representing alternating knots, because chain codes preserve information and allow a considerable data reduction.
Complementary Regions of Knot and Link Diagrams
Annals of Combinatorics, 2011
An increasing sequence of integers is said to be universal for knots and links if every knot and link has a projection to the sphere such that the number of edges of each complementary face of the projection comes from the given sequence. In this paper, it is proved that the following infinite sequences are all universal for knots and links: (3, 5, 7,. . .), (2, n, n + 1, n + 2,. . .) for all n ≥ 3 and (3, n, n + 1, n + 2,. . .) for all n ≥ 4. Moreover, the following finite sequences are also universal for knots and links: (3, 4, 5) and (2, 4, 5). It is also shown that every knot has a projection with exactly two odd-sided faces, which can be taken to be triangles, and every link of n components has a projection with at most n odd-sided faces if n is even and n + 1 odd-sided faces if n is odd.
Knot the Usual Suspects: Finding the Diagrammatic Representations of Physical Knots
UF Journal of Undergraduate Research
In the last few hundred years, mathematicians have been attempting to describe the topological and algebraic properties of mathematical knots. Regarding the study of knots, there exists a disconnect between examining a knot’s mathematical and physical definitions. This is due to the inherent difference in the topology of an open-ended physical knot and a closed mathematical knot. By closing the ends of a physical knot, this paper presents a method to break this discontinuity by establishing a clear relation between physical and mathematical knots. By joining the ends and applying Reidemeister moves, this paper will calculate the equivalent mathematical prime or composite knots for several commonly used physical knots. In the future, it will be possible to study the physical properties of these knots and their potential to expand the field of mathematical knot theory.
A toolkit for knot diagram sketching, encoding and re-generation
Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Distributed Multimedia Systems, 2016
Knots occur in many areas of science and art. The mathematical field of Knot Theory studies an idealised form of knots by viewing them as closed loops in 3-space. They can be formally studied via knot drawings which are well-behaved projections of the knot onto the 2-D plane. Equivalence of knots in 3-space (ambient isotopy) can be encapsulated via sequences of diagram rewriting rules, called Reidemeister moves, but finding such sequences demonstrating isotopy of two knots can be immensely challenging. Whilst there are some sophisticated tools available for some knot theoretic tasks, there is limited (free) tool support for certain knot creation and interaction tasks, which could be useful for lecturers and students within University courses. We present KnotSketch, a tool with multiple functionalities including the ability to: (i) read off a form of Gauss code for a user sketched diagram; (ii) generate a diagram from such a code; (iii) regenerate a knot diagram via a different projection, thereby producing examples of equivalent knot diagrams that may look very different; (iv) interaction capabilities to quickly alter the knot via crossing changes and smooth the curves of the sketched diagram; (v) export facilities to generate svg images of the constructed knots. We evaluate KnotSketch via a case study demonstrating examples of intended usage within an educational setting. Furthermore, we performing a preliminary user study to evaluate the general usability of the tool.
Journal of Knot Theory and Its Ramifications, 2007
1 Virtual knot theory can be viewed as the theory of abstract Gauss codes. A Gauss code for a classical knot is obtained by walking along the knot diagram and recording the names and "states" of the crossings in the order that the knot is traversed. This abstract information can be used as a substitute for the knot. Arbitrary Gauss codes are not necessarily planar, but can be used to generalize knots. That generalization is virtual knot theory. We recommend as an introduction for the reader who is not already familiar with virtual knot theory.
Knots in Knots: a Study of Classical Knot Diagrams
Journal of Knot Theory and Its Ramifications, 2016
Looking at the structure of minimal prime knot presentations, one can notice that there are often, perhaps always, segments that present either the trefoil or the figure-eight knot. This note explores the question as to whether this is always the case, reporting on conversations with Jablan Slavik that began at a [Formula: see text] conference in Trieste, Italy and which never reached a conclusion. Evidence supporting this conjectured presence is reported and potential consequences are described.
Introductory Lectures on Knot Theory
Series on Knots and Everything, 2011
In this paper, we give a precise and workable definition of a quantum knot system, the states of which are called quantum knots, This definition can be viewed as a blueprint for the construction of an actual physical quantum system. Moreover, this definition of a quantum knot system is Intended to represent the "quantum embodiment" of a closed knotted physical piece of rope. A quantum knot, as a state of this system, represents the state of such a knotted closed piece of rope, i.e., the particular spatial, configuration of the knot tied in the rope. Associated with a quantum knot system is a group of unitary transformations, called the ambient group, which represents all possible ways of moving the rope around (without cutting the rope, and without letting the rope pass through itself.) Of course, unlike a classical closed piece of rope, a quantum knot can exhibit non-classical behavior, such as quantum superposition and quantum entanglement. This raises some Interesting and puzzling questions about the relation between topological and quantum entanglement. The knot type of a quantum knot Is simply the orbit of the quantum knot under the action of the ambient group. We Investigate quantum observables which are Invariants of quantum knot type. We also study the Hamiltonians associated with the generators of the ambient group, and brieiy look at the quantum tunneling of overcrossings into endercrossings. A basic building block In this paper is a mosaic system which is a formal (rewriting) system of symbol strings. We conjecture that this formal system fully captures in an axiomatic way all of the properties of tame knot theory.