A new geological slip rate estimate for the Calico Fault, eastern California: implications for geodetic versus geologic rate estimates in the Eastern California Shear Zone (original) (raw)

Slip rate of the Calico fault: Implications for geologic versus geodetic rate discrepancy in the Eastern California Shear Zone

Journal of Geophysical Research, 2007

1] Long-term (10 5 years) fault slip rates test the scale of discrepancy between infrequent paleoseismicity and relatively rapid geodetic rates of dextral shear in the Eastern California Shear Zone (ECSZ). The Calico fault is one of a family of dextral faults that traverse the Mojave Desert portion of the ECSZ. Its slip rate is determined from matching and dating incised Pleistocene alluvial fan deposits and surfaces displaced by fault slip. A high-resolution topographic base acquired via airborne laser swath mapping aids in identification and mapping of deformed geomorphic features. The oldest geomorphically preserved alluvial fan, unit B, is displaced 900 ± 200 m from its source at Sheep Springs Wash in the northern Rodman Mountains. This fan deposit contains the first preserved occurrence of basalt clasts derived from the Pipkin lava field and overlies Quaternary conglomerate deposits lacking these clasts. The 40 Ar/ 39 Ar dating of two flows from this field yields consistent ages of 770 ± 40 ka and 735 ± 9 ka. An age of 650 ± 100 ka is assigned to this fan deposit based on these ages and on the oldest cosmogenic 3 He exposure date of 653 ± 20 ka on a basalt boulder from the surface of unit B. This assigned age and offset together yield a mid-Pleistocene to present average slip rate of 1.4 ± 0.4 mm/yr. A younger fan surface, unit K, records 100 ± 10 m of dextral displacement and preserves original depositional morphology of its surface. Granitic boulders and pavement samples from this surface yield an average age of 56.4 ± 7.7 ka after taking into account minimal cosmogenic inheritance of granitic clasts. The displaced and dated K fans yield a slip rate of 1.8 ± 0.3 mm/yr. Distributed deformation of the region surrounding the fault trace, if active, could increase the overall displacement rate to 2.1 ± 0.5 mm/yr. Acceleration of slip rate from an average of 1.4 mm/yr prior to 50kato1.8mm/yrsince50 ka to 1.8 mm/yr since 50kato1.8mm/yrsince50 ka is possible, though a single time-averaged slip rate of 1.6 ± 0.2 mm/yr satisfies the data. These rates are faster than any other paleoseismic or long-term slip rate yet determined for other dextral faults in the Mojave Desert and imply that fault slip rates and earthquake productivity are heterogeneous across this portion of the ECSZ. Total displacement across the Calico fault diminishes northward as shear is distributed into folding and sinistral faults in the Calico Mountains. This pattern is consistent with an approximately threefold drop in geologic slip rate as the Calico fault steps over onto the Blackwater fault and demonstrates the significance of fault interaction for understanding the pattern of present-day strain accumulation in the ECSZ. Citation: Oskin, M., L. Perg, D. Blumentritt, S. Mukhopadhyay, and A. Iriondo (2007), Slip rate of the Calico fault: Implications for geologic versus geodetic rate discrepancy in the Eastern California Shear Zone,

Uncertainties in slip-rate estimates for the Mission Creek strand of the southern San Andreas fault at Biskra Palms Oasis, southern California

Geological Society of America Bulletin, 2010

This study focuses on uncertainties in estimates of the geologic slip rate along the Mission Creek strand of the southern San Andreas fault where it offsets an alluvial fan (T2) at Biskra Palms Oasis in southern California. We provide new estimates of the amount of fault offset of the T2 fan based on trench excavations and new cosmogenic 10 Be age determinations from the tops of 12 boulders on the fan surface. We present three alternative fan offset models: a minimum, a maximum, and a preferred offset of 660 m, 980 m, and 770 m, respectively. We assign an age of between 45 and 54 ka to the T2 fan from the 10 Be data, which is signifi cantly older than previously reported but is consistent with both the degree of soil development associated with this surface, and with ages from U-series geochronology on pedogenic carbonate from T2, described in a companion paper by Fletcher et al. (this volume). These new constraints suggest a range of slip rates between ~12 and 22 mm/yr with a preferred estimate of ~14-17 mm/yr for the Mission Creek strand of the southern San Andreas fault. Previous studies suggested that the geologic and geodetic slip-rate estimates at Biskra Palms differed. We fi nd, however, that considerable uncertainty affects both the geologic and geodetic slip-rate estimates, such that if a real discrepancy between these rates exists for the southern San Andreas fault at Biskra Palms, it cannot be demonstrated with available data.

Temporal variations in slip rate of the White Mountain Fault Zone, Eastern California

Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2006

The evolution of fault slip through time may yield insight into the geodynamics of deforming lithosphere. Precise determination of temporal variations in fault slip is often hindered, however, by a dearth of markers of varying age from which to reconstruct fault slip. Here we determine slip rates across the White Mountain Fault Zone over the past ca. 0.8 Ma from displaced alluvial deposits preserved along the flank of the White Mountains. Displacement histories inferred from deposits containing the ∼ 760 ka Bishop Tuff contrast strongly with those inferred from Late Pleistocene alluvial fans dated by cosmogenic 36 Cl, indicating that the fault has experienced significant temporal variations in slip rate. Oblique-slip rates over the past ∼ 760 ky are determined to have been > 0.9 m/ky parallel to a net slip vector plunging shallowly (< 20°) toward 340°-350°. Displacement of markers in Late Pleistocene alluvial deposits, in contrast, yield slip rates between 0.3 and 0.4 m/ky parallel to a vector plunging somewhat more steeply (20°-40°) toward 320°-340°. These variations in slip rate appear to have operated over timescales > ca. 70 ky, yet occurred on a wellestablished fault system. Moreover, the timing and magnitude of slip rate variation mimics behavior documented for the northern Fish Lake Valley fault zone. Together, our data provide evidence for coordinated slip rate variations across the Eastern California Shear Zone during the Pleistocene.

Holocene slip rates along the Owens Valley fault, California: Implications for the recent evolution of the Eastern California Shear Zone

Geology, 2001

One of the largest historical earthquakes in California occurred in 1872 along the Owens Valley fault located along the western margin of the Eastern California Shear Zone. New paleoseismic and optically stimulated luminescence data are the first to bracket the timing of the pre-1872 rupture to between 3.3 ؎ 0.3 and 3.8 ؎ 0.3 ka. These data yield an earthquake recurrence interval between 4100 and 3000 yr, under the assumption of uniform return, and indicate a Holocene slip rate between 1.8 ؎ 0.3 and 3.6 ؎ 0.2 mm/ yr. Our data are broadly consistent with a model proposed for the space-time evolution of the Eastern California Shear Zone. Our Holocene slip-rate estimates for the Owens Valley fault are slower than present-day slip rates determined from elastic half-space models of geodetic data. This discrepancy is reduced by using the recurrence interval estimated here and a viscoelastic model of geodetic data or by including geologic slip rates from adjacent faults.

Late Quaternary slip rates for the southern Elsinore fault in the Coyote Mountains, southern California from analysis of alluvial fan landforms and clast provenance, soils, and U-series ages of pedogenic carbonate

Geomorphology, 2019

Offset alluvial fans along the Elsinore fault in the south-central Coyote Mountains were studied to resolve an average late Quaternary slip rate for this major western strand of the San Andreas fault system in southern California. Alluvial fans and their offsets were mapped using high-resolution DEMs combined with field observations of fan-surface morphology and the character of the soils developed in each fan remnant. Clast assemblage data was used to determine the source of each alluvial fan upstream of the fault, and U-series dating of pedogenic carbonate was used to estimate minimum ages of the alluvial fan surfaces. Forty U-Th dates on pedogenic carbonate confirm the utility of the technique for dating late Pleistocene alluvium in arid regions and suggest that age variation among late Pleistocene fans grouped on the basis of soils and geomorphic criteria may be significant. Based on these data, the southernmost segment of the Elsinore fault has sustained a slip rate of 2.4 ± 0.4 mm/y for the past 60-70 ka and probably for the past 150 ka. Because displacement in the most recent surface rupture increases northwest of our slip rate sites, this rate is likely a minimum for the southern Elsinore fault, with the actual rate more likely close to 3 mm/y in the central part of the range. These new data confirm that slip gradients along individual fault segments must be considered when estimating pre-Holocene slip rates for seismic hazard estimates. These new results show that the southern Elsinore fault accounts for about 6% of the total relative motion between North America and the Pacific lithospheric plates in southernmost California. Assessment of previous estimates of slip in the most recent event suggests earthquakes of about Mw 6.8 and, when combined with the slip rate data, a recurrence of such events about every thousand years.

Right-lateral displacements and the Holocene slip rate associated with prehistoric earthquakes along the Southern Panamint Valley Fault Zone: Implications for southern Basin and Range tectonics and Coastal California deformation

Journal of Geophysical Research, 1990

The N20øW-trending Panamint Valley fault zone is linked to the N60øW-trending Hunter Mountain strike-slip fault and the Saline Valley fault system, which represents one of the three major fault systems accommodating active crustal extension in the southern Great Basin. A 25 km-long zone of fault scarps along the southern Panamint valley fault zone is recognized as the surface rupture zone associated with the most recent prehistoric earthquake. The displacement associated with the most recent event, determined through six detailed topographic maps of offset features, is 3.2 +-0.5 m, and a number of larger offsets, in range of 6-7 m and 12 m, are also observed. If the larger displacements represent, respectively, two and three events, each of-•3 m, then the fault zone appears to be associated with a characteristic earthquake, which we estimate from the length of the rupture zone and the displacement to be between (Ms) 6.5 and 7.2. The Holocene slip rate is 2.36 +-0.79 mm/yr, is determined from the displacement of two alluvial features whose maximum age is estimated from pluvial shorelines. Assuming a characteristic earthquake model, the recurrence interval is between 860 and 2360 years. The Holocene slip rate appears to be similar to the 4 million year slip rate of 2-2.7 mm/yr (determined from the Hunter Mountain fault), which we suggest reflects the relatively constant tectonics in this region over the last 4 million years. We further speculate that this supports the San Andreas discrepancy in that the Holocene slip rate of the San Andreas fault probably represents its very-long term (several Ma) slip rate. The total slip vector of the southern Panamint Valley fault system is oriented toward-•N35øW, making this a predominantly strike-slip fault. In conjunction with the N60øW orientation of the Hunter mountain strike-slip fault, we suggest that the displacement vector for the southern Great Basin is toward the NW, consistent with results from VLBI data, rather than WNW as determined by combining VLBI and geological data. This in turn suggests that the coastal California deformation component involves, respectively, less shortening and more strike-slip displacement perpendicular and parallel to the San Andreas fault than is currently proposed.

Short-term variations in slip rate and size of prehistoric earthquakes during the past 2000 years on the northern San Jacinto fault zone, a major plate-boundary structure in southern California

Lithosphere, 2015

Most of the displacement across the North American−Pacific plate boundary in southern California is accommodated by the San Jacinto and the southern San Andreas fault zones. If and how the rate of displacement across these fault zones varies along strike and through time are still being resolved. Here, we present four calculations of late Holocene slip rate and average slip per event from the Claremont fault of the northern San Jacinto fault zone that show variations in strain distribution over the past 2000 yr and illustrate how plate-boundary displacement is distributed between the San Jacinto and southern San Andreas fault zones. We calculate a slip rate of 12.8-18.3 mm/yr and an average slip per event of 2.5 m from two measurements of streams offset by 9-11 earthquakes in the past 1500-2000 yr. Faster slip rates of 21-30 mm/yr and an average slip per event of 2.7-3 m were determined from measurements of a stream and a buried channel that were offset by three earthquakes in the past 400-500 yr. The 2000 yr slip rate is similar to the range in slip rates reported for the adjacent San Bernardino section of the San Andreas fault zone, suggesting that the northern San Jacinto accommodates a similar amount of displacement as the San Andreas fault zone at the same latitude. The rate is also slightly faster (by ~2-3 mm/yr) than reported slip rates from the central San Jacinto fault zone to the southeast. A slip rate of 15 ± 2 mm/yr is within the range of uncertainty for almost all the geologic and geodetic data for the entire length of the San Jacinto fault zone and may be the best approximation for long-term average slip rate of the fault zone. Alternatively, 2-3 mm/yr of slip along the northern San Jacinto fault zone may be accommodated to the south along the lesser-studied Hot Springs, Thomas Mountain, Buck Ridge, and Santa Rosa faults, the lateral slip rates of which are not well known nor included in typical estimates of slip rate along the central San Jacinto fault zone. We infer that the faster slip rate over the past 500 yr is due to a cluster of earthquakes along the Claremont fault between A.D. 1400 and A.D. 1850 and larger-than-average surface displacement of 3 m or more during the third event back. The 3 m or more measurement of displacement in this event corresponds to rupture lengths that are slightly longer than the total length of the Claremont fault, and previously published paleoseismic data indicate that this event occurred coincident in time with an event on the adjacent Clark fault. We propose that this combination of slip per event data and paleoseismic data from adjacent fault strands is strong evidence for rupture through the releasing step over that separates these two segments of the San Jacinto fault zone.