Keanekaragaman Jenis Burung Diurnal Pada Kawasan Hutan Lindung Mangrove Teluk Besar Parit Kelabu Kabupaten Kubu Raya Kalimantan Barat (original) (raw)

Keanekaragaman Spesies Burung DI Hutan Mangrove Pulau Kelagian Besar Provinsi Lampung

Jurnal Belantara, 2021

The existence of mangrove forests is very important in an area because as a habitat for various types of wildlife, especially birds. This study aims to determine the diversity of bird species in the Kelagian Besar Mangrove Forest, Lampung Province. Data on bird species diversity was obtained by the IPA (Indices Ponctual Abundance) method. Data collection of bird species by recording the type and number of individual birds found. Species identification also uses the method of bird recognition directly by people who know the birds in the area such as the local community or an expert on birds. Data obtained in the field are then analyzed using the Shanon-Winner diversity index formula. The results found 27 species of birds from 21 families with a total of 741 individual birds in the Kelagian Besar Mangrove Forest. While the diversity index value is 2.26 with medium index criteria. There are 8 protected bird species, namely the black-necked darautaut (Sterna sumatrana), the white-wing d...

Kelimpahan Dan Keanekaragaman Jenis Burung DI Hutan Mangrove KPHL Gunung Balak

Indonesian Journal of Conservation, 2019

The diversity and abundance of bird species in an area can indicate how the conditions in the area, such as mangrove forest which are the habitat of various species of wild bird. The purpose of study was to analyzing of relative abundance and diversity of birds in the mangrove forest of KPHL Gunung Balak. Data collection using the explore method in a habitat (field to field method). The result of study record was 30 species of birds from 9 family with total number 671 individuals. Analyzing showed the highest abundance of species little egret (Egretta garzeta) is 8.79% and the smallest abundance of species white-breasted Kingfsher (Halcyon smyrnensis) is 0.15%. Shanon-Wienner diversity index shows as medium scale with the value 3.13 which means that the condition of mangrove forest ecosystem in KPHL Gunung Balak is relatively good to support the life of wild birds.

Keragaman Jenis Burung DI Kawasan Hutan Dengan Tujuan Khusus Universitas Lambung Mangkurat (KHDTK Ulm) Kalimantan Selatan

Jurnal Sylva Scienteae

This study aims to record the diversity of bird species in various land covers, analyze the vegetation types of bird habitat in various land covers, identify branches of branches / branches used as bird perch in each land cover in the KHDTK ULM area (Forest Areas with Special Purpose, Lambung Mangkurat University) Kalimantan South. Sampling is done using the method of exploration (Incidental Sampling) at the observation location and randomly at the starting point of observation. diversity of bird species obtained from various land cover totaling 30 species, 18 families and 361 individuals. The results of the study of bird species present on the entire land cover are Java chili (Dicaeum trochileum), Peking bondol (Lonchura punculata), stone kite (Hirundo tahitica), gray bentet (Lanius scach), honey sriganti (Cinnyris jugularis). Vegetation diversity around secondary forest land cover found 15 types of vegetation, shrub land cover found 12 types of vegetation, garden land cover found ...

Keanekaragaman Spesies Burung Di Hutan Lindung Register 25 Pematang Tanggang Kabupaten Tanggamus Lampung

Jurnal Sylva Lestari

Protection forest is one of the habitats of various birds, however the increasing of forest exposureinto plantation and agriculture area distribution of bird populations surpressed. Protection ForestRegister 25 Pematang Tanggang located in Tanggamus regency has 3.380 ha areas. The purposeof this research is to identify the difference of birds species in the different of habitat. The methodthat used is IPA(Indices Point d,Abondance), with 6 points of observation. The observation wasdone for 5 effective days. Overall, the number of birds that found in Protection Forest Register 25Pematang Tanggang are 37 bird species that come from 16 family with total 985 individu. In eachdense, sparse and residential areas has 26, 29, and 12 birds species. Diversity and evenness ofbirds species in the Protection Forest Register 25 Pematang Tanggang are moderate(H'= 0,89)and stable (J = 0,80). The index value of the largest bird species similarity between bird species indense forests and sparse ...

Keanekaragaman Jenis Burung Diurnal DI Kawasan Hutan Kota Gunung Sari Kota Singkawang


Forest City Gunung Sari has a potential that needs to be extracted and can be used for example to value the beauty that can be used as a tourist attraction. Bird was instrumental in building a tourist park because of its beauty is the value of voice and other fur. The beauty of birds of all he had to give a pleasure in itself. Based on the results of observations show that of the three habitats in the path of observation, obtained the number of diurnal birds have been found in the study site 18 species, classified into 13 families, namely : (Accipitridae), (Columbidae), (Aegithinidae), (Nectariniidae), (Dicaeidae), (Hirundinidae), (Estrildidae), (Psittaculidae), (Timaliidae), (Cisticolidae), (Passeridae), (Pycnonotidae), (Picidae). Primer forest habitats found in 13 species of diurnal birds, 12 species of secondary forest habitats and 9 species around the estate. From the calculation, the highest dominance index contained in the habitat surrounding forest plantations morning time C=...

Keanekaragaman Jenis Burung Diurnal DI Desa Bukit Batu Kecamatan Sungai Kunyit Kabupaten Mempawah


The bird is an indicator for the quality of the environment and has a role in ensuring the passage of tropical forest regeneration process naturally in Indonesia. The bird is one of the animals with the highest diversity in Indonesia. The purpose of this research is to examine the diversity of diurnal birds and can be relied upon the efforts of wildlife preservation process. This research method using a combination of methods to calculate point (Point Count) or IPA (Ponctuele d'Abundance Index-Index of abundance at that point) and the method of lines (Transect), observations conducted quietly at some point later noted the encounter against birds, observations using the six-point count/observation station. The whole of the observations was on track (Transect) the length of 1,800 meters. The results of this study that the diurnal bird species diversity in Bukit Batu village Sungai Kunyit Subdistrict Mempawah Regency. Course found 26 species of birds in three diurnal habitat types with a total of 420 individuals. The value of the index of diversity (H ') type on every type of ecosystem is on the secondary, 2.19 swamp forest, shrub swamps 2.32, and dry land farming 2.18. This indicates that each type has the different diversity of habitat.

Keanekaragaman Jenis Burung di Taman Nasional Betung Kerihun Kabupaten Kapuas Hulu, Provinsi Kalimantan Barat

Media …, 2011

INSAN KURNIA 2), HENDRIO FADLY 3), UDI KUSDINAR 3), WAWAN G. GUNAWANI 3), DWI W. IDAMAN 3), RIKA. S. DEWI 3), ... DWI YANDHI 3), GRACE S. SARAGIH 3), GILANG F. RAMDHAN 3), TYAS D. DJUANDA 3), ... 1) Bagian dari hasil kegiatan SURILI (Studi Konservasi ...

Keanekaragaman Jenis Burung DI Kawasan Hutan Lindung Gunung Sirimau


This study was conducted to determine the composition of bird diversity and vegetation stages and composition, to determine the variables that most influence the diversity of birds in protected forests Sirimau, This study was conducted for three months from September 2015 to November 2015. Bird observations and habitat variables performed using the Point Count method, and found thirty observation points at each location, with 30 cm trellis and 200 m plot distance. The analysis of birds and vegetation in Sirimau mountain forests shows that, bird species are dominated by Red Eye (Aplonis Motalica), and more than 50 species of vegetation exist in the research location, dominated by fruits.

Keanekaragaman dan Kelimpahan Jenis Burung di Pusat Restorasi Mangrove Mojo Kabupaten Pemalang


Mojo Mangrove is a forest area located in the tidal area and becomes a habitat for various organisms in it. Mojo mangrove forest is an ecosystem that is a place to live and breed various species of birds, because of the existence of habitat and food that supports. The location of the Mojo mangrove forest which is far from the settlement is a supporting factor which is the reason birds love the habitat. Species diversity and abundance of bird species can reflect the high biodiversity of other wildlife, meaning birds can be used as indicators of forest quality. The purpose of this study was to determine the diversity and abundance of bird species, and determine the status of bird conservation in the Mojo Pemalang Mangrove Restoration Center. The study was conducted from February to April 2019 at the Mojo Mangrove Restoration Center in Pemalang District, using the point count method. The analysis carried out was a species abundance index, a species diversity index, a species evenness i...

Keanekaragaman Jenis Burung Di Hutan Pinus Dan Hutan Campuran Muarasipongi Kabupaten Mandailing Natal Sumatera Utara

Jurnal Sylva Lestari, 2014

Muarasipongi pine and mixed forests contribute greatly to the biodiversity wildlife. The study of bird species diversity in pine and mixed forests Muarasipongi, to support the preservation and protection efforts on biodiversity especially bird species. This research was conducted on August 2013 by the point count method on Muarasipongi pine and mixed forest then mark and record all the birds over a predetermined period of time before moving to the next point. The data obtained were analyzed and then used to calculate the index of species diversity equality, and community similarity were determined. Observations were made during six repetitions. There are 19 species pine forest, 24 species in the mixed forest and 5 types of birds found in both forest. Total birds found in Muarasipongi 38 species of 20 families. Diversity index (H ') (3.358). The equality index is 0.923, and has a (IS) or Similarity index is worth 0.277 which means that the similarity between the two speci...