Platinum-bearing placers of Siberian platform: mineral associations and their age characteristics as indicators of large igneous provinces manifested in old platform (original) (raw)

Platinum-metal mineralization of the Norilsk district: history and prospects of research

NEWS of the Ural State Mining University

Relevance. Since the 19th century, the Norilsk Ore district has been one of the world leaders in the production of platinum metals. Long-term research focused on the detection of sulfide platinum-copper-nickel ores contributed to the accumulation of a large volume of scientific material on the geology and ore content of the Norilsk region. Due to the emergence of new methods for ores studying, it seems necessary to analyze previously published data and assess the prospects for the joint application of traditional and modern methods in solving the problem of understanding the ore formation process. The purpose of the work – to summarize information about the geology of the Norilsk ore region and the platinum-metal mineralization associated with it, to note the main scientific achievements and identify promising areas for further research. Results. Thanks to comprehensive production and research geological works, differentiated basite-ultrabasite intrusions and ore-containing Paleozoi...

Vladimirskoe Deposit (Eastern Sayan): Age of Dyke Complexes and Localization Features of Gold Mineralization

Geodynamics & Tectonophysics

The Vladimirskoe deposit is one of the largest gold ore deposits in the southeastern part of the Eastern Sayan. This work is devoted to the localization of mineralized zones and the determination of the formation time of gold mineralization.The geological and structural analysis has shown that second-order discontinuous disturbances accompanied by zones of beresitization, calcification, sulfidization and dyke bodies are the main ore-controlling structures of gold mineralization. For the first time, the age of rocks of dyke complexes and ore mineralized zones of the deposit has been established by 40Ar/39Ar dating methods.

Gladkochub, D. P.; Donskaya, T. V.; Ernst, R., Mazukabzov A.M., Sklyarov E.V., Pisarevsky S.A., Wingate M., Suderlund U. Proterozoic basic magmatism of the Siberian Craton: Main stages and their geodynamic interpretation // GEOTECTONICS, 2012, Volume: 46 Issue: 4 Pages: 273-284


Geological data on the Precambrian basic complexes of the Siberian Craton and their isotopic age are considered. The three main episodes of Precambrian basic magmatism of Siberia correspond to certain stages of the geodynamic evolution of the craton and the Earth as a whole. In the Late Paleoproterozoic, largely in the south and the north of the craton, the basic rocks were emplaced against the background of post collision extension, which followed the preceding collision–accretion stage responsible for the formation of the craton. In the Mesoproterozoic, primarily in the north of the craton, basic magmatism was controlled by dispersed within�plate extension apparently caused by the impact of a mantle plume. Neoproterozoic basic magmatism widespread in the southern and southeastern parts of the craton was caused by rifting, which accompanied breakdown of the Rodinia supercontinent and opening of the Paleoasian ocean along the southern margin of the Siberian Craton.

Vodyasov, E.V., Zaitceva, O.V. 2020. The earliest iron smelting sites in the Altai Republic: New data from the Yustyd River valley. Siberian Historical Research. № 2, 125-147.


The article presents new data on the earliest black metallurgy sites in the region of Gornyy Altai, and specifically, new radiocarbon dates obtained from archaeological samples collected in the Yustyd River valley. These dates prove that iron smelting existed as early as in the first century BC to the first century AD. The research results suggest that large Xiongnu ceramic furnaces and iron smelting furnaces coexisted in the Yustyd River valley and allow concluding that the genesis of black metallurgy in Gornyy Altai was associated with the expansion of the Xiongnu Empire, as a result of which south-eastern parts of Altai were incorporated into the Central Asian area already under the influence of Xiongnu metallurgy traditions.

Petrology of Yaluninogorsk granitoid massive (Alapaevsk-Sukhoi Log porphyry copper zone, Middle Urals)


Ялуниногорский кварцдиорит-трондъемитовый массив расположен в потенциально продуктивной на Cu (±Mo) порфировый тип оруденения Алапаевско-Сухоложской зоне Восточно-Уральского поднятия. Массив представляет собой магматическую камеру 3 × 2 км под вулканической постройкой центрального типа. Породы обрамления массива превращены в пропилиты, местами интенсивно сульфидизированные. В этой связи массив рассматривается как рудогенерирующий. Петрологическое исследование гранитоидов массива показывает, что он сложен полнокристаллическими породами мезабиссальной фации, варьирующими от кварцевых габбро-диоритов до тоналитов, сопровождаемых жильными трондъемитами. Ранними минеральными фазами кварцевых диоритов являлся авгит, основной плагиоклаз An 70-50 , титаномагнетит. Поздние фазы представлены кислым плагиоклазом An 30-25 , кварцем, титаномагнетитом, биотитом и магнезиальной роговой обманкой, замещающей пироксен. Кристаллизация кварцевых диоритов и трондъемитов проходила в изобарических условиях при 1.5-2.0 кбар и медленном охлаждении. По содержанию воды исходные расплавы можно охарактеризовать как маловодные. Их окисленность составляла 0.5-0.8 выше буфера Ni-NiO. Остаточные расплавы трондъемитового состава содержали около 3.5-4.0 мас. % H 2 O при P общ = P H2O. Глубокий эрозионный срез вулканической постройки и маловодный характер исходных расплавов являются отрицательными факторами на обнаружение крупных промышленных объектов порфирового типа в связи с Ялуниногорским массивом. Исследование постмагматических преобразований пород массива и его обрамления выявило незначительное развитие скарнов с магнетит-халькопирит-пиритовой минерализацией, сопровождаемых сульфидами и сульфоарсенидами никеля, жильных карбонат-кварц-хлоритовых метасоматитов с вкрапленной халькопиритовой минерализацией, включающей селенсодержащие сульфосоли и теллуриды Ag, Cu, Bi.