Halacaridae (Acari) from Pujada Bay (the Philippines): description and biogeography of three new and two known species (original) (raw)
Related papers
Hydrobiologia, 2001
Two Halacaridae species belonging to the genus Copidognathus were collected among Thalassia testudinum leaves from Punta Allen on the Caribbean south coast of the Yucatán Peninsula (Quintana Roo State, Mexico) and are described in the present paper. Copidognathus yucatanensis sp.n. is characterised by a median transverse rectangular areola on AD made up of rosette pores, posterodorsal plate with two costae, costae in anterior and posterior region wide (3–4 pores) with prominent rosette pores; in the middle portion costae faint, 2–3 pores wide with feebly developed rosette pores, small ostium and also with pycnotic pores, epimeral process I present, ovipositor away from reaching level of perigenital setae I, tarsi III and IV with 4:3 dorsal setae. This species belongs to the `oculatus' group. Dissimilarity with closely related species is also reported. A second species of the genus Copidognathus, C. uniscutatus Bartsch (1984) was also recovered from the samples from Punta Allen. This is a first record of the species in the Atlantic Ocean and away from its type locality (The Philippines). Only small variation can be observed and from this we can conclude that some characteristics such as, e.g., reticulation of AD and PD area cannot be considered as distinctive. In addition to these descriptions, we report an overview of the Halacaridae species recorded so far from the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea.
A new species of the genus Copidognathus (Halacaridae: Acari) from India
Copidognathus bengalensis n. sp. is described from Visakhapatnam coast, Bay of Bengal, India. The present species is characterized by posterodorsal plate (PD) with four costae made up of porose panels, subdivided posterior cornea of ocular plate (OC), and two pairs of basirostral setae in female. This species is related to C. pulcher group, but the nature of porose panels on anterior areolae of anterior dorsal plate (AD) and the setal ornamentation of legs were different between the members of C. pulcher group and the present new species.
Three halacarid species belonging to the genus Copidognathus are recorded from the shallow subtidal sands at Ko Taenae Is let (sand dune) off Ko Pha‐Ngan Island. Thailand: Copidognathus thailandicus n. sp., C. euryalus Bartsch, 1997 and C. orarius Otto, 2001. Copidognathus thailandicus n. sp. comes close with C. cribrosoma (Police, 1909) and C. cribellus Bartsch, 1993 due to dorsal plates completely covered with rosette pores. Dissimilarities among them are discussed. Copidognathus euiyalus and C. orarius are recorded here for the first time from Thailand and away from its type locality. The present paper is also the first contribution on the taxonomy of Halacaridae (Acari) from Thailand.
Acta Biologica, 2018
Nowe stwierdzenie Copidognathus andhraensis (Acari: Halacaridae) z Zachodniego wybrzeża Indii, Morze Arabskie Słowa kluczowe Copidognathus andhraensis, zachodnie wybrzeż Indii, Morze Arabskie Streszczenie Copidognathus andhraensis został stwierdzony na plaży Anjuna, (Goa, zachodnie wybrzeża Indii, Morze Arabskie) pośród osadów alg. Jest to pierwsze stwierdzenie tego gatunku z zachodniego wybrzeża Indii, a także z Morza Arabskiego.
Three Halacarid mites of the genus Copidognathus (Acari: Halacaridae) from Zanzibar, Tanzania
Cahiers De Biologie Marine, 2006
Three new halacarid species belonging to the genus Copidognathus are described from the east coast of Zanzibar, Tanzania. Copidognathus corallicolus sp. nov. is characterized by dorsal setae 2 on membranous cuticle between anterodorsal plate and ocular plate, posterodosal plate with two single-rosette-pore wide costae, panels on posterodorsal plate subdivided, long rostrum extending to base of fourth palpal segment, tibia IV with a ventromedial pectinate seta, and tarsi III and IV with 4:3 dorsal setae. Copidognathus fungiae sp. nov. is a member of C. tamaeus group, and characterized by all ventral plates fused in male, posterodorsal plate with two 2-to 3-rosette-pores wide costae, palp a little surpassing anterior end of rostrum, second palpal segment with spinular lamella ventrodistally, ventrolateral lamella of telofemur I with medial edge slightly protruded, and patella IV with 4 setae. Copidognathus ungujaensis sp. nov., a member of C. bairdi group s. str., is closely allied with C. sidellus Bartsch, but differs from it by the presence of areola below second coxal region, almost straight anterior margin of posterodorsal plate, 2 rosette pores between gland pores on posterodorsal plate, lateral and middle costae not joining anteriorly, and more elongated anterior areola on anterodorsal plate. Résumé : Trois acariens du genre Copidognathus (Acari : Halacaridae) de Zanzibar, Tanzanie. Trois nouvelles espèces d'Halacaridae du genre Copidognathus, récoltées sur la côte est de Zanzibar (Tanzanie), sont décrites. Copidognathus corallicolus sp. nov. est caractérisée par la soie dorsale 2 sur la cuticule membraneuse entre la plaque antérodorsale et la plaque oculaire, la plaque postérodorsale avec deux côtes larges à simple pore en rosette, des panneaux sur la plaque postérodorsale subdivisés, le rostre long s'étendant jusqu'à la base du quatrième segment du palpe, le tibia IV avec une soie ventromédiane pectinée, les tarses III et IV avec 4:3 soies dorsales. Copidognathus fungiae sp. nov. est membre du groupe de C. tamaeus et caractérisée par ses plaques ventrales toutes fusionnées chez le mâle, la plaque postérodorsale avec deux côtes larges à 2-3 pores en rosette, le palpe dépassant légèrement l'extrémité antérieure du rostre, le deuxième segment du palpe avec des lamelles épineuses sur le côté ventrodistal, des lamelles ventrolatérales du télofémur I avec le bord médial légèrement saillant, les patella IV avec 4 soies. Copidognathus ungujaensis sp. nov., un membre du groupe de C. bairdi s. str., est très proche de C. sidellus Bartsch, mais diffère de cette espèce par la présence d'une areola sous la seconde région coxale, la marge antérieure de la plaque postérodorsale presque droite, 2 pores en rosette entre les pores des glandes sur la
The vegetative and reproductive morphology and anatomy of Halymenia specimens from the Philippines were studied and four species recognised: H. dilatata Zanardini, H. durvillei Bory de Saint-Vincent, H. maculata J. Agardh and H. porphyraeformis Parkinson. As many Halymenia taxa have previously been reported from the western Pacific and Malayan region, specimens from neighbouring regions and type material of the most relevant taxa were compared with the collections from the Philippines. From these studies, H. ceylanica Harvey ex Ktitzing, H. durvillei var. denudata Weber-van Bosse, H. durvillei var. edentata Weber-van Bosse, H.formosa Harvey ex Ktitzing, H. microcarpa (Montagne) P. Silva and H. venusta B!1!rgesen are considered to be synonyms of H. durvillei. H. porphyraeformis is reported from the region for the first time, but was found in earlier collections identified as the superficially similar H. dilatata.