Violência contra jornalistas no canal de Jair Bolsonaro no Youtube (original) (raw)
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Technopopulism and Politainment in Brazil: Bolsonaro Government’s Weekly YouTube Broadcasts.
Media and Communication, 2023
Digital platforms have become powerful weapons in the hands of many politicians. In search for disintermediation of information, Jair Messias Bolsonaro found in social networks a new space to interact with his voters. With a communication strategy primarily online, the former president of Brazil had social profiles on all platforms and has transformed these channels into official government sources, in a campaign whose goal was to discredit the traditional media and occupy the place of speech of these social actors. This article analyzed Bolsonaro’s weekly live streams, made available on his YouTube channel in order to study the technopopulism undertaken by Bolsonaro. Through a quantitative and qualitative content analysis, 121 videos (with a total duration of 83 hours and 58 minutes) were examined, from March 7, 2019, when the president of Brazil began doing the weekly YouTube broadcasts, until May 11, 2022, when this research was planned. The results indicate that the themes addre...
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Social platforms are environments prioritized by populist governments around the world and spaces frequently used for exchanging information without journalistic mediation. Invalidating the press is an increasingly evident strategy by political voices: a warning sign of attacks against journalists, amplified during the Covid-19 pandemic. Jair Bolsonaro is one of the more striking examples in Brazil and this article aims to understand the frequency and types of attacks on the press in videos published by the Brazilian president's YouTube channel. A hybrid methodology of content analysis and digital methods is developed for this study. The time frame covers the first 100 days of the health crisis in the country — from February 26 to June 4, 2020. The results show that the press is mentioned in 36% of the content; 40% of which represents criticism, 28% verbal attacks and 26% media discredit.
Populism and the Media in Brazil: The Case of Jair Bolsonaro
The Politics of Authenticity and Populist Discourses, 2021
After seven presidential elections that had a centre-left candidate facing a centre-right adversary in the second round, Brazil experienced radical change in the 2018 run-off. An extreme-right candidate, Jair Bolsonaro, from a very small party, won the first round of the elections. This chapter analyses the rise of Bolsonaro focusing particularly on his relationship with big media. In doing so, the authors test the pertinence of applying the concept of populism to the case of Brazil. Following a brief historical overview, João Feres Júnior and Juliana Gagliardi examine how the politics of media corporations changed over recent years, creating a strong antipolitical sentiment which was successfully appropriated by Bolsonaro’s populist agenda. The final section reflects upon the chapter’s contributions to understanding the Brazilian case and also the academic discussion on the concept of populism.
O uso ostensivo das redes sociais digitais pelos jornalistas remodelou sua forma de trabalho, permitindo a elaboracao de discursos estrategicamente ancorados em formatos que antes nao eram aceitos nas midias tradicionais. Um dos efeitos dessa mudanca reside na modalizacao, atraves da qual o profissional cria uma imagem de si na informacao transmitida ao publico. Com vistas a compreensao das estrategias utilizadas para a construcao desse ethos, o presente trabalho busca apurar como sao construidos os discursos informativos de jornalistas politicos na divulgacao do fato atraves da rede social Twitter. Para tanto, foram selecionados dois profissionais da chamada midia tradicional e dois da midia alternativa, em momentos distintos da politica brasileira: quando do afastamento da presidente Dilma Rousseff, em maio de 2016, e do arquivamento de denuncias de corrupcao contra o presidente Michel Temer, em agosto de 2017. Os nomes foram selecionados a partir de um estudo feito pela empresa M...
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Narrativa e violência: a cobertura do Outono Brasileiro no Twitter
Matrizes, 2014
RESUMO O artigo analisa a cobertura dos protestos que aconteceram no Brasil em junho de 2013. Para tanto, monitoramos 2.852 tweets de dez veículos jornalísticos brasileiros que cobriram os protestos e, através de uma análise de conteúdo, comparamos e identificamos mensagens com enfoque na violência ocorrida durante os protestos. Também comparamos esse discurso aos dados oficiais divulgados pelos veículos jornalísticos a respeito de mortos, feridos e presos em 268 protestos ocorridos no período. Os resultados indicam que a cobertura da imprensa no Twitter é bastante divergente daquela das fontes oficiais, amplificando a violência por focar, sobretudo, esse tópico.
On Digital Populism in Brazil (PoLAR: Political and Legal Anthropology Review, 2019)
PoLAR: Political and Legal Anthropology Review, 2019
In October 2018, Brazilians relived the shock many experienced in the US two years earlier, when Donald Trump was elected to the presidency. But Jair Bolsonaro's landslide victory came as a surprise only to those who were not acquainted with the extensive digitally-mediated world where his campaign was almost entirely run. This is the terrain where I have been conducting digital ethnography. I started this research as a matter of personal urgency, in the aftermath of a 'culture shock' of sorts, when a close relative declared her intention to vote for the right-wing candidate. From my (progressive) perspective, their two profiles were incommensurable: her, a peace-loving, spiritualized, tolerant person; him, a homophobic, misogynous, racist, "repugnant other" (Harding 1991).
Journalism, 2022
The article examines how mainstream news organizations in Brazil have tweeted about Jair Bolsonaro, investigating to what extent they may (voluntarily or not) amplify the visibility of populist leaders. We also scrutinize the levels of audience engagement with posts mentioning the President. Our empirical design comprises a content analysis of 128,096 tweets published throughout 2019 by Folha de S. Paulo, O Estado de S. Paulo, and O Globo. The results reveal that such newspapers focused on controversies and negative issues involving Bolsonaro, while posts addressing public policies did not achieve high visibility or engagement. The article also discusses to what degree the newspapers may be taking advantage of users' preferences for content with populist features to reinforce their watchdog role and boost audience ratings. Our findings also contribute to understanding how populist leaders and media organizations can build a mutually beneficial relationship, even though they publicly claim to oppose each other. Finally, the paper suggests new hypotheses to be explored, such as the argument that quality papers may be loosening the division between news and opinion when using social media to satisfy audience niches in polarized environments.
Legalizing Disinformation: Bolsonaro's Attack on Social Media Platforms
Verfassungsblog, 2021
On 6 September 2021, Brazil’s president Jair Bolsonaro enacted a provisional measure (an executive order with immediate legal force and a deadline of 120 days for Congress ratification) which replaced several norms of the so called “Brazilian Internet Bill of Rights” (Law no. 12.965/2014). The aim of the measure, which was enacted one day before the Brazilian Independence Day and an accompanying political rally, is to forbid social media companies to exercise content moderation over disinformation and other violations of their terms of service. Countless social media users used the upcoming Independency Day to attack the Brazilian Federal Supreme Court (hereinafter, STF) and its Justices, and even to request a coup d’état. Answering these attacks both the STF and the platforms increased their efforts to moderate social media contents. [...]