2014, Mekanın Üretimi, Mimarist, v.51, 13-14. (original) (raw)

(2012) ''Küllüoba İlk Tunç Çağı Mimarisi'', MASROP E-Dergi 7: s. 1-41

The Early Bronze Age architecture of western Anatolia is a topic about which we know relatively little. Excavations have been conducted every single year since 1996 at Küllüoba, situated near Eskişehir, and have made significant contributions to our knowledge in this area. These investigations have yielded a sequence stretching from the Late Chalcolithic Period up to the end of the Early Bronze Age. General architectural layouts of the settlement phases could be established due to the work having been carried out horizontally over large areas. The article submitted here deals with, in full detail, the Early Bronze Age architecture of Küllüoba. First, its characteristics and the developmental phases have been examined. Second, its place in the West Anatolian and Aegean EBA has been determined by comparing the construction techniques used, general settlement patterns, and house types with those of the contemporary sites in these regions. Thus, this study makes an important contribution not only to the determination of the general settlement patterns and house types, of which we know very little, but also to the establishment of characteristics of the local architecture as well.

Mimarlıkta 'Yer' Kavramı Üzerine Fenomenolojik Bir Değerlendirme: ODTÜ Mimarlık Fakültesi Örneği

Mimari fenomenoloji, Modern mimarlığın kartezyen ve soyut mekân algısına karşı, tasarımı ‘yer’e özgü, olarak yeniden yorumlamanın yollarını arar. Bu çalışma, ODTÜ yerleşkesi ve Mimarlık Fakültesi yapısı üzerinden, ‘yer’ kavramını araştırır. ‘Yer’in bileşenlerini sorgulayarak fenomenolojik bir değerlendirme yapar. Çalışmanın amacı, bu bağlamda bileşenleriyle ‘yer’ kavramını analiz etmek, ve ‘yer’in potansiyel anlamını ortaya çıkaran olguları tanımlamaktır. Bir ‘yer’in anlamı, insanın ‘yer’i algılaması ve deneyimlemesiyle açığa çıkarılabilir ve görünür kılınabilir. Bu bağlamda çalışmanın yöntemi, hermenötik fenomenolojidir. Bu çerçevede yapılı çevreyi deneyimler, analiz eder ve elde ettiği bir dizi olguyu kategorize ederek ‘yer’in anlamını ve bileşenlerini ortaya koyar. Çalışmada ODTÜ yerleşkesi ve Mimarlık Fakültesi kesitinde algılanan ve deneyimlenen olgular, ‘yer’in konsepti başlığı altında ‘grid’ ve ‘doku - yapı’, ‘yer’-leşme başlığı altında ‘topografya’, ‘sınır’ ve ‘yeşil doku’, ‘yer’in tektoniği başlığı altında ‘tekniğin örgütlenmesi’, ‘mimari elemanlar’, ‘malzeme’, ‘detay’ ve ‘yer’in karakteri başlığı altında ‘zaman’ ve ‘gelenek - etnografya’ kavramları üzerinden incelenmektedir.

Mimari Temsil Sitemlerine Zaman-Mekân'ın Eklenmesi ile Oluşan Mekânsal Deneyimin Sinema Aracılığı ile İncelenmesi

Mimari Temsil Sitemlerinde Mekânsal Deneyim Sorunlarının Aşılması İçin Disiplinler Arası Denemeler: Bêka ve Lemoine’nin Yaşanan Mimarisinde Mekânın Duyusal Gücü, 2023

Architecture resorts to an interdisciplinary approach as a need to solve the problems it encounters. Representation of experience creates a serious problem in representation systems that are transformed into aesthetic objects through standardized methods, freed from time-related thoughts. Applying architectural representation systems in which time-space can come to life depending on time and experiences in space can overcome this problem. In the study, spatial experience in architecture was limited within the representation, and the changes and transformations created in spatial experience by the use of different architectural representations were examined. In this study, whether it is possible to overcome the weakness of representation systems in terms of experience by using movement in which the audience is involved through cinema is questioned through two films directed by Ila Bêka and Louise Lemoine. As a result of the study, it was seen that Bêka and Lemoine produced films on architecture by including the time-space dimension, which they defined as the 'emotional power of space', and it was possible to overcome the weakness of the representation systems in terms of experience.