First shark record from the Upper Cretaceous of the Kuril Islands, Far East Russia (original) (raw)



This article briefly describes fossil selachian assemblages from the Albian-Cenomanian ages from three localities in Kursk Oblast. The collected material is mainly represented by isolated shark teeth. A total of 14 unambiguous taxa have been identified including cf. Polyacrodus sp., Notidanodon sp., Heterodontus sp., Cederstroemia sp., cf. Pseudomegachasma sp., Archaeolamna kopingensis, Dwardius sp., Cretoxyrhina cf. C. vraconensis, Paraisurus macrorhiza, Squalicorax sp., Protolamna sp., Eostriatolamia sp., Synechodus sp., and Paraorthacodus sp. These taxa are all new to the Cretaceous selanchian fossil record of Kursk Oblast. These fossil materials allow for improvements in our knowledge in the paleoecology and species-richness of East-European, Albian-Cenomanian selachian assemblages. Further study of selachian material from Cretaceous deposits in Kursk Oblast may further clarify information on the geographical distribution, paleobiogeography, paleoecology and taxonomic diversity of this group of vertebrates, both in the Early Cretaceous and Late Cretaceous in Central Russia, and in Europe as a whole.

A new clade of putative plankton-feeding sharks from the Upper Cretaceous of Russia and the United States

Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 2015

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Late Eocene scyliorhinid sharks from the Trans-Urals, Russia

Acta Palaeontologica Polonica, 2006

Priabonian deposits from two localities, Kurgan and Derney, in the Trans−Urals (Western Siberia) have yielded numerous selachian teeth. The carcharhiniform family Scyliorhinidae is represented by three species, including two new: Pre− montreia uralica sp. nov., Foumtizia zhelezkoi sp. nov., and F. pattersoni (Cappetta, 1976). Both genera are recorded from the West−Siberian Basin for the first time. Presumably all three species (including the one morphologically mimick− ing F. pattersoni, a species recorded from Ypresian of England) are endemic for the Trans−Urals region (contrary to the cosmopolitan lamniforms recorded previously from the area. The known distribution pattern of extant scyliorhinids sup− ports the probability of endemism of the cat sharks from the West−Siberian Basin, which has also been isolated geographically from the Peri−Tethys during the Late Eocene marine regression. The peculiar local environmental condi− tions due to the Priabonian climatic cooling in the Boreal realm might have also facilitated the speciation.

Gill rakers of basking sharks (Lamniformes: Cetorhinidae) from the Tertiary of Sakhalin Island, Russia

Zoosystematica Rossica, 2014

Isolated gill rakers of basking sharks (Lamniformes: Cetorhinidae) were collected from the upper Oligocene Holmsk Formation and Middle-Upper Miocene Kurasi Formation of the Sakhalin Island. This is the second finding of fossil basking shark remains in Russia. Fossil gill rakers are similar to those in recent representatives of the genus Cetorhinus, but differ from the latter by wider and shorter medial processes and higher bases. These features are more typical for basking sharks in the fossil genus Keasius. Additional material is needed for the exact taxonomic identification of the Tertiary basking sharks from Sakhalin.

First xenacanthid shark from the Pennsylvanian (Moscovian) of the Northern Caucasus (Russia)

Fossil Record – Mitteilungen aus dem Museum für Naturkunde, 2007

The occurrence of <i>Triodus teberdaensis</i> n. sp. teeth from the Pennsylvanian Tolstiy Bugor Formation (Moscovian) of Karachay-Cherkess Republic is the first evidence of xenacanthid remains from the Caucasus. The new species was found in carbonate sediments interpreted as resulting from short-term transgressions during the Pennsylvanian regressive phase – further evidence that xenacanthids, predominantly adapted to freshwater, have also lived in marine environments. <br><br> Das Auftreten von Zähnen des <i>Triodus teberdaensis</i> n. sp. in der oberkarbonischen Tolstiy Bugor Formation (Moscovium) von Karatschai-Tscherkessien ist der erste Nachweis xenacanthider Überreste aus dem Kaukasus. Die neue Art wurde in karbonatischen Sedimenten, die als Transgressions-Intervalle innerhalb der globalen Oberkarbon-Regression interpretiert werden, abgelagert – ein Beleg dafür, dass die überwiegend aus Süßwasserablagerungen bekannten Xenacanthiden auch im m...

A new euselachian shark from the early Permian of the Middle Urals, Russia

The isolated teeth of a new euselachian shark Artiodus prominens Ivanov and Duffin gen. et sp. nov. have been found in the Artinskian Stage (Early Permian) of Krasnoufimskie Klyuchiki quarry (Sverdlovsk Region, Middle Urals, Russia). The teeth of Artiodus possess a multicuspid orthodont crown with from four to nine triangular cusps; prominent labial projection terminating in a large round tubercle; distinct ornamentation from straight or recurved cristae; oval or semilu-nar, elongate, considerably vascularized base; dense vascular network formed of transverse horizontal, ascending, short secondary and semicircular canals. The teeth of the new taxon otherwise most closely resemble the teeth of some prot-acrodontid and sphenacanthid euselachians possessing a protacrodont-type crown, but differ from the teeth of all other known euselachians in the unique structure of the labial projection. The studied teeth vary in crown and base morphology , and three tooth morphotypes can be distinguished in the collection reflecting a moderate degree of linear gradient monognathic heterodonty. The range of morphologies otherwise displayed by the collection of teeth shows the greatest similarity to that described for the dentitions of relatively high-crowned hybodontids from the Mesozoic. The internal structure of the teeth, including their vascularization system is reconstructed using microtomography. The highest chon-drichthyan taxonomic diversity is found in the Artinskian, especially from the localities of the Middle and South Urals.

The early evolutionary history of sharks and shark-like fishes


Chapter 1: Introduction 1 Chapter 2: Methodology and definitions of terms 2.1. Methods 2.1.1. Scale structure analysis 6 2.1.2. Phylogenetic analysis 7 2.2. Definitions of terms 9 2.3. Acquisition and accession of specimens 12 2.4. Institutional abbreviations 13 Chapter 3: North American scale taxa from the Upper Ordovician shed light on the early evolution of the chondrichthyan integumentary skeleton 3.1. Introduction 18 3.2. Systematic palaeontology 20 3.3. Discussion 3.3.1. The characteristics of chondrichthyan scales 31 ii 3.3.2. The integumentary skeleton of Ordovician chondrichthyans 3.4. Conclusions Chapter 4: Ordovician origin of Mongolepidida and the integumentary skeleton of basal chondrichthyans 4.1. Introduction 4.2. Systematic palaeontology 4.3. Discussion 4.3.1. Crown morphogenesis of mongolepid scales 4.3.2. Mongolepid scale crown histology 4.3.3. Histology of mongolepid scale bases 4.3.4. Canal system of mongolepid scales 4.3.5. Systematic position of the Mongolepidida 4.4. Conclusions Chapter 5: Elegestolepis and its kin, the earliest chondrichthyans to develop mono-odontode scale crowns 5.1. Introduction 5.2. Systematic palaeontology 5.3. Discussion iii 5.3.1. Chondrichthyan characteristics of elegestolepid mono-odontode scales 5.3.2. Elegestolepida in the context of other Lower Pazaeozoic chondrichthyans 5.4. Conclusions Chapter 6: Scale-based phylogeny of Palaeozoic chondrichthyans 6.1. Introduction 6.2. Results 6.2.1. Classification schemes of scale morphogenesis in chondrichthyans 6.2.2. Scale morphogenetic types in chondrichthyans 6.2.3. Chondrichthyes-specific developmental pattern of the integumentary skeleton 6.2.4. Remarks on the phylogenetic analyses 6.2.5. Populating the stem of the chondrichthyan tree 6.2.6. Degree of correlation with existing gnathostome phylogenies 6.3. Conclusions iv Chapter 7: Conclusions References Appendix Matrix of character states assigned to the 51 taxa included in the phylogenetic analyses Character list Taxa included in the analyses, studied material, literature used in the coding the character-taxon matrix v I am grateful to the following people for granting me the opportunity to examine museum collections and/or obtain study material over the course of the project: