Learning action models for multi-agent planning (original) (raw)

Action-Model Based Multi-agent Plan Recognition


Multi-Agent Plan Recognition (MAPR) aims to recognize dynamic team structures and team behaviors from the observed team traces (activity sequences) of a set of intelligent agents. Previous MAPR approaches required a library of team activity sequences (team plans) be given as input. However, collecting a library of team plans to ensure adequate coverage is often difficult and costly. In this paper, we relax this constraint, so that team plans are not required to be provided beforehand. We assume instead that a set of action models are available. Such models are often already created to describe domain physics; i.e., the preconditions and effects of effects actions. We propose a novel approach for recognizing multi-agent team plans based on such action models rather than libraries of team plans. We encode the resulting MAPR problem as a satisfiability problem and solve the problem using a state-of-the-art weighted MAX-SAT solver. Our approach also allows for incompleteness in the observed plan traces. Our empirical studies demonstrate that our algorithm is both effective and efficient in comparison to state-of-the-art MAPR methods based on plan libraries.

Recognizing Multi-Agent Plans When Action Models and Team Plans Are Both Incomplete

ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology, 2019

Multi-Agent Plan Recognition (MAPR) aims to recognize team structures (which are composed of team plans) from the observed team traces (action sequences) of a set of intelligent agents. In this article, we introduce the problem formulation of MAPR based on partially observed team traces, and present a weighted MAX-SAT–based framework to recognize multi-agent plans from partially observed team traces with the help of two types of auxiliary knowledge to help recognize multi-agent plans, i.e., a library ofincompleteteam plans and a set ofincompleteaction models. Our framework functions with two phases. We first build a set ofhardconstraints that encode the correctness property of the team plans, and a set ofsoftconstraints that encode the optimal utility property of team plans based on the input team trace, incomplete team plans, and incomplete action models. After that, we solve all of the constraints using a weighted MAX-SAT solver and convert the solution to a set of team plans that...

Learning Action Models from Disordered and Noisy Plan Traces

ArXiv, 2019

There is increasing awareness in the planning community that the burden of specifying complete domain models is too high, which impedes the applicability of planning technology in many real-world domains. Although there have many learning systems that help automatically learning domain models, most existing work assumes that the input traces are completely correct. A more realistic situation is that the plan traces are disordered and noisy, such as plan traces described by natural language. In this paper we propose and evaluate an approach for doing this. Our approach takes as input a set of plan traces with disordered actions and noise and outputs action models that can best explain the plan traces. We use a MAX-SAT framework for learning, where the constraints are derived from the given plan traces. Unlike traditional action models learners, the states in plan traces can be partially observable and noisy as well as the actions in plan traces can be disordered and parallel. We demo...

Learning complex action models with quantifiers and logical implications

Artificial Intelligence, 2010

Automated planning requires action models described using languages such as the Planning Domain Definition Language (PDDL) as input, but building action models from scratch is a very difficult and time-consuming task, even for experts. This is because it is difficult to formally describe all conditions and changes, reflected in the preconditions and effects of action models. In the past, there have been algorithms that can automatically learn simple action models from plan traces. However, there are many cases in the real world where we need more complicated expressions based on universal and existential quantifiers, as well as logical implications in action models to precisely describe the underlying mechanisms of the actions. Such complex action models cannot be learned using many previous algorithms. In this article, we present a novel algorithm called LAMP (Learning Action Models from Plan traces), to learn action models with quantifiers and logical implications from a set of observed plan traces with only partially observed intermediate state information. The LAMP algorithm generates candidate formulas that are passed to a Markov Logic Network (MLN) for selecting the most likely subsets of candidate formulas. The selected subset of formulas is then transformed into learned action models, which can then be tweaked by domain experts to arrive at the final models. We evaluate our approach in four planning domains to demonstrate that LAMP is effective in learning complex action models. We also analyze the human effort saved by using LAMP in helping to create action models through a user study. Finally, we apply LAMP to a real-world application domain for software requirement engineering to help the engineers acquire software requirements and show that LAMP can indeed help experts a great deal in real-world knowledge-engineering applications.

A review of learning planning action models

The Knowledge Engineering Review

Automated planning has been a continuous field of study since the 1960s, since the notion of accomplishing a task using an ordered set of actions resonates with almost every known activity domain. However, as we move from toy domains closer to the complex real world, these actions become increasingly difficult to codify. The reasons range from intense laborious effort, to intricacies so barely identifiable, that programming them is a challenge that presents itself much later in the process. In such domains, planners now leverage recent advancements in machine learning to learn action models, that is, blueprints of all the actions whose execution effectuates transitions in the system. This learning provides an opportunity for the evolution of the model toward a version more consistent and adapted to its environment, augmenting the probability of success of the plans. It is also a conscious effort to decrease laborious manual coding and increase quality. This paper presents a survey o...

An AI Planning-Based Approach to the Multi-Agent Plan Recognition Problem


Multi-Agent Plan Recognition (MAPR) is the problem of inferring the goals and plans of multiple agents given a set of observations. While previous MAPR approaches have largely focused on recognizing team structures and behaviors, given perfect and complete observations, in this paper, we address potentially unreliable observations and temporal actions. We propose a multi-step compilation technique that enables the use of AI planning for the computation of the probability distributions of plans and goals, given observations. We present results of an experimental evaluation on a novel set of benchmarks, using several temporal and diverse planners.

Action-model acquisition for planning via transfer learning

Artificial Intelligence, 2014

Applying learning techniques to acquire action models is an area of intense research interest. Most previous works in this area have assumed that there is a significant amount of training data available in a planning domain of interest, which we call target domain, where action models are to be learned. However, it is often difficult to acquire sufficient training data to ensure that the learned action models are of high quality. In this paper, we develop a novel approach to learning action models with limited training data in the target domain by transferring knowledge from related auxiliary or source domains. We assume that the action models in the source domains have already been created before, and seek to transfer as much of the the available information from the source domains as possible to help our learning task. We first exploit a Web searching method to bridge the target and source domains, such that transferrable knowledge from source domains is identified. We then encode the transferred knowledge together with the available data from the target domain as constraints in a maximum satisfiability problem, and solve these constraints using a weighted MAX-SAT solver. We finally transform the solutions thus obtained into highquality target-domain action models. We empirically show that our transfer-learning based framework is effective in several domains, including the International Planning Competition (IPC) domains and some synthetic domains.

Text-Based Action-Model Acquisition for Planning

Cornell University - arXiv, 2022

Although there have been approaches that are capable of learning action models from plan traces, there is no work on learning action models from textual observations, which is pervasive and much easier to collect from real-world applications compared to plan traces. In this paper we propose a novel approach to learning action models from natural language texts by integrating Constraint Satisfaction and Natural Language Processing techniques. Specifically, we first build a novel language model to extract plan traces from texts, and then build a set of constraints to generate action models based on the extracted plan traces. After that, we iteratively improve the language model and constraints until we achieve the convergent language model and action models. We empirically exhibit that our approach is both effective and efficient.

An agent specific planning algorithm

Expert Systems with Applications, 2012

Planning algorithms are often applied by intelligent agents for achieving their goals. For the plan creation, this kind of algorithm uses only an initial state definition, a set of actions, and a goal; while agents also have preferences and desires that should to be taken into account. Thus, agents need to spend time analyzing each plan returned by these algorithms to find one that satisfies their preferences. In this context, we have studied an alternative in which a classical planner could be modified to accept a new conceptual parameter for a plan creation: an agent mental state composed by preferences and constraints. In this work, we present a planning algorithm that extends a partial order algorithm to deal with the agent's preferences. In this way, our algorithm builds an adequate plan in terms of agent mental state. In this article, we introduce this algorithm and expose experimental results showing the advantages of this adaptation.

Self-directed Learning of Action Models using Exploratory Planning

ArXiv, 2022

Complex, real-world domains may not be fully modeled for an agent, especially if the agent has never operated in the domain before. The agent’s ability to effectively plan and act in such a domain is influenced by its knowledge of when it can perform specific actions and the effects of those actions. We describe a novel exploratory planning agent that is capable of learning action preconditions and effects without expert traces or a given goal. The agent’s architecture allows it to perform both exploratory actions as well as goal-directed actions, which opens up important considerations for how exploratory planning and goal planning should be controlled, as well as how the agent’s behavior should be explained to any teammates it may have. The contributions of this work include a new representation for contexts called Lifted Linked Clauses, a novel exploration action selection approach using these clauses, an exploration planner that uses lifted linked clauses as goals in order to re...