Barriers for the Practice of Physical Activity Out of School, Physical Self-Concept, Goalorientations and Academic Performance in Physical Education (original) (raw)

Academic Achievement in Physical Education: Academic versus Physical Activity aspects


Physical Education, that is a subject where physical activity and sports dominate, has become to be considered as non-academic subject. It might easily be inferred from this that high academic grades can be achieved just by practicing sports while other factors, such as the student’s interest and effort, would be irrelevant. Therefore, the present study examined the relationship between the academic achievement in physical education, persistence-effort, extracurricular sports and the academic and physical self-concept of students enrolled in the last courses of primary education. A sample of 224 students (aged 10-13; M = 10.98, SD = 0.71) participated in the study. Multiple regression analysis showed hat academic achievement in physical education was better explained by academic self-concept, followed by extracurricular sport and physical self-concept, F(3, 216) = 12.341, p < .000, R2 = .15. Differences were found in these results according to gender, V = .064, F(4, 213) = 3.643,...

[Achievement and social goals, persistence-effort, and intentions of sport practice in physical education students]

Psicothema, 2008

The present study examined the relationship between achievement and social goals, and explored how both types of goals can affect secondary school students' persistence/effort in Physical Education classes, as well as their intention to participate in sport activities after finishing secondary school. A sample of 350 students (aged 15-17) from two high schools in Asturias participated in the study. Multiple regression analysis showed: a) persistence/effort in physical education classes was better explained by social responsibility goals, followed by mastery-approach goals and mastery-avoidance goals; b) achievement goals are the only predictors of young people's intention of practicing sport in the future. Differences were found in these results according to gender and course. These findings help us better understand the processes involved in Physical Education. Finally, implications to improve classes and to achieve young people's more active and higher level of implica...

Extracurricular sports practice and its relationship to self-concept and academic performance


La falta de actividad física en la sociedad es uno de los factores de riesgo más importantes para sufrir enfermedades y una de las causas de muerte más representativas. La sociedad propone alternativas, pero cada vez más sedentarias y es por ello que la práctica deportiva debe potenciarse para ayudar a tener una buena calidad de vida, mejorando a nivel físico, pero también a nivel de autoconcepto, rendimiento académico y a nivel social, por lo que es una buena herramienta para propiciar el desarrollo integral de las personas. En este estudio se ha analizado el autoconcepto, el rendimiento académico y la práctica deportiva extraescolar de los alumnos, con la intención de comprobar si el hecho de realizar práctica extraescolar o no, supone cambios en los niveles de autoconcepto y rendimiento académico, así como comprobar si existe significación en la relación entre el autoconcepto de los alumnos y su rendimiento académico. Los resultados muestran que los alumnos que practican deporte ...

Relationship between Achievement Goals in Physical Education and the Teenagers' Self-concept

In this study the relationship between achievement goals and the adolescents' self-concept was examined. Variables such as gender, sports practice and the marks obtained in Physical Education were also considered. The participants were students from a private school (N = 124), 73 men and 51 women, with an average age of 14.2. Bi-variate correlation analysis showed that a "task orientation" is positively connected with the academic, family and physical dimensions. Higher extracurricular sport involvement improves the rating in physical education, and also influences positively the emotional self-concept and the physical self-concept. The physical dimension interacts significantly with all other dimensions, revealing itself as an important part of adolescent self-concept.

Social goals in physical education classes

Investigaciones recientes señalan que las metas sociales deben ser tenidas en cuenta en el estudio de la motivación (e.g. Anderman y . El objetivo de este trabajo fue validar al contexto español la única escala disponible para la evaluación de las metas sociales en clases de educación física: la Social Goal Scale-Physical Education , a través de dos estudios con muestras de 406 y 813 alumnos de educación física respectivamente. Se analizaron las propiedades psicométricas de la escala realizando análisis de la consistencia interna mediante el alfa de Cronbach, análisis factoriales confirmatorios y test de invarianza por género. Finalmente se buscaron evidencias externas de validez utilizando la variable "competencia percibida". El análisis de los datos mostró que la escala era válida y fiable para su utilización con adolescentes españoles en clases de educación física. Además, los resultados revelaron que la meta social de responsabilidad predecía positiva y significativamente la competencia percibida.

[Influence of autonomy support, social goals and relatedness on amotivation in physical education classes]

Psicothema, 2008

The purpose of this study was to analyze some factors that influence amotivation in physical education classes. A sample of 399 students, of ages 14 to 16 years, was used. They completed the Perceived Autonomy Support Scale in Exercise Settings (PASSES), the Social Goal Scale-Physical Education (SGS-PE), the <relatedness> factor of the Basic Psychological Needs in Exercise Scale (BPNES) adapted to physical education and the <amotivation> factor of the Perceived Locus of Causality Scale (PLOC). The psychometric properties of the PASSES were analyzed, as this scale had not been validated to the Spanish context. In this analysis, the scale showed appropriate validity and reliability. The results of the structural equation model indicated that social responsibility and social relationship goals positively predicted perception of relatedness, whereas the context of autonomy support did not significantly predict it. In turn, perception of relatedness negatively predicted amoti...

Engagement of students of physical education specialties with physical activity

European Journal of Investigation in Health, Psychology and Education, 2019

The purpose of this study is the engagement of students with the practice of physical activity (AFD). Three dimensions are observed: emotional (identification), behavioural (participation) and cognitive (investment in the task). Attention is given to groups related to physical education and they are compared with similar age and degrees groups. It is considered that his engagement with the AFD will affect his classes and the involvement of their students. The general objective is to describe the engagement with the AFD, and observe differences regarding gender, age and groups. Ex post facto type quantitative methodology is used by passing the questionnaire of engagement with physical activity (IMAF) of 22 items. The total sample is 321 students, 87 women (27.1%) and 234 men (72.9%), between 19 and 45 years old, with an average age of 23.15 years (SD= 3.07). The results show that the students are very engaged with the AFD, especially in the affective dimension. Regarding gender, the ...

From the beliefs of the school community about physical activity to the institutional policies of the educational center


The originality of this article is based on the contribution to understand the educative community beliefs concerning physical activity, sustained in academic and positivist curriculum approaches, which guides the school policies about physical activity and define the daily actions in this school area. This ethnographic qualitative research (case of study) was performed in an urban public school in Costa Rica. The results show the interpretation of the beliefs related to physical activity in school and in physical education class, and how these beliefs affect the children´s active styles of life.