Chrysopogon shrirangii sp. nov. (Poaceae: Andropogoneae) from Karnataka, India (original) (raw)

Chrysopogon densipaniculatus (Poaceae: Andropogoneae): a new species from India

Chrysopogon densipaniculatus, a remarkable new species has been described and illustrated from Korba district of Chhattisgarh, India. The species is allied to C. serrulatus but may be distinguished by the dense panicle inflorescence, glandular peduncle, upper lemma and palea of the pedicelled spikelet bi-dentate to tridentate, the latter of which is reduced a minute scale. Detailed morphological description, distribution, habitat and ecology, illustration of floral parts and colour photographs, IUCN conservation status and relevant taxonomic notes of the species are provided. A key for the identification of Chrysopogon species in India is also given to facilitate the proper identification.

Tripogon idukkianus (Poaceae: Chloridoideae), a new species from India

Abstract Tripogon idukkianus, a new species of grass from the Ramakkalmedu hill slopes of Idukki district of Kerala, South India is described and illustrated. The new species differs from T. anantaswamianus in having 5–13 mm long, acuminate glabrous leaves, 6–14 flowered spikelets with secund florets, 4-lobed scabrid lemmas with 3 awns each, and 2-keeled ciliate paleas with an obtuse or acute apex with two subapical setae.

Synopsis of the genus Bothriochloa (Poaceae: Andropogoneae) in India

Phytotaxa, 2021

During the taxonomic study of the genus Bothriochloa from India, B. ewartiana was reported for the first time in Asia from India. Earlier, it was known only from Australia, Lesser Sunda Island (Sumbawa, Timor), Philippines (Luzon), and Papua New Guinea (Madang). We have discussed about its amphitropical disjunct distribution over a vast continental gap with respect to some variability reported in the morphological attributes. A hypothesis behind its seclusion from Far East is also discussed. The images of the habitat and habit of B. ewartiana along with its detailed comparison with a close species B. woodrovii are provided. The taxonomic limits of each Indian species of Bothriochloa along with their ranges of morphological variations and distribution have been discussed in a detail. The Indian endemic B. parameswaranii (synonym nova) has been relegated, based on the morphological study, as a new taxonomic synonym of B. insculpta. Moreover, keys to identify closely allied genera and the species of Bothriochloa in India are provided. At the end, identification, taxonomic notes and the range of variations of Dichanthium foulkesii, D. jainii & D. concanense have been discussed in a detail.

Tripogon bimucronatus (Poaceae: Chloridoideae: Tripogoninae), a new species from India

ABSTRACT. Tripogon bimucronatus Thoiba & Sunil, a new species of grass from the Nelliyampathy Hills, Palakkad District of Kerala, South India is described and illustrated. It is morphologically similar to Tripogon vellarianus Pradeep but differs by having adaxially scabrid, linear-acuminate leaves; ligules a fringe of hairs to 2.5 mm long; spikelets with 6–8 closely packed florets; lower glume asymmetrical; upper glume awned; lemma awn scabrid; palea elliptic-lanceolate, apex bimucronate and notched at the centre.

Andropogon × Paraguariensis, a New Name for Andropogon × Velutinus (Poaceae, Andropogoneae)

Darwiniana, 2015

El complejo Andropogon lateralis está constituido por alrededor de 13 entidades taxonómicas: siete especies y seis híbridos inter-específicos distribuidos en Centro y Sudamérica. Los híbridos naturales en este grupo son frecuentes debido a la ausencia de barreras reproductivas entre las especies. Estos híbridos han sido recolectados en los últimos dos siglos y, en la mayoría de los casos, han llamado la atención de los taxónomos, quienes han descrito a varias de estas combinaciones formalmente como nuevos taxones. Por lo tanto, las entidades taxonómicas basadas en combinaciones híbridas han sido válidamente publicadas. De las diez entidades taxonómicas que integran el complejo A. lateralis en el Cono Sur de Sudamérica, cinco corresponden a híbridos naturales y tres de estos poseen nombres legítimos (A. × coloratus, A. × lindmanii y A. × subtilior). Sobre la base de análisis morfométricos y estudios previos, proponemos que los dos híbridos naturales restantes también merecen nombres taxonómicamente válidos. Estas entidades son Andropogon × velutinus (A. bicornis × A. glaziovii, = Andropogon sp 1 de acuerdo a Zanin, 2001) y Andropogon × catarinensis (A. bicornis × A. arenarius). En este trabajo se presentan los tratamientos taxonómicos de Andropogon × velutinus y Andropogon × catarinensis. Palabras clave. Análisis multivariado; Andropogoneae; híbridos interespecíficos; morfometría; taxonomía. Original recibido el 2 de abril de 2012, aceptado el 2 de junio de 2012. Resumen. Nagahama, N.; A. M. Anton, M. I. Hidalgo & G. A. Norrmann. 2012. Nombres válidos para híbridos del complejo Andropogon lateralis (Poaceae, Andropogoneae) sobre la base de análisis multivariados. Darwiniana 50(1): 114-123.

Tripogon mahendragiriensissp. nov. (Poaceae) from the Eastern Ghats of Odisha (Orissa) State, India

Nordic Journal of Botany, 2015

Tripogon mahendragiriensis (Poaceae), a new species from Mahendragiri Hills, Eastern Ghats, Odisha (Orissa) State, India is described and illustrated. It is similar to Tripogon humilis and T. purpurascens, but differs mainly by having longer culms, leaf blades and spike, unlobed lemmas and 2 anthers which are longer. From T. purpurascens it also differs by having 3-awned lemmas. Conservation status As T. mahendragiriensis is currently known only from a single locality in Mahendragiri Hill of northern Eastern Ghats., this species is to be treated as 'Data Deficient' (DD) as per IUCN (2014) guidelines.