Morphological Analysis of Filipino Slang Words (original) (raw)
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An Investigation of Word Formation Processes of Indonesian Slang Words
Humanities & Social Sciences Reviews
Purpose of the study: The purpose of this study is to find out the slang word-formation processes uttered by Kasino, the main character in the movie. Slang also underwent some processes in general word-formation. Methodology: The research method of this study was descriptive qualitative with content analysis. Content analysis is one of the types of qualitative research that focuses on analyzing recorded data and interpreting recorded material to learn human behavior. The data for this qualitative research were collected from the utterances produced by Kasino which contain slang words. They were obtained by watching the movie and transcribing the movie script. To analyze the processes of slang word-formation, this study consulted Mattiello’s (2008) theory. Main Findings: From the analysis, this study found 11 slangs of compounding, 16 slang of prefixation, 19 slang of suffixation, 9 slang of conversion, 9 slang of reduplicative, 2 slangs of acronym and initialism, 6 slangs of blendin...
An Analysis of Word Formation Process of English Slang in Teenager Movie Scripts
E Journal English Language and Literature, 2013
Penelitianinimembahaspembentukan kata daribahasagaulamerika yang terdapatdalam film remaja. Tujuandaripenelitianiniadalahmenemukanjenispembentukan kata slang apasaja yang terdapatdalamduajenis film remajayaitufilm"Camp Rock"dan film "Juno" berdasarkanteoripembentukan kata dari O'Grady.Selainitupenelitianinijugabertujuanuntukmembandingkanjenispembentu kan kata daribahasagauldalamkedua film tersebut. Metodepenelitian yang digunakanadalahmetodedeskriptif. Dari hasilanalisis, karakter-karakterdaridua film tersebutmenggunakanbanyaktipepembentukan kata, seperticoinage, internal change, clipping, affixation, derivation, compounding, blending and acronym. Hasil yang ditemukanpada film "Camp Rock",terdapat 32 data. Jenispembentukan kata yang paling banyakditemukanadalahclipping, diikuticoinage.Setelahitu, internal change ,kemudianacronym danaffixation sertaback formationSedangkanpada film "Juno",terdapat 71 data. Jenispembentukan kata yang paling banyakditemukanadalahcoinage, setelahitucompounding, kemudianclippingsebanyakdanterakhirderivation, affixationsertaacronym.Perbedaankedewasaanmasingkarakterdanalurnyamerupaka nfaktorpenting yang mempengaruhiperbedaanjenispembentukan kata dalam film tersebut. Kata Kunci : Slang, Word formation, Teenager movie 1 Mahasiswa penulis skripsi prodi bahasa dan sastra inggris untuk wisuda periode
ETERNAL (English Teaching Journal), 2019
People, all around the world, use internet recently. The usage of internet changes the language usage as well. People tend to use short word thus they are abbreviating some words or phrases. Many of new words are coined lately because of the using of internet. The formation of the new word then belongs to the study of morphology. The main theory of this research is morphology. Moreover, it uses the theory of abbreviation. Some types of abbreviation such as blends, acronym, alphabetism and clipping are found in this research.This research entitled ‘Modelling Abbreviation in Internet Slang: A Comparison Study of Indonesian Internet Slang and English Internet Slang’. The data are taken from some websites which have internet slang dictionary. The writer only took 20 data for this research from those online internet slang dictionaries. There are ten (10) data for English Internet slang language and ten (10) data for Indonesian internet slang language. Conducting the analysis, the writer ...
Lingual: Journal of Language and Culture, 2023
In this digital era, the development of a language can be observed from its use on social media or audiovisual digital platforms such as Youtube, Spotify, or Tik-Tok. This can happen because social media or any digital platform has become a media to deliver any expression freely. Young generation as the largest users of it, used often non-standard language in expressing their thought and it can be led to language change. One of these changes is a change in meaning. This paper aimed to analyses the meaning changes of the words especially those that classified as imitative slang and their function. The data was taken from any written language used by netizens on the TikTok platform and YouTube. This study uses qualitative methods in data analysis. The result showed that there are a widening or expansion of meaning, metaphor, hyperbole, and degeneration or pejoration of meaning through these slang words.
An Analysis of Indonesian Slang Words in Mojok Essay
The purpose of this study was to determine the type of use of slang language, how to form slang languages and to find out factors that influence the development of slang in Stigma Terhadap Ibu Rumah Tangga Yang Sudah Keseringan Salah Kaprah Mojok Online Essay by Dinda Asrining Tyas. Theories used in this research were I. Plag and B. Spolsky. The method used in this study was qualitative descriptive. Data were analyzed based on word formation theory by I. Plag, and W. O’Grady and V. Guzman. The results show there were several words formed through the word formation process, namely: found 2 words classified in affixation, 6 words classified in clipping, 2 words belonging to the blending and 2 compound word used by the characters in the essay. And the type of slang that is often used by Indonesians in the story is clipping. In short, this research shows that there are many aspects of slang that can be analyzed more deeply to improve our new knowledge and vocabulary.
Slang Language of Youth Generation Z Southwest Papua: Morphology Review
INTERACTION: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa, 2023
Slang is also referred to as a secret language, or used by certain circles or communities. The purpose of this study is to examine slang based on patterns, sources, context and purpose of use. This study uses qualitative descriptive research, which describes the phenomenon of slang used by gen z adolescents in Southwest Papua. Documentation, observation, recording, and interviews with 35 teenagers who regularly use slang are used as data gathering techniques. Documentation, observation, recording, and interviews with 35 teenagers who regularly use slang are used as data gathering techniques. WhatsApp, Telegram, Twitter, and Discord are used as data sources. The period of data collecting was five months, from October 12, 2022, to February 12, 2023. The data that has been collected is then analyzed using the Miles and Huberman method. According to the findings of data analysis on slang, there were 31 discovered three types, namely the development of form. (1) clipping, (2) blending, (3) borrowing. The results of the data analysis revealed a variety of information on Southwest Papuan slang used by Generation Z based on the language's origins, particularly Indonesian, foreign languages, and regional languages. The context of slang use takes place in (1) Calls for familiarity, (2) responding to likes and dislikes, and (3) responding to admiration. the purpose of using the slang they use to (1) validate their group (2) look cool or dashing..
Language Development of Slang In The Younger Generation In The Digital Era
Background : Language is the most important thing in life, because it can unite one and other from different regions although different countries. That is why it also has a problem. Language is not just communication but also it becomes an identity for some region or country, as like in Indonesia they have different languages from different regions that make them unique. But unfortunately, most millennial people now choose to use another language as slang that can affect their own language. This study makes to discuss this problem because many people does not matter with this, so we try to let them know that this is important to know because concerning our identity. Purpose : the purpose on this article is to explore a slang language in Indonesia especially in younger generation that affect to Indonesian language in this digital era. Method : This study used a qualitative descriptive method that concerned a questioner as main data, articles then other websites. Results : The result of this study is to realize the importance of language, especially for millennial people who will be the next nation's successor, so that they can understand and also keep their national language. This research is expected to be a reference for people who are interested in studying language then the problem in it.
An Analysis of Word Formation of English Slang Used in Straight Outta Compton Movie
English Language and Literature, 2020
The aim of this study was to find out the tendency of slang words used in Straight Outta Compton movie and word formation processes of slang words. The type of this study was descriptive qualitative. This research used the theory of word formation processes by George Yule (2010). The researcher found 6 types of word formation in slang words in the Straight Outta Compton movie script namely coinage, blending, clipping, compounding, acronym, and multiple-process. The data of slang words collected from the movie script. This study found that the most dominant type of word formation was blending with the percentage of 29.24%. It was followed by coinage and clipping with a proportion of 26.16% and 24.65% respectively. Then, it was followed by compounding with a percentage of 13.84%. Acronym and multiple-process were the least dominant ones with a percentage of only 3.07%. Keywords: Language Style, Slang word, Word Formation
A Morphological Analysis of Slang Words Used by Characters in “Ralph Breaks the Internet” Movie
The current study entitled “A Morphological Analysis of Slang Words Used by Characters In Ralph Breaks the Internet Movie” aimed to investigate the morphological processes of constructing slang words and its meaning of the found slang words used by the movie characters. This research used a descriptive qualitative method with content analysis design. The findings revealed that there are 42 slang words categorized into different morphological processes included compound (14,28%), clipping (11,90%), blending (14,28%), affixations (16,66%), reduplicative (7,14%), backformation (2,4%), abbreviation (2,4%), conversion (4,76%), alternation (14,28%), extension (4,76%) and word manufacture (7,14%). This study demonstrated the meaning changes of the slang words that have been affected through certain morphological processes by modifying their word category. Consequently, some slang terms have preserved the original meaning despite the changes in their spelling. In the meantime, certain slang...