Potentials and currents in the edge tokamak plasma: simplified approach and comparison with two-dimensional modelling (original) (raw)

Transport and turbulence in edge and SOL tokamak plasmas Transport et turbulence dans le plasma de bord d'un tokamak

In this paper we present the main issues concerning our research activity on tokamak plasmas and numerical simulation. The long term scope of our effort is to develop a 3D simulation code of the edge plasma-wall interaction including turbulent transport. This versatile numerical tool will address the physics in a simplified cylindrical geometry (limiter geometry). This code is also used as a test bed to implement novel numerical schemes that will be successively taken into account by the future (ITER horizon) ESPOIR code for full ITER geometry developed in the framework of the ANR project ESPOIR (ANR-09-BLAN-0035-01, 2009-2013).

Modelling of electric fields in tokamak edge plasma and LH transition


Abstract The fluid simulation of a divertor tokamak edge plasma by the B2-SOLPS5. 0 transport code gives the dependence of the radial electric field on the local and global plasma parameters. The shear of the radial electric field, which is responsible for the transition to an improved confinement regime, is a linear function of a local ion temperature and the local average toroidal velocity and is inversely proportional to the toroidal magnetic field.