Pengaruh Defatting, Frekuensi Pencucian Dan Jenis Dryoprotectant Terhadap Mutu Tepung Surimi Ikan Lele Kering Beku (original) (raw)
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Freeze dried surimi powder is a surimi type processed by freeze drying. To utilize oversized catfish and to reduce surimi handling cost, oversized catfish has been used as raw material of surimi powder. The study aimed to determine the effect of defatting (NaHCO3 concentration and soaking duration), washingcycle,and dryoprotectant type on catfish surimi, as well as quality differences between surimi powder and wet surimi. With regard to defatting step, soaking in NaHCO3 0.75% for 10 minutes was found as the best treatment and resulting in a fat content of 1.52%. Moreover, one time of washing cycle was found as the most appropriate procedure to obtain a superior quality of surimi with whiteness value 57.21%, water holding capacity 73.28%, salts soluble protein 7.17%, pH 6.69, and gel strength 482.3 g/cm 2 , folding value of 4.84, and teeth cutting value of 8.26. Trehalose 6% was the most suitable dryoprotectant resulting in surimi powder with water holding capacity of 8.01 mL/g, gel strength 826.3 g/cm 2 , salt soluble protein 18.98%, density 4.06 mL/10 g, rehydration capacity 3.81, emulsion capacity 69.3%, emulsion stability 59.3%, foaming capacity 25.33% and foaming stability 9.40%. The microstructure profile of surimi powder added with trehalose had more compact tissues, without any damage and clots, than that treated with other dryoprotectants. However, surimi powder still had lower protein content than wet surimi, and lower physical and chemical properties, particularly in its teeth cutting and folding characteristics.
Jurnal Airaha
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh formulasi penambahan tepung porang yang terbaik dan nilai mutu yang baik dalam meningkatkan kualitas gel surimi .Perlakuan penelitian dengan penambahan tepung porang 1%, 2%, 5%, 10% dan 15 %. Penelititan ini dilakuan secara eksperimental dengan lima perlakuan, tiga ulangan dan dianalisis dengan statistik ANOVA. Parameter yang diamati adalah kekuatan gel, pH, kadar air, uji gigit dan uji lipat. Hasil uji kualitas gel surimi untuk ikan tuna : nilai kekuatan gel berkisar 1625.15±1.67 - 2818.99±3.63, pH 5.9-6.4, kadar air 67.1%-74.5%, uji gigit 2.9-7.3 cm, uji lipat 2.4-4.5. Untuk ikan kakap : nilai kekuatan gel berkisar 791.35±2.43 - 1622.39±1.16, pH 5.9-6.4, kadar air 69.8- 76.5, uji gigit 7.2-8.7, uji lipat 3.4-4.6. Kesimpulan penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penambahan tepung porang 1%, 2%, 5%, 10% dan 15 % dapat meningkatkan kekuatan gel hingga >500 Namun, penambahan diatas 1% memberikan warna gelap pada surimi sehingga, pe...
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Pengaruh Subtitusi Tepung Ikan Teri Terhadap Mutu Hedonik Kamplang
Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di laboratorium Pengolahan Hasil Perikanan Program Studi Teknologi Hasil Perikanan Fakultas Pertanian dan Perikanan Universitas Muhammadiyah Maluku Utara dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh subtitusi tepung ikan teri terhadap mutu hedonik serta penentuan produk terbaik setelah perlakuan subtitusi tepung ikan teri pada produk kamplang. untuk mengetahui pengaruh subtitusi tepung ikan teri terhadap mutu hedonik serta produk terbaik setelah perlakuan subtitusi tepung ikan teri pada produk kamplang. Penggunaan Rancangan Acak Lengkap dan metode MPE diharapkan dapat memberikan hasil yang terbaik dalam penentuan mutu hedonic produk kamplang serta penentuan produk terbaik. Hasil penelitian di dapat bahwa subtitusi tepung ikan teri berpengaruh nyata terhadap mutu hedonik kamplang pada parameter rasa, tekstur dan warna, dengan nilai F hitung dan nilai signifikasi ketiga parameter tersebut adalah Fhit 97.371; sig. 0.000, Fhit 54.328; sig. 0.000, dan Fhit 9.595; s...
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Pengaruh Media Kering Yang Berbeda Terhadap Kelulushidupan Calon Induk Ikan Lele Dumbo (Clarias Sp.)
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Background : Indonesia society were lack of calcium daily intake, i.e. an average of 254 mg/day. Milk and supplements were calcium sources which have been widely known but could not reached by society. In addition, Indonesia society were lack of fiber daily intake, i.e. an average of 10.5 g/day. Calcium and fiber levels enrichment could be done by utilizing local foods such as catfish bone, which catfish were found in the markets, it’s price was affordable, and levels of calcium catfish bone crackers were more than shrimp and meat fish crackers’s, and Eucheuma cottonii seaweed, was one with a high fiber sources, and did not contain fitat acids which could inhibit the absorption of calcium, on crackers, as a product that easily accepted, easy to reached by many quarters of the economy, and covered all ages. Objective: analyzed effect the addition of catfish bone flour and seaweed porridge variations against the levels of calcium, crude fiber, and preference include color, odor, flavor, and texture of crackers. Method : it was one factor completely randomized experimental study which used 6 addition level of catfish bone flour and seaweed porridge which were 25%:0%, 20%:5%, 15%:10%, 10%:15%, 5%:20%, 0%:25%, dan 0%:0%. Statistic analysis of calcium and crude fiber levels used One Way ANOVA CI 95% then Tukey and LSD as posthoc test. Statistic analysis of preference used Friedman CI 95 % then Wilcoxon sign rank test as posthoc test. Results : Catfish bone flour and seaweed porridge variation on crackers effected on increasing calcium and crude fiber levels and preference, include color, odor, flavor and texture. The highest calcium levels found on crackers with the addition of catfish bone flour 25%, and the highest crude fibers levels found on crackers with the addition of seaweed porridge 25%. Conclusion : Addition of catfish bone flour could increase calcium levels. Addition of seaweed porridge could increase crude fiber levels and preference include color, odor, flavor and texture. Kata kunci : less of calcium and fiber intake; levels of clcium and crude fiber; crackers; Catfish bone flour and seaweed porridge
The aim of this study was to determine the effect of different cryoprotecteur of sensory and quality of surimi from Clarias gariepinus fish. This study used Clarias gariepinus fish and cryoprtectant (sorbitol, sucrose and agar). Sensory test data were statistically analyzed using an analysis of variance (ANOVA) to determine the significant effect of cryoprotectant on the sensory continued the different significance test (LSD), quality data were analyzed descriptively. The results of sensory test color of sorbitol, agar and sucrose ie. 9.67, 9.33 and 7.75, respectively. The Aroma of sorbitol, agar and sucrose ie. 3.50 (fihsy), 3.42 (bit fishy) and 3.33 (bit fishy), respectively. Texture on sorbitol, sucrose and agar ie. 7.50 (strong), 8.08 (strong) and 4.08 (weak), respectively. The results showed that the water content of surimi with the addition of sorbitol, agar and sucrose are 80.77%, 80.55% and 76.92%, respectively. The protein content in surimi with the addition of sorbitol, ag...
Karakteristik Mutu Fisik Tekwan Kering Dengan Rasio Ikan Berbeda
Jurnal Teknologi dan Industri Pangan, 2019
Dried tekwan is a traditional restructured-fish product of South Sumatera processed b y convectional drying. The study aimed to determine the effect of fish and tapioka ratio and tekwan's length on the physical quality of the dried tekwan. The physical quality of dried tekwan made with different ratio of fish and tapioca ratio (1:1, 1.5:1 and 2:1 (w:w)) and length 1, 2, and 3 cm were investigated. The physical quality evaluated were the degree of whiteness, rehydration ratio, water holding capacity (WHC) and microstucture. The drying profile and proximate composition were also evaluated. There was no difference in the rate of drying of different fish:tapioca ratio as well a different tekwan length when free water evaporation was progressing. However, difference in drying rate was ob served when the water content reached the equilibrium. Ratio 2:1 of fish and tapioca and 2 cm length of tekwan was found the to b e b est treatment and resulting in dried tekwan with moisture content 10.22%, ash 1.9%, protein 27.9%, fat 1.38%, carb ohydrate 58.6%, whiteness 45.96% and expressib le moisture content 2.06%. Microstructure of dried tekwan with 2:1 ratio showed more compact structure and slight damage than 1.5:1 ratio. However, dried tekwan with 2:1 ratio still had lower rehydration properties than other treatment.