Runoff and losses of soil and nutrients from small watersheds under shifting cultivation (Jhum) in the Chittagong Hill Tracts of Bangladesh (original) (raw)

The Impact of Land Use Change to the Hidrological Condition of Balangtieng Watershed


Changes in land use may affect the hydrology of a watershed. This study aims to assess the hydrological conditions due to land use changes. The hydrological condition was predicted under four scenarios: (1) scenario 1, land use condition as in map 2009; (2) Scenario 2 is a change of 50% cocoa-coffee agroforestry to clove system in upstream area, and to monoculture rubber system in the middle and downstream area; (3) Scenario 3 is a change of 25% cocoa-coffee agroforestry to clove system in upstream area, and to monoculture rubber system in the middle and downstream area; (4) Scenario 4 is a change of 50% cocoa-coffee agroforestry to clove system in upstream area, and to monoculture rubber system in the middle and downstream area with a reduction of deforestation rate by 50%); and (5), Scenario 5 is a change of 25% cocoa-coffee agroforestry to clove system in upstream area, and to monoculture rubber system in the middle and downstream area with a reduction of deforestation rate ...

HASIL AIR PENGGUNAAN LAHAN HUTAN DALAM MENYUMBANG ALIRAN SUNGAI Water yield of Forest Land Use contributing in river stream


Pemahaman tentang neraca air suatu penggunaan lahan berkaitan dengan hasil air total yang berkontribusi terhadap aliran sungai. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengkaji peranan hidrologi hutan (hutan alam dan hutan tanaman) terhadap aliran sungai ditinjau dari neraca air dengan membandingkan penggunaan lahan hutan dan penggunaan lahan lain. Penelitian yang mengkaji penggunaan lahan hutan dan penggunaan lahan lain (pertanian, pemukiman, kebun campuran dan semak belukar) di DAS Cisadane menggunakan model hidrologi Soil and Water Assessment Toll (SWAT) dalam mengkaji neraca air penggunaan lahan. Hasil neraca air tahunan untuk penggunaan lahan hutan berupa nilai yang lebih besar untuk evapotranspirasi dan lebih kecil untuk aliran permukaan dibandingkan pengunaan lahan yang lain. Hal ini berpengaruh terhadap kontribusi aliran permukaan lahan hutan pada aliran sungai. Sedangkan nilai perkolasi dan simpanan air tanah berdasarkan perhitungan neraca air yang lebih besar untuk penggunaan lahan huta...

Hydrological responses of agroforestry system application which is not based on land suitability, a case study in Cimuntur watershed

Jurnal Penelitian Kehutanan Wallacea, 2018

Land use in a watershed should consider land capability and watershed carrying capacity so that the land can optimally. Agroforestry is a land use system that not only aims to generate income for the people but also to maintain hydrological conditions of a watershed. This research aims to evaluate the hydrological responses due to the application of agroforestry system on several land use pattern that has been changed. There are three steps in the analysis: (1) Assessment on land use planning (RTRW), (2) Land use suitability classification for agroforestry system, and (3) Development of scenarios for suitable land use of agroforestry system for hydrological function. The results of this study show that the application of agroforestry system of woody plant (i.e. sengon), fruit plant (i.e. Nephelium lappaceum), annual crops (i.e. clove, coconut, Parkia speciosa and banana), perennial crops (i.e. cardamom, and banana), and seasonal crops (i.e. cassava) on unsuitable land use gives the ...

Land and Water Conservation at the Cinambo Irrigation System of Bandung District


In modern times, the upgrading of urban facilities has been a factor in the rapid development of the city. Both a park, a shopping center, and buildings for education. One example of building construction for education in the east Bandung located in the area of Jl. Soekarno-Hatta which surrounds there are rice fields and rivers where the flow is used by farmers to irrigate the fields. At this time a lot of watersheds including in Cinambo east Bandung but the river flow is mostly not have dikes. The use of embankments in rivers is rarely applied by the residents as much as to allow the occurrence of flooding or erosion. Watershed area or often called the watershed has the potential as a land to accommodate water, both water from rainfall and water coming from the tributary. Soil and water conservation aims to prevent soil damage, repair damaged soils and prevent potential erosion. Just as the river Cinambo is located in the east Bandung needs to be done soil and water conservation to...

Analysis of Carriying Capacity of Crop Agricultural Land in Cibaliung Watershed, Banten Province

Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian Indonesia, 2020

ABSTRAK Analisis mengenai daya dukung lahan pertanian tanaman pangan sangat penting dilakukan untuk mengetahui sejauh mana kemampuan lahan pertanian dalam mendukung pemenuhan kebutuhan pangan penduduk di suatu daerah. Salah satu permasalahan di Daerah Aliran Sungai (DAS) Cibaliung adalah rendahnya kemampuan lahan dalam memenuhi kebutuhan pangan sehingga penduduk tidak bisa memenuhi kebutuhannya secara mandiri. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat daya dukung lahan pertanian tanaman pangan dalam mencukupi kebutuhan pangan masyarakat di DAS Cibaliung, Provinsi Banten. Secara spasial penelitian ini meliputi 2 kabupaten yang terdiri atas 15 kecamatan dalam lingkup DAS Cibaliung. Data yang digunakan adalah data sekunder yang diambil dari Badan Pusat Statistik dan Dinas Pertanian dan Peternakan Kabupaten Pandeglang dan Kabupaten Lebak. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa secara keseluruhan berdasarkan data 4 tahun (periode tahun 20132016) daya dukung lahan pertanian pangan DAS Cibaliung secara keseluruhan masih rendah. Selain itu, jumlah penduduk optimal yang mampu didukung kebutuhan pangannya oleh lahan yang tersedia masih lebih kecil dibandingkan dengan jumlah penduduk yang tercatat di masing-masing kecamatan di DAS Cibaliung. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa wilayah DAS Cibaliung belum mampu berswasembada pangan dan belum mampu memberikan kehidupan yang layak bagi penduduknya. Oleh karena itu, perlu dilakukan upaya-upaya tertentu untuk meningkatkan daya dukung lahan pertanian pangan di daerah ini, misalnya dengan menekan jumlah penduduk dan memperbaiki kualitas sumber daya lahan pertanian melalui upaya pertanian konservasi dan diversifikasi jenis tanaman pangan. Kata kunci: daya dukung, DAS Cibaliung, lahan pertanian ABSTRACT Analysis of carrying capacity of agricultural land for food crops is very important to do to determine the extent of the ability of agricultural land in supporting the fulfillment of the food needs of the population in an area. One problem in the Cibaliung watershed is the low ability of land to meet food needs so that residents cannot meet their needs independently. This study aims to determine the level of carrying capacity of agricultural food crops in meeting the food needs of the community in the Cibaliung River Basin (DAS) of Banten Province. Spatially, this study covered 2 regencies consisting of 15 districts within the scope of the Cibaliung watershed. The data used were secondary data taken from the Central Statistics Agency and the Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Office of Pandeglang and Lebak Regencies. The results showed that overall based on 4-year data (for the period of 2013-2016) the carrying capacity of the Cibaliung watershed agricultural land as a whole was still low. In addition, the optimal number of populations that is able to be supported by the available food needs is still smaller than the total population recorded in each district in the Cibaliung watershed. This shows that the Cibaliung watershed area has not been able to be selfsufficient in food and has not been able to provide a decent life for its residents. Therefore, certain efforts need to be made to increase the carrying capacity of food agricultural land in this area, for example by suppressing the population and improving the quality of agricultural land resources through efforts to conserve agriculture and diversify food crop species.

Water Allocation Efforts with Water Balance Analysis in the Jatiroto Sub-Watershed and Asem Sub Watershed, Lumajang Districts


Currently, water demand is increasing, both domestic, industrial and agricultural water needs. However, the increase in water demand is not due to an increase in the water availability due to changes in land use and other factors that pose a threat to increased exploitation of water resources. So it is necessary to analyze and evaluate the water needs to anticipate the impact of drought in the Asem-Tekung-Jatirowo sub watersheds. The calculation of water supply and water demand can be carried out using the water balance method, assisted by the WEAP (Evaporation and Water Planning) program, through data integration of streamflow analysis and water user in the river reach. The results showed that the sub-watershed area showed a deficit of water in 2013, with the Jatiroto region having the highest air deficit of 1.58 million m3 or 44.2%. Based on this analysis, urgently needed a recommendation of drought anticipation strategies these are planting patterns to adjust condition of water s...

DAMPAK VARIABILITAS HUJAN DAN KONVERSI LAHAN TERHADAP SENSITIFITAS DEBIT ALIRAN SUNGAI CITARUM Rainfall Variability and Landuse Conversion Impacts To Sensitivity of Citarum River Flow Dyah Marganingrum 1

The objective of this study is to determine the sensitivity of Citarum river flow to climate change and land conversion. It will provide the flow information that required in the water resources sustainability. Saguling reservoir is one of the strategic reservoirs, which 75% water is coming from the inflow of Upper Citarum measured at Nanjung station. Climate variability was identified as rainfall variability. Sensitivity was calculated as the elasticity value of discharge using three-variate model of statistical approach. The landuse conversion was calculated used GIS at 1994 and. The results showed that elasticity at the Nanjung station and Saguling station decreased from 1.59 and 1.02 to 0.68 and 0.62 respectively. The decreasing accured in the before the dam was built period to the after reservoirs operated periode . This value indicates that: 1) Citarum river flow is more sensitive to rainfall variability that recorded at Nanjung station than Saguling station, 2) rainfall character is more difficult to predict. The landuse analysis shows that forest area decrease to ± 27% and built up area increased to ± 26%. Those implied a minimum rainfall reduction to± 8% and minimum flow to ± 46%. Those were caused by land conversion and describing that the vegetation have function to maintain the baseflow for sustainable water resource infrastructure.

Development of Zero Runoff System [ZROS] Concept for Optimizing Soil Water Content on non-irrigated farming land

Jurnal Keteknikan Pertanian, 2014

On non-irrigated farming land, soil water content was difficult to be maintained in field capacity condition. Zero runoff system (ZROS) attempted to utilize runoff and to convert it to backup soil water content using permeation structures. The objectives of this research was to analyze the changing of soil water content before and after ZROS had been applied and to calculate ZROS effectivity towards infiltrating rainfall. In this research, permeation structures in the research field was usingsilt pit and collector canal. The changing of soil water content before and after ZROS application was calculated by water balance model in the rooting zone. The simulation result showed that after ZROS had been applied, the decreasing of soil water content in research field were ranging from-0.001 to-0.009 m 3 /m 3 , while before ZROS had been applied it were ranging from-0.01 to-0.024 m 3 /m 3. Besides that, ZROS also capable to increase soil water content in research field for 25.57%. The increasing of this soil water content was caused by ZROS ability that can hold and infiltrate 51.04% from total rainfall occurredeffectively.