The Role of Parents in Guiding Children in the Implementation of Online Learning During the Covid-19 Pandemic at Yapim Siak Hulu Private Vocational School (original) (raw)
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This study aims to identify problems experienced by teachers, parents, and students in online learning during the COVID-19 period and examine students' completeness in learning without physical interaction with teachers. This research was conducted at MIN 2 and MI al-Amanah Bailang Manado. There were 16 informants: 4 teachers, 6 parents and 6 students. Interview was conducted directly and by telephone. The results showed that while students were at home learning during Covid-19 some parents paid attention and help their children to study. The parents find it difficult to accompany their children to study at home. It is due to their busyness and their inability and knowledge to explain their children’s subjects. Completeness of teaching and learning in online learning without physical interaction make the teachers must be concerned about the condition of their students. The students are 'forced' to learn through online media while they do not have adequate facilities at h...
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Parents’ Perception of Online Learning During the Covid-19 Pandemic: A Literature Review Study
Proceedings of the 3rd Green Development International Conference (GDIC 2020), 2021
In response to the Covid-19 outbreak, schools have been closed nationwide by the Indonesian government, due to the prevention of the spread of infection. this is done as an emergency measure. besides that, public activities are also limited. This situation challenges education in the world, especially in Indonesia and forces learning to shift to online learning. online learning diversion is a part of many educational institutions in the world. several factors related to the quality of educational institutions, teachers, parents, students and added to the levies on the condition of the students' conditions are a big influence on the quality of online learning. this situation places parents and guardians in the responsibility of learning. The articles reviewed on this topic come from Indonesia and internationally.
Parental Assistance for Children's Learning Process in the Era of the Covid-19 Pandemic
The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the education sector is very significant. The face-to-face learning process turned into distance learning. This study aimed to obtain information about parental understanding and forms of parental support for children in the learning process during the Covid-19 Pandemic Era in Ngoro Tengah Hamlet, Triyagan Village, Mojolaban District, Sukoharjo Regency. The method used is descriptive qualitative. In this research, we distributed questionnaires to parents of school-age children. And then, we provide counseling and distribute the questionnaires again. The results obtained are that it can be seen that the level of understanding of the community in the Ngoro Tengah Hamlet, Triyagan Village, Mojolaban District, and Sukoharjo Regency regarding the children's learning process in the Covid-19 pandemic era is relatively high, but it turns out that in the process of implementing online learning the respondents in this study stated that the difficulti...
Study on Parents’ Factors Influencing Children’s Online Learning during Covid-19 Period
Peradeniya University International Research Sessions (iPURSE) 2021, 2021
The widespread Covid-19 pandemic was the reason for sudden closure of Sri Lankan schools and the collapse of the traditional classroom-based learning system. Therefore, many school children assigned to get school education through online learning. It creates a great weight to their parents because they had to make great efforts to provide their children with the facilities required for online learning from home. Thus, this research focused on to study the extent to which parents factors influence children's online learning during the Covid-19 period. The descriptive research design was used to gather panel data from a sample of students (n=30) and parents (n=20) whose children at primary classes studied in a school in the district of Ratnapura, Sri Lanka applying a convenience sampling technique. Personal based semi-structured interviews were the main instruments of data collection to get an insight into real-life experiences of parents and students about online learning. Moreover, a structured questionnaire was employed to the sample. In the application of the questionnaire, participants were asked to rate how much they agreed with the statements on a five-point Likert scale, ranging from ‘strongly disagree’ to ‘strongly agree’. Data were analysed using descriptive statistical analysis techniques. The results revealed that parents’ awareness related to the utilization of technology devices, online educational applications and internet facilities, parents educational background, parents socio-economic background are the factors which have influenced significantly and positively on the children's' online learning. The findings suggest to initiate seminars, training programs, workshops for parents to enhance the knowledge and skills related to online education. Besides, the results encourage to provide reliable internet connections, equipped with the necessary online educational applications and prompt financial aids to low-income families if necessary.
Pandemic Covid-19 has disrupted the conventional learning process. So a solution is needed to answer these problems. Online learning is an alternative that can solve this problem. This study aims to analyze the online learning process, supporting factors, and inhibiting factors for the implementation of online learning. This research was conducted at Bina Insani Islamic Junior High School. This research uses descriptive qualitative research methods. The subjects used in this study were junior high school teachers at Bina Insani Islamic Junior High School. Data collection techniques in the form of semi-structured interviews and documentation. The result of this research is COVID-19 pandemic has a huge impact on the learning process; learning usually carried out directly is now being transferred to online learning. Online learning for junior high school-aged children is less effective. There are several factors supporting teachers in the online learning process, namely the availability of mobile phones. The inhibiting factors include not all students have cell phones and the unstable internet connection.
ThufuLA: Jurnal Inovasi Pendidikan Guru Raudhatul Athfal, 2021
During this pandemic, parents have duties as substitute teachers as in school institutions; parents provide learning and assistance so that children's interest in education learning does not decrease even though the learning process is carried out from their respective homes. This study aims to learn more about how the learning process is carried out during the pandemic and parental involvement in early childhood education at RA Muslimat NU 007 Gandu I. This research is qualitative with a case study design, data were collected through observation, interviews, and documentation. At the same time, the data analysis used in this study is a qualitative data analysis of the Miles and Huberman model. Based on the research, it was found that the learning process during this pandemic RA Muslimat NU 007 Gandu I was carried out in a hybrid learning by combining online and offline. While, parental involvement in the learning process included: First, parenting activities; second, communication with teachers and schools (PAUD), third, mentoring activities for learning from home; and fourth, involved in making decisions through
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The perception of the parents toward the online teaching and learning during the covid-19 pandemic
Journal of Humanities and Education Development
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