Hemijska društva - elektronska mreža Kraljevskog hemijskog društva, www.Chemsoc.Org (original) (raw)

Prva petroarheoloska baza podataka Srbije (The first petroarchaeological database of Serbia)

"In this text we present the uniform petroarchaeological database of Serbia as a proposal for systematization of petroarchaeological analyses and records (Figs. 2, 2a). By our opinion there is a big problem in the lack of the thesaurus of lithic raw materials for the territory of Serbia, as well as defining the origin of raw materials. For that reason the project of the National Museum in Belgrade ‘Interpretation, origin and distribution of lithic raw materials from the Neolithic and Eneolithic sites in the central Balkans’ has been initiated in 2010 (project director Vera Bogosavljević Petrović). The main focus on the project is the systematization of the published data and explanation of the connection between the sources of raw materials with the artefacts from the settlements. Data entry is being carried out according to the categories, which are relevant for explanation of the problem of raw materials and in a way, which provides compatibility with databases already existing worldwide (Pawlikowski 2008, Biró 2011).This method of entering data means drawing the line at present state of investigations. This is not only inevitable but it also points to the direction of future investigations. Establishing of uniform base of petroarchaeological data made possible sorting of the contents according to the sites, type of analysis, kind of material or other parameters, as well as cross searching of the data (Figs. 1,2, 2a). Thus it is possible for example to select all the artifacts of white opal discovered at the Neolithic sites in Serbia that were subjected to the microscopic analysis or objects of magnesite with photos of X-ray diffraction. It is obvious to what extent the comparison of raw materials from the territory of Serbia and beyond is much easier by gathering complete material in one database. Second part of the work concerns the expansion of the database scope. It means taking samples of raw materials from the deposits, their analysis and entering the data in the base. By using this methodology it would finally be possible to compare the artifacts from certain sites and samples from potential raw material sources. This will considerably increase precision of interpretation of the process of raw material transfer, from exploitation and distribution to the reconstruction of the network of trade routes. The collection of minerals and rocks (our first lithotheca) that is currently being established will made possible comparing the finds from certain sites with raw materials from distinct deposits as it is known in practice from the example of lithotheca in Hungary and the other countries (Biró 1987). The database of petroarchaeological analyses for the Neolithic and Eneolithic in Serbia has at this moment slightly less than 6000 entries. The base contains the analyses from the sites Belo Brdo – Vinča (4570 specimens), Belovode (375 specimens), from the published sites from the Collection of the Belgrade City Museum and all sites with published petrological analyses mentioned in the history of investigation (Bogosavljević-Petrović, Marković 2012). Regarding the present situation it is clear that in the list of petroarchaeological analyses the artifacts from the sites predominate (99.9%) in relation to samples from the deposits. So we can draw the conclusion that focus of our investigations should be shifted toward more intensive and better investigation of the deposits and their equal archaeological treatment as it is the case with stone artifacts from the settlements. The essence is to give to selected natural stone the significance of an archaeological object as we number it, define geological context, define archaeological context if any (exploitation) and present it with all characteristic entries from identification to distinct attributes of the raw material. The approach of investigation from the deposit toward the settlement is a strategic step of the project to obtain answers about origin of lithic raw materials for production of tools and weapons in the Neolithic and the Eneolithic period but also in all other periods in the territory of Serbia. The electronic version of the database makes possible regular filling in new results of the analysis from various investigators and analyzers thus becoming unique thesaurus this time of the Neolithic and Eneolithic stone raw materials from settlements and deposits."

Практикум по хемија за Медицински факултет

Хемија -вежби-Факултет за медицински науки -студии по Општа медицина-1 ПРАКТИКУМ по предметот ХЕМИЈА за студентите од ОПШТА МЕДИЦИНА Факултет за медицински науки Универзитет "Гоце Делчев"-Штип предметен наставник: проф. Д-р Рубин Гулабоски подготвиле: Асс. Даринка Ѓоргиева Асс. Катерина Смилков Штип, 2010 година Хемија -вежби-Факултет за медицински науки -студии по Општа медицина-Хемија -вежби-Факултет за медицински науки -студии по Општа медицина-

Prva petroarheoloska baza podataka Srbije (The first petroarchaeological database of Serbia)_2011

Апстракт: Прва јединствена петроархеолошка база података Србије настала је као резултат пројекта Народног музеја у Београду "Тумачење, порекло и дистрибуција камених сировина са неолитских и енеолитских локалитета централног Балкана". Сврха њеног постојања је систематизација до сада публикованих података и стварање тезауруса камених сировина за територију Србије, као и дефинисање њиховог порекла. Категорије у бази осмишљене су у складу са савременим петроархеолошким стандардима у свету. У досадашњем току пуњења њеног садржаја обухваћени су подаци који се везују за неолит и енеолит. Истовремено се одвија и формирање литотеке.


Зарегистрирован в Федеральной службе по надзору в сфере связи, информационных технологий и массовых коммуникаций (Роскомнадзор) (свидетельство о регистрации ПИ № ФС 77-69926 от 29 мая 2017 г.) Томский государственный университет 2024 Учредитель -Федеральное государственное автономное образовательное учреждение высшего образования «Национальный исследовательский Томский государственный университет» РЕДАКЦИОННАЯ КОЛЛЕГИЯ В.Н. Пармон -главный редактор (Институт катализа им. Г.К. Борескова СО РАН, Новосибирск). Г.А. Воронова -заместитель главного редактора (Томский государственный университет, Томск).

Чедомиљ Мијатовић (1842-1932), председник Српске краљевске академије [Chedomille Mijatovich (1842-1932), President of the Serbian Royal Academy]

Živorad Čeković (ed.), Predsednici Društva srpske slovesnosti, Srpskog učenog društva, Srpske kraljevske akademije, Srpske akademije nauka i Srpske akademije nauka i umetnosti/Presidents of the Society of Serbian Letters, Serbian Learned Society, Serbian Royal Academy, Serbian Academy of Science ..., 2023

The article has been written for the three-volume collection that includes biographies of all the presidents of the Serbian Royal Academy/Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts and its predecessors. The collection has been edited by the member of the Serbian Academy Prof. Živorad Čeković. The article covers the life of Chedomille Mijatovich (in Serbian Чедомиљ Мијатовић, in Serbo-Croat Čedomilj Mijatović, 1842-1932) who was the second president of the Serbian Royal Academy in 1888-89. His essential biography, political and diplomatic careers have been summarised. Special attention has been given to his activities in Britain after his self-exiles in 1889, and 1903. The role of Chedomille Mijatovich, and of his wife Elodie Lawton Mijatovich/Mijatovics (1825-1908), as cultural intermediaries between British and Serbian cultures has been given a special attention. His activities in the Serbian Royal Academy and his writings for the publications of the Academy have been discussed in this article. A bibliography of his monographs is included at the end of the article.