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Study Regarding Changes in Decision-Making Process During the Crisis Period
Scientific Bulletin, 2020
Why the decision? Because we have to make decisions every day, more important or less important decisions that lead our lives in a certain direction, in both cases being necessary to choose between several courses of action. The decision is part of our lives and making the optimal decision is important, whether it comes from managers or from regular individuals. An organizational environment characterized by insecurity, frequent and sudden changes has a negative impact on the management of an organization. Under these circumstances, the reaction to these changes, instabilities materialize in quick, correct decisions that induce organizational stability. The main objective of the article is to analyze the decision-making process within the organizations that constitute the private environment in Sibiu. The question that the article wants to answer is: the expertise (knowledge, theories, methods) of managers in decision making sufficient or does this new context require an adaptation,...
Decision-Making - Path to Effectiveness
The emphasis is on investigating an aspect of managerial decision-making style with the potential to enhance managerial performance. In this context, it is important to examine the relat ionship between decision-ma king styles with conflict handling. Th is study focuses primarily on exp loring the role of conflict management used in the organizat ion as predictors of decision-making styles. The Data collected fro m 307 executives belonging to banking sector fro m West Bengal, India. The Data analysed using descriptive and simp le regressions analysis techniques. Results suggest that conflict-handling style used in the organization in addition to decision maker's education and management levels are good predictors of decision-making styles in such an environment. Results also indicate that a tendency towards the analytical style prevails among managers. Further, the implication o f the contribution made by this study to the body of management theory and practice discussed.
Managerial Competencies for Multinational Businesses
Decisions are choices. Decision making is the essence of management. Managers make decisions every day and the practical implications of such decisions are key to the success of the company. After reading this chapter, managers, or those who are preparing to be managers, should be better able to do the following: (1) understand the extent to which such organizational characteristics as structure or technology affect decision making, (2) see why the complexity of task environments determines the decisions being made by managers, (3) define and manage certain strategic organizational capabilities such as learning or absorptive capacity, (4) think about cognitive and non-cognitive human capital characteristics that play a role in decision making, and (5) be aware of the impact of culture on decision-making processes. Understanding these aspects will help you develop a deeper understanding of the role and importance of decision making, not only in the domestic market but also internatio...
Forewords “Think 100 times before you take a decision, But once that decision is taken, stand by it as one man. - Muhammad Ali Jinnah” Decision making in organizational leadership in public and private activities can involve the future of a Nation or a just an organization. In the area of conducting the National Defence, Financial, Corporate Management, Education, Health and Ambient, all converge to the sustainability of an organization, or a country and even of Mankind. This Paperwork will help the reader to understand the responsibility on the effects and performance that a Leader decision has in Space and Time. Concept A concept to be considered initially is that one of Taylor in the 20th century, in which the scientific bases of management are of a technological nature. It is believed that the best way to increase production is by improving the techniques or methods used by employees. With this theory, Taylor treated employees as machines that could be manipulated by their leaders.
How to be an effective leader in decision making in an unstable environment
The purpose of this paper is show how to be an effective leader in decision making in an unstable environment. Many people they don't recognize the difference between data and Information. Data means raw facts and observations while information means data made useful for decision making & drives management functions. And also many people they don't recognize the difference between decision making and problem solving. A decision is a choice among possible alternative course of action. While problem solving is the process of identifying a discrepancy between actual and desired performance and taking action to resolve it. Instability, complexity, and resource scarcity all lead to uncertainty which make it impossible for leaders to anticipate change and make rational decisions. Being an effective leader in decision making in an unstable environment requires a combination of skills, qualities, and strategies. The normal steps in the decision-making process are: Identify and define the problem, generate possible solutions or choices and evaluate possible solutions, choose a preferred course of action and conduct the "ethics double check, implement the decision, and lastly, evaluate results. Decision environments are controlled the degree of certainty or uncertainty, volatility (rate of change), Complexity (number of key factors), ambiguity (clarity), and risks.
Decision processes in organizations
In this chapter, it is demonstrated that the concepts of leadership and organization are closely linked. A leader should initially get to know the organizational culture as well as possible. Such a culture can for example be authoritarian and conformist or innovative and progressive in nature. The assumption is that leaders are influenced by their own culture. Strategic decisions are characterized by the fact that they are new, complex and open in nature, and being able to develop a strategy is one of the most difficult tasks for a leader. Traditionally, it is primarily the top leadership in an organization that works with strategic decisions, and thus it is common that strategic issues are handled by top leadership teams. This is related to the globalization of business and to the fact that the pace of work has increased significantly. In order to exercise leadership, a leader must have access to power. A power base can be created through networking as well as by using different political tactics. However, it is important to use political tactics in order to promote the organization's interests. When a leader has built up a power base, it is essential that power is used properly. The decisions that leaders make must be ethically correct and not violate universal human values. For instance, they should not lead to negative consequences for others within or outside the organization. Evidence suggests that most leaders have the potential to develop as ethical decision makers.
A Theoretical Approach to the Effective Decision-Making Process
Open Journal of Applied Sciences, 2020
This research develops and elaborates studies done for a contribution to the 2019 PIC International Conference 2019 in Malta, about the decision-making process. Decision-making is the act of choosing between two or more courses of action. In the wider process of problem-solving, decision-making involves choosing between possible solutions to a problem, and these decisions can be made through either an intuitive or reasoned process, or a combination of the two. The study of decision-making processes, to be understood as the role of human factors, becomes particularly interesting in complex organizations. This research aims to analyze how an effective team, within organizations, can develop a more correct and effective decision-making, in order to get an optimal solution, overcoming the typical uncertainty. The paper describes the point of departure of decision in complex, time-pressured, uncertain, ambiguous and changing environments. The use of a leading case (the Tenerife air accident, 1977), will lead us to the desired results, i.e. to demonstrate how an effective decisional process, including team dynamics, can be useful to reduce the risk, present in all decisions, and reduce errors. The case of Tenerife air disaster, confirm our research. In that case, in fact, the group dynamics prove not to have worked. Thus, we can state that if a team approach had been followed instead of a more individual one, the results would probably have been different. The central belief of the research, is that classic decision theory could benefit from a team approach, which reduces the risk that a decision may lead to undesirable consequences. As demonstrated with the case study, within organizations, the decision-making is not a solitary action. Decisions, in fact, are made within a team and in order to be able to function effectively in a group, and manage group situations, there are essential skills. The team can then become a resource for the decisional process and problem solving, but it is necessary to understand the dynamics.
Some Realities of Decision Making Process in an Organization
In our day-to-day activities, decision making is unavoidable; this is because it is a vital instrument that may move one forward or backwards. As it implies, the battle of choosing between two or more alternatives, then at end of this executive choice, there unfolds another crucial problem known as implementation. That is to say, is not enough to select among alternatives, but to implement it is the seeming ultimate point. Therefore, this write up, is an attempt to bring into focus, the fundamentals and realities, of decision making process. The paper tries first and foremost to examine the nature of organizations and administration as they are critical instruments that are determinants and context within which a manager takes a decision. Thereafter, the paper presents the management and decision making process.
Effective Decision-Making: From Theory and Methods to Strategy and Leadership
Business Inform
Since the decision-making process is becoming more multifactorial and multidimensional, determined by the type of problem being solved, leadership style, limiting factors, external and internal environment of the company, it is quite logical that the materials of the article are focused on identifying the most effective decision-making tools. In the course of the study, the basic theories of decision-making were classified into 3 groups: problem-oriented theories; solution-oriented theories; role-oriented theories. It is emphasized that the dominance of theoretical approaches to decision-making determines the choice of appropriate decision-making methods, which are divided into qualitative (evaluative, expert-analytical, mixed) and quantitative (methods in conditions of certainty and methods in conditions of uncertainty). The complex of approaches and methods used forms the basis for a key decision–making strategy - analytical, heuristic or expert. The carried out content analysis o...