Violencia infantil contra los niños de entre 8 a 12 años que estudian en la Institución Educativa de Primaria y Secundaria Nº60073 de Sinchicuy, Iquitos, 2019 (original) (raw)
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Tipos de estudios Conceptualización y operacionalización de variables Población y muestra Criterios de inclusión y exclusión Instrumentos utilizados Tarea investigativa Cronograma de actividades x CAPÍTULO III Análisis e interpretación de los resultados Procesamiento y análisis de los datos Análisis integrativo de la técnicas utilizadas Conclusiones Recomendaciones Referencias Bibliográficas Bibliografía Anexos Documento de validación del cuestionario Fotos Cuestionario para el niño Entrevista semi-estructurada dirigida a los padres Entrevista semi-estructurada dirigidas hacia los maestros ÍNDICE DE CUADROS Y GRÁFICOS Cuadro-Gráfico 1 Convivencia familiar Cuadro-Gráfico 2 Manifestaciones de violencia Cuadro-Gráfico 3 Importancia al estudio Cuadro-Gráfico 4 Niños violentados Cuadro-Gráfico 5 Motivo frecuente de violencia Cuadro-Gráfico 6 Motivación directa a la violencia Cuadro-Gráfico 7 Efectos psicológicos Análisis de la entrevista a los padres Cuadro-Gráfico 8 Violencia en el hogar Cuadro-Gráfico 9 Comunicación 49 xi Cuadro-Gráfico 10 Castigos a los niños Cuadro-Gráfico 11 Crianza Cuadro-Gráfico 12 Violencia vivencial con sus padres Cuadro-Gráfico 13 Efectos psicológicos en los niños Cuadro-Gráfico 14 Causas de violencia en los hijos Cuadro-Gráfico 15 Ayuda para guiar a sus hijos Análisis para guiar a sus hijos Cuadro-Gráfico 16 Capacidad para manejar la violencia en los niños Cuadro-Gráfico 17 Acciones para evitar la violencia Cuadro-Gráfico 18 Manifestaciones de violencia Cuadro-Gráfico 19 Causas de violencia entre niños Cuadro-Gráfico 20 Efectos psicológicos en los niños
Violencia en Niños De Primaria
Revista Electrónica de …, 2011
Today, violence is considered a health problem by exploring what is required from an early age. At school level, elementary school students represent an important sample for the study of violence and allowing us to get closer to the origins of the problem at hand. The aim of this study was to investigate the characteristics of school violence deployed in elementary students. Involving eight students (4 boys and 4 girls) between 8 and 11 years old from eight elementary schools from Xalapa-Veracruz. The qualitative method used was through the application of a Discussion Group. The results showed that in boys there is a greater manifestation of physical violence and psychological followed by the instrumentation lesser extent, among girls there are a greater manifestation of psychological and physical followed by the instrumentation. The places where violence occurs according to the children are primarily in open areas such as the concourse and hallways. It concludes that violence occurs in both boys and girls differently manifested, being more aggressive boys than girls, according to them.
Bullying y depresión infantil en escolares de la I.E Mercedes Indacochea - Huacho 2017
The present research work entitled "Bullying and children's depression in students of the I.E. Mercedes Indacochea-Huacho, 2017 ", had as main objective to determine the relationship between, bullying and the infantile depression considering that it is a subject that has been increasing daily. The study sample consisted of 91 students from the I.E. Mercedes Indacochea-Huacho, 2017, as diagnostic tools were used the bullying questionnaire with 30 questions and the Beck Inventory of 13 questions; The research was developed under the methodological procedures of the quantitative approach, non-experimental research design, of the correlational type. The data obtained from the instrument were processed using statistical software called SPSS version 23 in cases of bullying and childhood depression. Regarding the results of the surveys submitted to the statistical test of Rho de Spearman, it was determined that there is a relationship between bullying and infant depression, with a calculated value Rho = 0.841 which indicated that the correlation is high
Universidad Peruana Los Andes, 2020
The objective of this research is to describe what level of aggressiveness is recognized in adolescents, in time of COVID-19 of a Private Educational Institution Huancayo-2020. To achieve the desired objective, the selection of the sample, consisting of 76 students from 1st to 5th grade of EI D 'UNI. The applied research method corresponds to the scientific method, it corresponds to the type of basic or pure research, the design is non-experimental and transversal. The research level is descriptive; the inclusion and exclusion criteria were considered. The type of sampling that was applied was intentional non-probabilistic sampling. For the data interpretation analysis, the descriptive analysis was considered by the presentation of tables and figures with their respective number or frequency and percentage. The results conclude that there is a high level of aggressiveness in adolescents, in time of COVID-19 of the Huancayo Private Educational Institution-2020. Thus 40.79% low level, 14.47% medium level and 44, 74 high level. It is recommended that the school board generate a systematic follow-up and support work so that those cases whose levels of physical aggressiveness are critical can be monitored.In the face of high levels of aggressiveness, the Educational Institution is recommended to hold talks and workshops taking into account relevant issues related to aggressiveness.
La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo analizar la relación que existe entre funcionamiento familiar y violencia escolar aplicándose a una muestra de 214 estudiantes de una institución educativa de Chiclayo que cursan tercero y cuarto año de secundaria. Este estudio es de tipo correlacional y de diseño no experimental de tipo transversal. Para ello se utilizó los instrumentos Escala de Evaluación de Cohesión y Adaptabilidad familiar-FACES IV y el cuestionario de Violencia Escolar CUVE3-ESO. En el análisis de los resultados se utilizó el coeficiente de correlación de Sperman hallándose una correlación negativa significativa con las escalas de cohesión balanceada (Rho=-,151*, p< .05), flexibilidad balanceada (Rho=-,199 ** , p< .01) y comunicación (Rho=-.129, p> .05) con violencia escolar, por otro lado, no se halló una relación con las escalas enredado, desacoplado, rígido, caótico y satisfacción familiar con violencia escolar.