Talk and Pedagogy: Particularities of a Language Classroom Interaction (original) (raw)
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Classroom interactions play a key role in the learning and teaching process of a foreign language. On the past years, these interactions have been widely studied, but only few investigations have been developed in the EFL context. This research project focuses on the discursive patterns found in the English lessons of the 5th grade of a private school in Temuco, (Chile) with the general objective of describing the interaction patterns between the teacher and the students. The specific objectives are: a) to quantify the interactions started by the teacher and the students during the English lesson b) to identify the use of the classroom discourse by the teacher of English during her lessons and c) to establish the coherence between the statements of the teacher about her classroom discourse and the actual performance of her lesson. This study was based on a mixed approach and the design was explanatory and non-experimental. The participants of the study are a teacher of English and her students of 5th grade. The data was collected through a survey adapted from Petkova (2009) which was applied to the teacher of English and field notes collected during the lessons. The analysis of the results was carried out through Krussel, Edwards and Springer's (2004) framework of teacher discourse moves as well as Richards and Lockhart's (2000) classification of questions. The results show that the interactions in the lessons are dominated by the teacher and also that the questions the teacher asks do not lead to real communication or higher order thinking, although there is coherence between the declarations about her teaching and her classroom practices. Las interacciones en el aula juegan un papel clave en el proceso de aprendizaje y enseñanza de una lengua extranjera. En los últimos años, estas interacciones han sido ampliamente estudiadas, pero sólo unas pocas investigaciones se han desarrollado en el contexto de la enseñanza del inglés como lengua extranjera. Este proyecto de investigación se centra en los patrones discursivos que se encuentran en las clases de inglés del 5to grado de una escuela privada en Temuco, Chile, con el objetivo general de describir los patrones de interacción entre el profesor y los estudiantes. Los objetivos específicos son: a) cuantificar las interacciones iniciadas por la maestra y los alumnos durante la lección de inglés; b) identificar el uso del discurso de la clase por la profesora de inglés durante sus lecciones; y c) establecer la coherencia entre las declaraciones de la maestra sobre su discurso en el aula y sobre el desempeño real de su lección.
Conrado, 2020
RESUMEN The article focuses on the development of conversational competence in the teaching-learning process of foreign languages (FL). Current studies around this category demand a didactics to be oriented towards awareness, practice and reflection on the structural elements and mechanisms of conversation in order to achieve an optimal communicative performance in the students. However, the current methodology needs to deepen, from more critical and reflective positions, in the dynamics of the teaching-learning process, as the integration of knowledge, skills, strategies and attitudes that intervene in the conversational interactive dynamics has not been sufficiently addressed, especially in their relationship with context and intercultural exchange. The position argued in this work is that the dynamics of the teaching-learning process of conversational competence must be based on the development of collaborative relationships and symmetry among the students in order to co-construct a common interactive discourse, marked by the use of communicative and socio-affective strategies that allow to enhance the conversational skills of FL learners. ABSTRACT El artículo se centra en el desarrollo de la compe-tencia conversacional en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje de las lenguas extranjeras (LE). Los estudios actuales en torno a dicha categoría deman-dan una didáctica orientada hacia la sensibilización, práctica y reflexión de los elementos y mecanismos estructurales de la conversación para alcanzar un óptimo desempeño comunicativo en los estudiantes. Sin embargo, la metodología actual necesita profun-dizar, desde posiciones más críticas y reflexivas, en la dinámica del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje, pues aún no se ha trabajado, suficientemente, en la integración de los conocimientos, habilidades, es-trategias y actitudes que intervienen en la dinámi-ca interactiva conversacional, en su relación con el contexto y el intercambio intercultural. La posición que se argumenta en este trabajo es que la diná-mica del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje de la competencia conversacional debe fundamentarse en el desarrollo de relaciones de colaboración y si-metría en el alumnado para co-construir un discurso interactivo común, marcado por el uso de estrate-gias comunicativas y socio-afectivas que permitan potenciar las habilidades conversacionales de los aprendices de LE.
Different Perspectives on Language Classroom Interaction
Language Learning, 2004
This chapter reviews several approaches which have been employed over the last 30 years to analyze L2 classroom interaction. Although the review is critical in some respects in order to prepare the ground for a CA perspective on institutional discourse, it nonetheless tries to uncover elements of compatibility between CA and the approaches reviewed and to integrate them wherever possible. The first approach reviewed is DA, which has been the basis for numerous coding schemes in language teaching. I then consider the perspective of the communicative approach on interaction in the language classroom. Next, I show that there has been strong recent research interest in developing dynamic and variable approaches to classroom interaction. This is followed by a discussion of issues relating to databases underlying such research and a specification of the database underlying this study. I then consider the relationship between CA and ethnography and conclude by introducing the CA perspective on institutional discourse on which this study is based. 2.1 Discourse Analysis Approaches According to Levinson (1983, p. 286) there are two major approaches to the study of naturally occurring interaction: DA Seedhouse * 58 Perspectives on Language Classroom Interaction 4 L: they cook their meal. 5 T: right, they cook their meal over an open fire.
Two complementary modes of foreign language classroom interaction, ELT Journal Volume 56/3 July 2002
The aim of this paper is to look at foreign language (FL) classroom talk as a special type of interaction (Seedhouse 1996; Cullen 1998), which has two complementary modes: the natural and the pedagogical (Stern 1983; Kramsch 1985; Gil 1999). The reason for adopting such a perspective is that it seems to create a bridge between theory-driven investigations of classroom interaction and actual pedagogical practice in the foreign language classroom
Classroom Talk in Bilingual Class Interaction
Research in Pedagogy, 2017
This study reveals how the classroom talk was in the bilingual classroom interaction. The classroom talk comprises teacher and pupil talk-in which they cover teacher's explanation, teacher's question, teacher's feedback, and modification to teacher's speech; as well as pupil's responses and pupil's questions. The research findings show that the language option used by the teachers in the bilingual classroom interaction was influenced by several factors, such as (1) teacher's linguistic competence, (2) the views on the roles of the two languages in the bilingual interaction (3) teacher's interpretation on the instructional language use prescribed by the school management, and (4) the teacher's educational background. The research findings on pupil talk show that the pupils generally adjusted their language option in responding to questions as the language used by the teachers in asking questions. Although the questions were translated into their mother tongue, pupils still assumed that the questions were actually in English. Similarly, the pupils strived to adjust the language of their questions as the language used by the teachers in explaining.
Ilha do Desterro, 2008
This article reports on a study on classroom interaction in an EFL context in Brazil. The study, of an ethnographic nature, analyses recorded lessons, interviews and questionnaires answered by the students. The social rules governing classroom interaction usually determine an asymmetrical relationship between the teacher and the students, though it may be possible, according to the data obtained, to create an atmosphere of co-operation in which interaction may occur within less asymmetrical verbal patterns. This atmosphere, determined by linguistic, pedagogical, psychological and social factors, favours student language production. The data suggest connections between the students' views of classroom language learning, their engagement in classroom discourse, and possible implications for (foreign) language development. Este artigo relata um estudo sobre interação em sala de aula em um contexto de inglês como língua estrangeira, no Brasil. O estudo, de natureza etnográfica, anal...
Lenguas Modernas, 2017
The present study sought to demonstrate the importance that the shaping of learner contributions has in the provision of opportunities for participation and learning in the EFL classroom. A particular set of interactional features that can shape learners' utterances were examined: scaffolding, requests for clarification and confirmation checks. These features have been found to promote language participation and learning from a classroom discourse perspective (Walsh, 2002; Walsh andLi, 2013; CanD~km, 2014). The stody was also informed bythe sociocultural concept of learning as a social affair that is achieved through participation (Lantolf, 2000; Donato, 2000; Mondada & Pekarek, 2004). A ConversationAnalysis (CA) methodology was used to analyse two extracts collected in EFL classrooms ata language institute in Santiago, Chile. Findings suggested that when teachers shape their learners' contributions by means of scaffolding, clarification requests and confirmation checks in a pedagogical environment that promotes conversation, participation and learning willlikely be enhanced. Para correspondencia dirigirse a Marco Cancino
RAEL: Revista Electrónica de Lingüística Aplicada , 2018
This paper is about the implementation of Communicative Language Teaching in foreign language instruction in Secondary Education and Official Schools of LanguagesLanguage Schools in the region of Madrid (Spain). More specifically, its main goal is to map the variety of communicative practices carried out in the FL classroom as reported by 91 experienced teachers. Data was collected as part of a larger international research project, the KIELO study, where FL educators from different countries were asked about a variety of aspects aspects of their daily teaching activity with the help of an ad hoc designed questionnaire. Findings highlight that the most frequently reported practices in secondary education are clearly communicatively oriented and that their implementation in the FL classroom is mainly determined by teachers' self-conceptions as researchers and learners. Results also show that the Spanish findings are not always in line with previous KIELO studies. Este artículo versa sobre la ejecución práctica del enfoque comunicativo en la enseñanza de lenguas extranjeras en educación secundaria y escuelas oficiales de idiomas en Madrid. Concretamente, el principal objetivo de este trabajo es identificar las prácticas comunicativas más habituales en el aula de idiomas a partir de los datos obtenidos entre 91 profesores experimentados. Este estudio se ha realizado en el marco del proyecto de investigación internacional KIELO, cuyo propósito es recabar opiniones de profesores de lenguas extranjeras sobre diversos aspectos de su actividad docente a partir de un cuestionario diseñado ad hoc. Los resultados señalan que las prácticas más frecuentes en educación secundaria están claramente orientadas a la comunicación y que los docentes que las llevan a cabo de forma regular son aquellos que se consideran investigadores y aprendices en el aula. Los resultados también muestran diferencias significativas con otros estudios KIELO llevados a cabo en otros países. Palabras clave: enfoque comunicativo; educación secundaria; escuelas oficiales de idiomas (EOIs); profesores de lengua extranjera; proyecto KIELO
Methodological uncertainties of research in ELT education I, 2020
In this chapter, I will discuss Conversation Analysis as an available research methodology to study the relationship betweenn classroom interaction and interactional identities of participants in English-language education. As currently I am embarked on a query focused on exploring this relationship, I will include a review of some research methodologies to study this matter. This review becomes of major relevance to explain how classroom interactions and participants interactional roles have been studied within this field.