The influence of globalization processes on the culture sphere (original) (raw)
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The term globalization, which has been frequently heard in the agenda recently, has a quite sophisticated structure within its' economic, political, social, cultural aspects. In parallel especially with technological developments, globalization has found an area to spread quickly and exists in virtue of a lot of factors such as commercial activities, Western itinerants' journeys in pursuit of founding new and different continents. There has been a widespread opinion as "the world is shrunk and standardized" due to the effect of globalization in the process from past to present. One of the areas that have gone through a great change and transformation with the effect of globalization is, undoubtedly, culture. Culture, which consists of material and nonmaterial elements and tools for carrying them to the future, plays a crucial role in this process. According to some perspectives, in the context of globalization, culture has become homogenized, commodified, and transformed into a market product. In this process, American culture has become the dominant culture; new terms such as Americanization, McDonaldization, and Starbucksization have been carried to the agenda. Another argument is that globalization produces heterogeneity and via the process called "glocalization", localities are presented to the world. Local identities' gaining recognition, being informed about the culture from the most remote part of the world via technology could be a positive effect of globalization on culture. Cultural assimilation in the context of the colonialist movements in world history and cultural imperialism spreading via media could be count against the negative effects of this relation. In this paper, by way of these examples and theoretical discussions, the effects of globalization on culture are handled, the back story of the relation between culture and globalization is questioned.
Culture in Contemporary Society in the Era of Globalization
The paper discusses culture in modern society. Scientists are trying to define the concept of culture, but there is a great disagreement between the authors, which only confirms that this is a very complex phenomenon. The spread of cultural contacts in the modern world, communication and knowledge contribute to the rapprochement of nations. The globalization of culture has positive and negative<br> sides. The possibility of losing cultural identity lies in the growing danger of assimilation - the absorption of a small culture by a larger one, the dissolution of the cultural characteristics of a national minority in the culture of a great nation.
It is no secret that the process o f globalization today covers all areas. Globalization in the sphere o f culture is important because it directly affects all spheres. By increasing the openness o f national socio-economic systems, globalization leads to irreversible changes. The place o f national cultures in modern integration processes is very different: those with deep traditions are able to resist it, but at the same time actively use the fruits o f cultural globalization; others are lost in its flow; others are characterized by the processes o f cultural hybridization and assimilation. The diversity o f national and religious worlds is a historically established way o f cohabiting humanity with nature and people with each other. At the same time, globalization requires national consciousness to develop new mechanisms o f adaptation to the changed conditions o f the modern world.
Cultural Consequences of Globalization. Major Contemporary Theories on the Globallocal Interference
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), 2016
The paper approaches the phenomenon of globalization from the perspective of the theories set forth by two leading 21 st century figures in the field of global studies, namely Roland Robertson and Geoge Ritzer. By bringing together theoretical concepts and concrete examples from contemporary reality, this study attempts to point out that, depending on the relation between its driving forces, globalization can be either an integrative process, based on understanding, respecting and embracing diversity, or an act of leveling colonization.
Globalization and Cultural Transformation: Concept and Perspectives
Emerging Trends in Development Research,ISSN NO. 0972-9445, 2019
The era of post modernism has seen many expressions of globalization. It has been reflected in the many domains of the society i.e. the societal processes, social relationships, social structures or in cultural artifacts. It is a Trans-planetary process that is often reciprocated with the term Trans-nationalism. Globalization often results in more liquidity and easier flow of cross cultural barriers in comparison to the other equivalent processes like liberalization or privatization.. Globalization in the recent world has been seen as a proliferation of consumerist Western culture and a global icon of cultural commoditization. But the process not only brings dynamic cultural changes in regard of Homogenization but also have many other facets like differentilism or Convergence of culture etc. The present paper tries to decipher the different concepts and perspectives related to Cultural Globalization and its impacts in the contemporary world.
Obafemi Awolowo University Press, 2018
Much attention has been drawn to the issues surrounding globalisation and culture in recent times especially since the beginning of the 21st century. The major concerns have been on the effects of globalisation in creating and preventing ‘world culture’ as well as on the contribution of culture in facilitating globalisation process. It should be noted from the onset that globalisation is both the cause and the consequence of cultural diversities and cultural similarities. Therefore, the continuous widespread of cultures generates three possibilities. First, powerful culture dominates frail ones thereby giving room for stronger culture to reign while ‘killing’ weaker ones (convergent thesis). Second, cultural interaction leaves the distinctiveness of each culture untouched (or unaffected) thereby creating real gap among cultures of the world (divergent thesis). Third, cultural mixture engenders unique culture (combination thesis). To address these, the chapter begins with the general explanation of culture and globalisation before discussing the three possibilities of cultural spread across the globe.
International Journal of English Linguistics, 2019
The purpose of the study was to highlight the impact of multicultural proliferation through globalization on the adolescents of Lahore, Pakistan. A way to measure part of the impact is to have an understanding of how they have internalized foreign holidays and/or festivals which belong to other cultures. The data were collected from 200 male and female participants, of ages 13 to 19 years. The sample was subdivided into two groups of 100 participants each based on their parents' income level and the type of their institution (public or private). The medium of instruction in the private institutions of Lahore is English. English is, clearly, the language of globalization. In this regard, the hypothesis is that those students who study in private schools are more affected than those who study in public schools and whose medium of instruction is Urdu. A survey design was used to collect data regarding their perceptions about foreign cultural and religious festivals such as "Christmas", "Holi", "Valentine's Day", etc. Hamelink's Cultural synchronization theory provided the theoretical lens to the study. The analysis procedure was based on content analysis. The findings reveal a vivid difference between the perceptions of both groups. The adolescents who belong to the lower socioeconomic status (who attend public schools) do not favour the celebration of foreign festivals. However, a tendency towards celebrating "Black Friday", "Valentine's Day" and "Basant" has been noticed. On the other hand, the adolescents of higher socioeconomic background (who attend private schools) look forward to celebrating these festivals and perceive their celebration does not harm their cultural values. Even if this effect is partially due to globalization, the speedy influence on one stratum of the young generation of Pakistan may lead to a rapid assimilation to the global culture in the forthcoming times and also an opposition to the other strata. The study suggests a national media campaign as well as an institutional policy with an emphasis on indigenous cultural, social and religious values. There is a need to be more tolerant towards "others", and know how to co-exist but at the same time be able to retain the elements of the home culture of Pakistan, rather than adopting foreign practices.
Globalization and Cultural Diversity Globalization and its Impact on Contemporary Culture
For the last decades, the contemporary society is fussed, inter alia, by globalization. Globalization has inevitably a cultural dimension and a religious one. More than material indicators, the cultural factor can be considered a pivotal one to globalization. The main features of global culture are: lack of memory, universality, uniform technical basis, lack of historical background. There is nowadays a globalization of culture in the sense of complex connexity. Globalization is examined in relation to economy, to technologies (especially with the computerized ones). However, in its essence, globalization renders the state of our world in its entirety. And what this process reveals to us is the fact that man became truly "homo universalae". The cultural dimension of globalization is unquestionable and more than material coordinates it can be considered a fundamental one of globalization. Globalization lies is the center of modern culture; there are cultural practices which...