The Influence of Financial Behaviour on Financial Risk Tolerance In Investment Decision: A Conceptual Paper (original) (raw)
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This study presents new evidence on determinants of risk tolerance of individual investors of Pakistan. The main objective of the research is to evaluate the factors that determine the individuals' decisions. It is essential to understand the factors of risk tolerance and how to manage these factors to enhance the ability of risk tolerance in making investment decisions and increasing economic growth. The survey instrument used to investigate the determinants of risk tolerance is based on a questionnaire developed by Dow Jones and Company in 1998 that is in . The questionnaire contains two parts. The first part includes demographic information about and second part includes questions or cases, while univariate analysis is used to calculate the significance of the results. Four hypotheses have been formulated and tested. Relying on the results of the study, the author concludes that men are less risk averse then women, educated investors are more likely to take risk, less wealthy investors are less risk tolerant then wealthy investors and the interesting fact found is that there is no as such strong relation between age and the level of individual risk tolerance although the risk tolerance of each age group is significantly different. Education and wealth are highly correlated with risk tolerance. Improving the level of education to make investors more risk tolerant towards risky investments of higher gains, understand the factor of gender to find the reason why women are less risk tolerant then men, and why they are not contributing in the economic growth of the country, don't treat investors as a homogeneous group, whether they should consider men and women as a separate market groups, each group has its own requirements and strategies. The results also support the importance of proper training programs for risk assessment, acceptance and management should be conducted in order to design risk accepting behavior of the individuals in a useful way. This research would be significant for the investors to enhance their investment decisions in a risky situation. This research would also be helpful for the financial institutions, investment companies, Government, NGOs and social activist in treating the investors in such a way so that their risk tolerance ability can be increased which in return contribute in economic growth.
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The present study intends to shed new light on the issue of determinants of risk tolerance among Malaysians using data obtained from a survey. The main analysis is based on ordinary least square (OLS) method of regression using level of financial risk tolerance as the dependent variable and socioeconomic factors as regressors. The preliminary analyses found that majority of the respondents prefer to keep their money in liquid assets, such as in saving account and cash. These assets definitely have the lowest level of risk compared to other forms of assets. A further analysis, using OLS regression reveals several significant determinants of risk tolerance among the sample respondents. Risk tolerance is higher among the young, males, those with higher level of education and those in non-public sector. In addition, the study also finds that Malays are more risk averse than Chinese and those in Kedah are more risk averse than those in Kuala Lumpur.
The current study aims at investigating the factors affecting investment Performance. Moreover, the mediating effect of risk tolerance was also tested. The study utilized a quantitative research design for that the data was collected using a structured questionnaire. The questionnaire was sent to 200 individuals out of those 189 complete questionnaires were received. The study framework had constructs namely heuristics, Prospect theory, were independent variables while investment performance making was dependent variable and risk tolerance was the mediating variable. All the latent construct were measured using multi-items based on 5-point Likert scales from 5 strongly disagree to 1 strongly disagree. This study set out to find the relationship behavioural factors and investment performance of individual investors with the mediating effects of risk tolerance. The Structural Equation Model has revealed that there is a significant and positive relationship between behavioural factors and investment performance of individual investors and this relationship is partially mediated by risk tolerance
Financial Risk Tolerant Attitude: Empirical Evidence from Pakistan
European Scientific Journal, 2013
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Financial Risk Tolerance of Individual Investors
Journal of emerging technologies and innovative research, 2021
This study is about the Financial Risk Tolerance of Individual Investors. Hereby, individual and institutional investors consider the possible rate of return and riskiness of the investment while making real and individual investment decisions. This study intends to determine the factor influencing the overall financial risk tolerance by making an investment decision of individual investor through the research of the people of Chennai. This study identifies the factors are Investment Decisions, Investment Knowledge, Risk Perception on Financial Risk Tolerance of individual investors. The research is descriptive in nature and data has been collected from 153 respondents of Individual Investors. Convenient sampling technique was employed in collecting samples. Percentage Analysis, Anova Analysis, Correlation Analysis, T Test Analysis, have been utilised to interpret data. From Analysis that it was surprising to find that the gender, investment knowledge and occupation did not play an important role in the risk tolerance level of the investor. However, the Income of the respondent made a difference in the Risk tolerance. The people in the higher income group had higher Risk tolerance. The perception of risk was the other factor that correlated with the risk tolerance. Hence, that the perception of risk is very conservative in Chennai city where the sample was taken.
Determinants of the Risk Tolerance of Individual Investors
International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues, 2015
This study presents new evidence on determinants of risk tolerance of individual investors of Pakistan. The main objective of the research is to evaluate the factors that determine the individuals’ decisions. It is essential to understand the factors of risk tolerance and how to manage these factors to enhance the ability of risk tolerance in making investment decisions and increasing economic growth. The survey instrument used to investigate the determinants of risk tolerance is based on a questionnaire developed by Dow Jones and Company in 1998 that is in Bodie et al. (2007). The questionnaire contains two parts. The first part includes demographic information about and second part includes questions or cases, while univariate analysis is used to calculate the significance of the results. Four hypotheses have been formulated and tested. Relying on the results of the study, the author concludes that men are less risk averse then women, educated investors are more likely to take ris...
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Artificial Intelligence, 2020
Investment decisions could be affected by behavioral biases associated with personal characteristics. This study empirically investigates the effect of personal characteristics on investors’ investment decision through risk tolerance. Furthermore, investment experience moderates the nexus between personal characteristics and risk tolerance. The scale consisting of 24 items was used related to selected constructs and variables. Data was collected form 175 individual investors of Pakistan Stock Exchange. PLS-SEM was used to make statistical analysis. The findings indicate that extraversion has substantial positive impact on investment decisions. Moreover, risk tolerance partially mediates the relationship between extroversion and investment decisions. The relationship between introversion and investment decisions is negative and risk tolerance partially mediates the aforesaid relationship. Furthermore, it is statistically proved that investment experience substantially moderates the a...