Sustainability and Green Construction (original) (raw)
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A Strategy towards Sustainable Industrial Building Systems ( IBS ) : The Case of Malaysia
Consistent with population growth, the demand for various products and services have increased. The necessity of meeting human needs while paying attention to the needs of future generations compels us to introduce and expand the concept of sustainable development in all areas. This concept is based on economic, environmental and social considerations. In recent decades, sustainable construction, as a new approach, is going to meet the basic needs of humanity toward sustainability in the construction industry. Thus, to conduct sustainable construction, the need for more sustainable methods in building systems is necessary. This study has been carried out to clarify ways of improving the implementation of IBS in terms of external macro-environment factors. The external environmental variables that affect the performance of a system consist of: Political, Economic, Social and Technological factors (PEST). Through the evaluation of a system with PEST analysis, its performance can be ex...
Malaysian Construction Industry has been urged to use innovative construction technique and to shift from traditional practice of brick and mortar to Industrialized Building System (IBS) construction. IBS is defined as a construction technique in which components are manufactured in a controlled environment (on or off site), transported, positioned and assembled into a structure with minimal additional site works. On the other hand, the issues of sustainability and green construction have been duly highlighted in the Construction Industry Master Plan (2005 -2015) as being of significant importance for the Malaysian construction industry. The Malaysian government is also committed to addressing sustainability issues and meeting its target and obligations in this regard. This paper highlights several aspects of IBS that has the potential of contributing to green construction and sustainability. IBS promotes sustainability from controlled production environment, minimization of waste generation, extensive usage of energy efficient building material, effective logistics and long term economic stability which can contribute to better investment in environment technologies. The Construction Research Institute of Malaysia (CREAM), University of Salford and other research institutes in Malaysia will conduct a collaboration Research and Development (R&D) initiative on green construction and sustainability trough IBS implementation. From this paper, the authors hope to receive feedbacks, comments and recommendations to improve research aims, objectives, expected deliverables and research methodology.
Drivers and challenges of IBS in sustainable construction
Industrialised Building System (IBS) is defined as construction technique in which components are manufactured in a controlled environment (on or off site), transported, positioned and assembled into a structure with minimal additional site works. On the other hand, the issues of sustainability and green construction have been duly highlighted in the Construction Industry Master Plan (CIMP) (2005-2015) as being of significant importance for the Malaysian construction industry. This paper highlights on the relationship of IBS components from sustainable construction perspective. The study relates the potential contribution of IBS to the implementation of sustainable
Saya : TRIA YULIANI BT RESAT . (HURUF BESAR) mengaku membenarkan tesis (PSM/Sarjana/Doktor Falsafah)* ini disimpan di Perpustakaan Universiti Teknologi Malaysia dengan syarat-syarat kegunaan seperti berikut : iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere gratitude to all those who have contributed in completing this project. First of all, I would like to deeply praise the Almighty ALLAH SWT for the blessing and blissfulness for allowing me passing all of this moment and accomplished this report in time and presentably. In particular, I wish to express my sincere appreciation to my supervisor, Puan Zainab Arman Ali, for encouragement, guidance, critics and recommendations on completing my final year project. I am also very thankful to my lecturer, PM. Dr. Ahmad Baharudin for his help, advices and recommendations. Without their continued support and interest, this thesis would not have been the same as presented here. A bountiful cooperation and commitment from my dearest Ahmad Zaid Nawawi of Empayer Megah Engineering, has been my inspiration to the completion of the project. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to him and without his help, this project would not be completed. Finally, this appreciation also goes to my beloved and faithful FRIENDS whom had always been there whenever, wherever to support me. Their views and tips are useful indeed. Thank you Acu, Ecah, Sa, Phat, Wagy and not to forget Kamel for the wonderful 'gendang' times we had. I am also grateful to all my family members; ayah, ibu, abang, kakEza and Budi for the love and faith they have in me to complete my 5-year course in Civil Engineering. iv ABSTRACT Industrialised Building System (IBS) is a system where buildings are reduced to a number of common parts, where most of it can be prefabricated in long term production runs, frequently away from the construction site. Lately, Malaysia government strongly support the usage of IBS in construction industry due to its quality assurance, shorter construction period, cleaner site condition, safer working environment and reduction in labour dependency. In this study, the advantage of IBS is focused on the reduction and management control of wastes, or basically minimizing wastes at the construction site which lead to sustainability in construction. Efforts to make IBS a success are not sufficient without the participation and support from the private sector. Questionnaire surveys were undertaken throughout the industry role players such as developer, consultant, contractor and government bodies. The analysis result showed that the involvement of the respondents in IBS was low, but the awareness level was considerably high. The use of steel in the conventional construction create the most waste and by using IBS the saving in material amount to approximately 60%. On the other hand, the use of timber does not show any significant material savings in either the conventional or IBS construction. v ABSTRAK Sistem Binaan Berindustri (IBS -Industrialised Building System) merupakan sistem dimana struktur bangunan diringkaskan kepada beberapa bahagian ringkas dan mudah yang mana ia boleh direkabentuk dan diproses bagi pembuatan produk untuk jangkamasa yang panjang dan berterusan, jauh daripada tapak binaan. Kebelakangan ini, kerajaan Malaysia begitu menyokong penggunaan IBS dalam industri binaan terutamanya dari segi kawalan kualiti, jangkamasa binaan yang singkat, keadaan tapak yang bersih, persekitaran kerja yang selamat dan juga pengurangan dalam keperluan buruh. Dalam kajian ini, kebaikan pengunaan IBS dalam industri binaan difokuskan kepada pengurangan dan pengawalan sisa bahan binaan, pada amnya meminimumkan pembaziran di tapak bina yang akan menjurus kepada konsep pembinaan yang mapan. Usaha bagi menjayakan pengunaan IBS tidak akan terlaksana tanpa penglibatan dan sokongan daripada sektor swasta. Kajian secara soal selidik telah dilakukan dikalangan pihak yang terlibat dalam industri binaan seperti pemaju, perunding, kontraktor dan juga badan-badan kerajaan. Hasil analisis menujukkan bahawa penglibatan responden dalam penggunaan IBS adalah agak rendah dan kurang diutamakan. Walaubagaimanapun, tahap kesedaran tentang kebaikan dan keberkesanan IBS dalam industri binaan amat memberansangkan. Penggunaan besi dalam sistem binaan konvensional menghasilkan peratus sisa yang paling tinggi tetapi dengan adanya penggunaan IBS, pembaziran bahan binaan tersebut boleh dikurangkan sehingga lebih kurang 60%. Sebaliknya, penggunaan bahan berasakan kayu tidak menunjukkan penjimatan yang ketara dalam kedua-dua sistem konvensional dan IBS.
Sustainability Criteria for Industrialised Building Systems (IBS) in Malaysia
Procedia Engineering, 2011
As the sustainability awareness rises globally, the construction industry is under increasing pressure to improve efficiency and project delivery. The implementation of Industrialised Building Systems (IBS), for which utility components are built offsite, has the potential of promoting sustainability deliverables. This can be achieved by better control of production environment, minimising construction waste, using efficient building material energy, and stabilising work conditions. As a unique building technology, IBS has not been effectively implemented in Malaysia. Possible reasons may include limited understanding among stakeholders on the IBS potential and its relevance to sustainability. This warrants studies on the sustainability issues of IBS design, construction, operation and maintenance, A framework is being developed through research to assess performance criteria related to sustainability, which should be considered during IBS design and application in the most consistent and systematic way. This paper discusses how these sustainability performance criteria are examined in a continuing research project and the processes conducive to implementing sustainable IBS in Malaysia. Existing tools, indicators and guidelines are reviewed, analysed and grouped according to characteristics and application. The research also hopes to produce guidelines for stakeholders to incorporate sustainability issues and concepts into IBS applications.
Sustainable construction and green building: the case of Malaysia
Sustainability Today, 2011
The adoption of sustainable construction and green buildings has become an important issue in Malaysia in recent years and has been duly highlighted under the Malaysian Construction Industry Master Plan (2005)(2006)(2007)(2008)(2009)(2010)(2011)(2012)(2013)(2014)(2015). This paper highlights current initiatives taken by the government and private sectors in Malaysia to encourage the adoption of sustainable development and green buildings. Leads by the Construction Industry Development Board Malaysia (CIDB), the government of Malaysia has establishment a technical committee and eco-label task force to create guideline for good practices in sustainable construction and green buildings and to develop eco-label accreditation scheme for construction materials. The challenges of the adoption are lack of skill and capacity, overlapping of roles among the government agencies, slow industry follows through on government programs, lack of research and innovation, and cost versus benefits in term of implementation of green technology. Finally, the way forward to accelerate the adoption are to establish green public procurement, to encourage Research and Development (R&D) in related field, to educate and change public perception and mindset, to adopt life cycle costing and Industrialised Building System (IBS) method of construction and to provide legislative and financial framework for sustainable development and green building.
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2014
Incorporating sustainability in the construction process is essential to protect ecosystems, improves air quality, reduces solid waste, conserves natural resources and improves water quality. This paper discusses the study on enhancing the quality of life by adopting Sustainable Modular Industrialised Building System (IBS) which focuses on the Malaysian construction industry players and stakeholders, building owners and end users need. The sustainability principles in IBS have always maintained the balance between environment and construction, improve human self-respect and encourage economic development to strive for a better quality of life.
Sustainable Construction Within the Built Environment: Malaysian Construction Industry Initiatives
The construction industry and its related activities are responsible for a substantial amount of global resource use and waste emissions. As buildings and other structures are planned to last for 50 to100 years, future changes in climate change derived from these constructions should be given a high priority. Through anticipating future climatic developments, engineers can minimize their negative effects and benefit from their positive impacts. The combination of efforts from sustainable and built environment and all actions derived from construction will protect the earth from manmade disaster. Construction sector could not be marginalized from the issues on environment. Creating a sustainable construction in Malaysia requires a strategic approach that will benefit the country’s current and future consideration looking issues related to economic, social, environment and quality of life. Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB) Malaysia is obliged to take this issue on board t...
The Way Forward for Industrialised Building System (IBS) in Malaysia
InCIEC 2014, 2015
Industrialised Building System (IBS) is a construction process that uses standardised building components mass produced in a factory or on site, then transported and assembled into a structure using appropriate machinery and equipment with minimal workers on site with proper planning and integration. IBS is the term used to represent the prefabrication concept in Malaysian construction industry. IBS contributes to sustainability, improves site safety, quality and productivity in the built environment. Since the move towards industrialisation in the construction industry is a global phenomenon, the definitions, classifications, characteristics and concepts of IBS needs to evolve and in line with the global understanding. The main objective of this paper is to study the way forward for IBS (adopting sustainability, degree of industrialisation and modular construction) and revisit the current definitions, classifications, characteristics and concepts in IBS based on comprehensive reviews of previous researches with an explanatory method. Better understanding on the fundamentals and future improvement of IBS will encourage construction industry players to adopt IBS and increase the awareness on IBS.
2022 International Conference on Innovation and Intelligence for Informatics, Computing, and Technologies (3ICT), 2023
ndustrialized Building System (IBS) is a construction systemin which components are factory-made in a measured atmosphere (on or off-site), placed, conveyed, and collectedon site with minimal additionalsite activities, according to the Construction Industry Development Board Malaysia (CIDB). The application of IBS in construction projects could significantly improve site performance in terms of protection, quality, chargeefficiency, production, sustainability and waste reduction. In the construction industry, sustainability has become increasingly essential. Meanwhile, due to the extremely difficult constraints that stakeholders encounter in adopting new technology and a scarcity of experienced labour, the degree of IBS implementation in Malaysia remains low. According to several studies, typical IBS is gradually being pushed to the background. However, no systematic study applying bibliometric examination of IBS studies to more investigate relevant studyin this field was uncovered. This studyoffers an outlineof the IBS currentstudies gathered from “Web of Science” database. To visualise the material included in the study scope, VOSviewer was combined with bibliometric analytic techniques. As a conclusion, six clusters were discovered that focused on these primary theme segments: IBS approach, prefabrication, construction, innovation, sustainability, and management. Basedon the current gap, this paper makes recommendations for future IBS research. Assisting the IBS research community with research and development.