Generating Power Leveling of Renewable Energy for Small Power System in Isolated Island (original) (raw)

2005, IEEJ Transactions on Power and Energy

Wind turbine generators and PV system generate fluctuating power condition. Therefore, the fluctuating power causes frequency and voltage fluctuations. To solve this problem, we propose a new power supply system with using renewable energy in isolated island. The feature of this system is to use an aqua electrolyzer and fuel cell. The operation of suggested system absorbs fluctuating power of renewable energy. Furthermore, the proposed system is able to generate reactive power and active power with using three-phase inverter. The effectiveness of the proposed power supply system is shown through simulation results in this paper.

The Characteristics of Tidal Current and Tidal Power Generation Energy Around Goto Islands

Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. B3 (Ocean Engineering), 2015

2 正会員 東亜建設工業(株)技術研究開発センター(〒230-0035 横浜市鶴見区安善町 1-3) 3 九州大学助教 大学院総合理工学研究院(〒816-8580 福岡県春日市春日公園 6-1) 4 正会員 九州大学教授 大学院総合理工学研究院(〒816-8580 福岡県春日市春日公園 6-1) 5 川崎重工業(株)技術開発本部技術研究所(〒673-8666 兵庫県明石市川崎町 1-1) 6 古河電気工業(株)電力事業部門電力エンジニアリング部兼洋上風力プロジェクトチーム (〒220-0073 横浜市西区岡野 2-4-3) 7 東亜建設工業(株)九州支店(〒812-0011 福岡市博多区博多駅前 1-6-16 西鉄博多駅前ビル 11F) 8 正会員 東亜建設工業(株)土木事業本部設計部 (〒163-1031 東京都新宿区西新宿 3-7-1 新宿パークタワー31F) 潮流発電は,不確定な天候の影響を受けず発電量が予測可能で,エネルギー密度が高い高効率な再生可 能エネルギーである.また,騒音などの環境問題も少なく,その発展が期待されている.昨年,五島周辺 海域は,総合海洋政策本部によって潮流発電の実証実験フィールドに選定された.この海域において,環 境省の委託業務で国内初の定格出力1MW 級の潮流発電実証事業の計画が進められている. 本論文では,現地調査や数値シミュレーションによって得られた実証フィールド内の地形や潮流特性, 潮流の流速分布や潮流エネルギーの賦存量を検討した.その結果,五島海域では,実証事業で計画されて いる1MW の発電装置で,1基当たり奈留瀬戸では年間 300 万 kWh,田ノ浦瀬戸では年間 240 万 kWh を 発電できる可能性が示された.

Tidal Current Power Generation By Making Use of a Bridge Pier

Engineering sciences reports, Kyushu University, 2006

There are several kinds of energy resources in the ocean but the utilization of the ocean energy is far behind the other natural energies such as solar and wind. A feasibility study on the tidal current power generation by making use of a bridge pier in the narrow strait is introduced in this report. There are several advantages to making use of a bridge pier for the tidal power generation. Current velocity increases near the pier, therefore the tidal power generation becomes more efficient because the power is proportional to the cubic of the current velocity. Furthermore, the pier is convenient for the maintenance of the hydraulic turbine and the power unit. The project is now underway at the Ikitsuki Bridge in Tatsuno-Seto Strait of Nagasaki Prefecture, where the tidal current was measured by the bottom mount ADCP for one month. The numerical simulations of the tidal current were conducted by the MEC Ocean Model, and the results were compared with the measurements. A long term estimation of the tidal current power is presented and the variation of the power by the lunar period is discussed. Lastly, the in-situ measurement results of the waves are presented.

An Evaluation Method for PV Systems by using Limited Data Item

IEEJ Transactions on Power and Energy, 2005

Beside photovoltaic (PV) systems are recently expected to introduce around Japan, almost all of them have not been taken care after established since PV systems are called maintenance free. In fact, there are few troubles about PV operations behind owners of PV systems because characteristics of them cannot be identified completely such as the ideal output energy. Therefore, it is very important to evaluate the characteristics of them. For evaluating them, equipments of measuring are required, and they, especially Pyrheliometer, are expensive as much as owners of the PV system cannot equip usually. Consequently, An evaluation method which can reveal the performance of operation such as the performance ratio with a very few kinds of data is necessary. In this paper, proposed method can evaluate performance ratio, shading losses, inverter efficiency losses by using only system output data items. The adequacies of the method are indicated by comparing with actual data and field survey results. As a result, the method is intended to be checking tool of PV system performance.

A Design and Implementation of Monitoring System Visualizing Electricity Power for Electric Conservation in Households

IEICE technical report. Internet Architecture, 2012

According to 2011 Thoku earthquake and tsunami, electricity conservation by households has been necessary because of their growth of consumption in Japan. To promote their conservation behavior, visualizing the amount of electric consumption at real-time using the Internet is one of solutions. In this paper, we implemented a monitoring system visualizing real-time electricity power use for households. This system has two functions. One of them is to acquire real-time electricity power usage and store them into a database. The other is to display real-time electricity power usage by a graph into personal web pages for each household. To clarify its reliability, we analized it by the stored data and impression of use by participants, 4 households. As a result, reliability of this system could be found. 1. は じ め に


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