Bulge formation inside quiescent lopsided stellar disks: Connecting accretion, star formation, and morphological transformation in a z ∼ 3 galaxy group (original) (raw)

Bulge Formation by the Coalescence of Giant Clumps in Primordial Disk Galaxies

The Astrophysical Journal, 2008

Gas-rich disks in the early universe are highly turbulent and have giant starforming clumps. Models suggest the clumps form by gravitational instabilities, and if they resist disruption by star formation, then they interact, lose angular momentum, and migrate to the center to form a bulge. Here we study the properties of the bulges formed by this mechanism. They are all thick, slowly rotating, and have a high Sersic index, like classical bulges. Their rapid formation should also give them relatively high α−element abundances. We consider fourteen low-resolution models and four high-resolution models, three of which have supernova feedback. All models have an active halo, stellar disk, and gaseous disk, three of the models have a pre-existing bulge and three others have a cuspy dark matter halo. All show the same basic result except the one with the highest feedback, in which the clumps are quickly destroyed and the disk thickens too much. The coalescence of massive disk clumps in the center of a galaxy is like a major merger in terms of orbital mixing. It differs by leaving a bulge with no specific dark matter component, unlike the merger of individual galaxies. Normal supernova feedback has little effect because the high turbulent speed in the -2gas produces tightly bound clumps. A variety of indirect observations support the model, including clumpy disks with young bulges at high redshift and bulges with relatively little dark matter.

The Formation of Large Galactic Disks: Revival or Survival?

Using the deepest and the most complete set of observations of distant galaxies, we investigate how extended disks could have formed. Observations include spatially-resolved kinematics, detailed morphologies and photometry from UV to mid-IR. Six billion years ago, half of the present-day spiral progenitors had anomalous kinematics and morphologies, as well as relatively high gas fractions. We argue that gas-rich major mergers, i.e., fusions between gas-rich disk galaxies of similar mass, can be the likeliest driver for such strong peculiarities. This suggests a new channel of disk formation, e.g. many disks could be reformed after gas-rich mergers. This is found to be in perfect agreement with predictions from the state-of-the-art LCDM semi-empirical models: due to our sensitivity in detecting mergers at all phases, from pairs to relaxed post-mergers, we find a more accurate merger rate. The scenario can be finally confronted to properties of nearby galaxies, including M31 and galax...

Rapid Formation of Exponential Disks and Bulges at High Redshift from the Dynamical Evolution of Clump‐Cluster and Chain Galaxies

The Astrophysical Journal, 2007

Many galaxies at high redshift have peculiar morphologies dominated by 10 8 − 10 9 M ⊙ kpc-sized clumps. Using numerical simulations, we show that these "clump clusters" can result from fragmentation in gravitationally unstable primordial disks. They appear as "chain galaxies" when observed edge-on. In less than 1 Gyr, clump formation, migration, disruption, and interaction with the disk cause these systems to evolve from initially uniform disks into regular spiral galaxies with an exponential or doubleexponential disk profile and a central bulge. The inner exponential is the initial disk size and the outer exponential is from material flung out by spiral arms and clump torques. A nuclear black hole may form at the same time as the bulge from smaller black holes that grow inside the dense cores of each clump. The properties and lifetimes of the clumps in our models are consistent with observations of the clumps in high redshift galaxies, and the stellar motions in our models are consistent with the observed velocity dispersions and lack of organized rotation in chain galaxies. We suggest that violently unstable disks are the first step in spiral galaxy formation. The associated starburst activity gives a short timescale for the initial stellar disk to form.

Pseudo-bulge formation via major mergers

Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2012

It is widely accepted that within the framework of cold dark matter a significant fraction of giant-disc galaxies has recently experienced a violent galactic merger. We present numerical simulations of such major mergers of gas-rich pure disc galaxies, and focus on the innermost stellar component (bulge) of the disc remnants. The simulations have high spatial and mass resolutions, and resolve regions deep enough to allow bulge classification according to standard kinematical and structural characteristics. In agreement with recent studies we find that these bulges are dominated by stars formed in the final coalescence process. In contrast to the common interpretation of such components as classical bulges (i.e. similar to intermediateluminosity ellipticals), we find that they are supported by highly coherent rotations and have Sèrsic indices n < 2, a result leading to their classification as pseudo-bulges. Pseudo-bulge formation by gas-rich major mergers of pure discs is a novel mode of pseudo-bulge formation; it complements pseudo-bulge growth by secular evolution, and it could help explain the high fractions of classically bulgeless giant-disc galaxies, and pseudo-bulges found in giant Sc galaxies.


The Astrophysical Journal, 2009

Galaxies above redshift 1 can be very clumpy, with irregular morphologies dominated by star complexes as large as 2 kpc and as massive as a few ×10 8 or 10 9 M ⊙ . Their co-moving densities and rapid evolution suggest that most present-day spirals could have formed through a clumpy phase. The clumps may form by gravitational instabilities in gas-rich turbulent disks; they do not appear to be separate galaxies merging together. We show here that the formation of the observed clumps requires initial disks of gas and stars with almost no stabilizing bulge or stellar halo. This cannot be achieved in models where disk galaxies grow by mergers. Mergers tend to make stellar spheroids even when the gas fraction is high, and then the disk is too stable to make giant clumps. The morphology of high-redshift galaxies thus suggests that inner disks assemble mostly by smooth gas accretion, either from cosmological flows or from the outer disk during a grazing interaction.

Balance among gravitational instability, star formation and accretion determines the structure and evolution of disc galaxies

Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2014

Over the past 10 Gyr, star-forming galaxies have changed dramatically, from clumpy and gas rich, to rather quiescent stellar-dominated disks with specific star formation rates lower by factors of a few tens. We present a general theoretical model for how this transition occurs, and what physical processes drive it, making use of 1D axisymmetric thin disk simulations with an improved version of the Gravitational Instability-Dominated Galaxy Evolution Tool (GIDGET) code. We show that at every radius galaxies tend to be in a slowly evolving equilibrium state wherein new accretion is balanced by star formation, galactic winds, and radial transport of gas through the disk by gravitational instability (GI) -driven torques. The gas surface density profile is determined by which of these terms are in balance at a given radius, -direct accretion is balanced by star formation and galactic winds near galactic centers, and by transport at larger radii. We predict that galaxies undergo a smooth transition from a violent disk instability phase to secular evolution. This model provides a natural explanation for the high velocity dispersions and large clumps in z ∼ 2 galaxies, the growth and subsequent quenching of bulges, and features of the neutral gas profiles of local spiral galaxies.

Thickening of galactic discs through clustered star formation

Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2002

The building blocks of galaxies are star clusters. These form with low-star formation efficiencies and, consequently, loose a large part of their stars that expand outwards once the residual gas is expelled by the action of the massive stars. Massive star clusters may thus add kinematically hot components to galactic field populations. This kinematical imprint on the stellar distribution function is estimated here by calculating the velocity distribution function for ensembles of star-clusters distributed as power-law or log-normal initial cluster mass functions (ICMFs). The resulting stellar velocity distribution function is non-Gaussian and may be interpreted as being composed of multiple kinematical sub-populations.

Characteristics of thick disks formed through minor mergers: stellar excesses and scale lengths

Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2011

By means of a series of N-body/SPH simulations we investigate the morphological properties of thick stellar disks formed through minor mergers with, e.g. a range of gas-to-stellar mass ratios. We show that the vertical surface density profile of the post-merger thick disk follows a sech function and has an excess in the regions furthest away from the disk mid-plane (z 2 kpc). This stellar excess also follows a sech function with a larger scale height than the main thick disk component (except at large radii). It is usually dominated by stars from the primary galaxy, but this depends on the orbital configuration. Stars in the excess have a rotational velocity lower than that of stars in the thick disk, and they may thus be confused with stars in the inner galactic halo, which can have a similar lag. Confirming previous results, the thick disk scale height increases with radius and the rate of its increase is smaller for more gas rich primary galaxies. On the contrary, the scale height of the stellar excess is independent of both radius and gas fraction. We also find that the post-merger thick disk has a radial scale length which is 10 − 50% larger than that of the thin disk. Two consecutive mergers have basically the same effect on heating the stellar disk as a single merger of the same total mass, i.e., the disk heating effect of a few consecutive mergers does not saturate but is cumulative. To investigate how thick disks produced through secular processes may differ from those produced by minor mergers, we also simulated gravitationally unstable gas-rich disks ("clumpy disks"). These clumpy disks do not produce either a stellar excess or a ratio of thick to thin disk scale lengths greater than one. Comparing our simulation results with observations of the Milky Way and nearby galaxies shows that our results for minor mergers are consistent with observations of the ratio of thick to thin disk scale lengths and with the "Toomre diagram" (the sum in quadrature of the vertical and radial versus the rotational kinetic energies) of the Milky Way. The simulations of clumpy disks do not show such agreement. We conclude that minor mergers are a viable mechanism for the creation of galactic thick disks and investigating stars at several kpc above the mid-plane of the Milky Way and other galaxies may provide a quantitative method for studying the (minor) merger history of galaxies.

Galactic Bulge Formation as a Maximum Intensity Starburst

The Astrophysical Journal, 1999

Properties of normal galactic star formation, including the density dependence, threshold density, turbulent scaling relations, and clustering properties, are applied to the formation of galactic bulges. One important difference is that the bulge potential well is too deep to have allowed self-regulation or blow-out by the pressures from young stars, unlike galactic disks or dwarf galaxies. As a result, bulge formation should have been at the maximum rate, which is such that most of the gas would get converted into stars in only a few dynamical time scales, or ∼ 10 8 years. The gas accretion phase can be longer than this, but once the critical density is reached, which depends primarily on the total virial density from dark matter, the formation of stars in the bulge should have been extremely rapid. Such three-dimensional star formation should also have formed many clusters, like normal disk star formation today. Some of these clusters may have survived as old globulars, but most got dispersed, although they might still be observable as concentrated streams in phase space.

Evolution of galactic discs: multiple patterns, radial migration, and disc outskirts

Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2012

We investigate the evolution of galactic discs in N-body tree-SPH simulations. We find that discs, initially truncated at three scalelengths, can triple their radial extent, solely driven by secular evolution. At the same time, the initial radial metallicity gradients are flattened and even reversed in the outer discs. Both Type I (single exponential) and Type II (down-turning) observed disc surfacebrightness profiles can be explained by our findings. We show that profiles with breaks beyond the bar's outer Lindblad resonance, at present only explained as the effect of star-formation threshold, can occur even if no star formation is considered. We explain these results with the strong angular momentum outward transfer, resulting from torques and radial migration associated with multiple patterns, such as central bars and spiral waves of different multiplicity. We find that even for stars ending up on cold orbits, the changes in angular momentum exhibit complex structure as a function of radius, unlike the expected effect of transient spirals alone. We show that the bars in all of our simulations are the most effective drivers of radial migration through their corotation resonance, throughout the 3 Gyr of evolution studied. Focussing on one of our models, we find evidence for non-linear coupling among m = 1, 2, 3 and 4 density waves, where m is the pattern multiplicity. In this way the waves involved conspire to carry the energy and angular momentum extracted by the first mode from the inner parts of the disc much farther out than a single mode could. We suggest that the naturally occurring larger resonance widths at galactic radii beyond four scale-lengths may have profound consequences on the formation and location of breaks in disc density profiles, provided spirals are present at such large distances. We also consider the effect of gas inflow and show that when in-plane smooth gas accretion of ∼5 M /yr is included, the outer discs become more unstable, leading to a strong increase in the stellar velocity dispersion. This, in turn, causes the formation of a Type III (up-turning) profile in the old stellar population. We propose that observations of Type III surface brightness profiles, combined with an upturn in the stellar velocity dispersions beyond the disc break, could be a signature of ongoing gas-accretion. The results of this study suggest that disc outskirts comprised of stars migrated from the inner disc would have relatively large radial velocity dispersions (>30 km s −1 at 6 scale-lengths for Milky Way-size systems), and significant thickness when seen edge-on.