Increasing the Stability of Combustion Processes in the Combustion Chamber of Gas-Turbine Engine Through the Improvement of the Airgas Channel (original) (raw)

Increasing the Stability of a Low-Emission Gas Turbine Combustion Chamber

Collection of Scientific Publications NUS, 2021

Purpose. The main aim of the research is to increase the stability of gaseous fuel combustion processes in a gas turbine engine (GTE) low-emission combustors due to the plasma-chemical influence on the processes of mixture formation and gas-dynamic improvement of the flow part. Method. The improvement of vibrating characteristics of GTE low-emission combustors with plasma-chemical stabilizer is provided by solution the main research problems in accordance with the generally accepted methodology of scientific research. The theoretical basis of the research is the scientific work of specialists in the study of hydrocarbon fuels combustion. Results. Increasing the stability of a low-emission GTE combustion chamber operating on gaseous fuel is ensured by the influence of low-temperature plasma generators on the fuel-air mixture formation processes. The mathematical model of unsteady processes in a GTE low-emission combustion chamber, that takes into consideration of the plasma chemical generator influence on the stability processes and allows to predict the pulsation characteristics of fuel-burning devices, is developed. Scientific novelty. The performed numerical experiment have shown that the aerodynamic improvement of the flow part and the use of the plasma generator reduces the pressure pulsations inside flame tube by 10…35%, while in the area of primary air supply the reduction of pulsations is most pronounced. Practical importance. Creation of a numerical experiment technique to increase the stability of gaseous fuel combustion processes in low-emission combustion chambers using modern computational hydrodynamics complexes will increase the efficiency of design and research work. Practical recommendations have been developed to improve the acoustic stability of processes in a low-emission combustion chamber with preliminary mixing of fuel with air for a 25 MW gas turbine engine using low-current plasma-chemical generators and air-dynamic improvement of the combustion device. The results and calculating methods the characteristics of the combustion chamber with plasma chemical stabilizer are used at gas turbine enterprises in the designing new and upgrading existing models of GTE low-emission combustion chambers.

Possibilities of Effective Ammonia Combustion in the Combustion Chamber of a Gas Turbine Engine Operating with Over-Expansion Turbine

Збірник наукових праць Національного університету кораблебудування, 2023

The need to reduce the impact of energetics on the environment determines the need to develop and adapt energy-efficient decarbonized systems, as well as determine the ranges of their rational parameters. The aim of the work is to study the energy and emission characteristics of gaseous ammonia burning in the combustion chamber of a gas turbine engine with over-expansion. The combustion chamber for the afterburning of waste gases of a hightemperature fuel cell as part of a gas turbine unit with over-expansion was chosen as the object of the investigation. For detailed forecasting of the characteristics of the combustion chamber operating on ammonia, an approach was used, according to which the burning device is considered as a set of different chemical reactors (perfectly stirred, plug-flow), simulating the main processes of chemical transformations in different sections of the flame tube of the combustion chamber. A reactor model of the combustion chamber operating on gaseous ammonia has been developed, in which the relevant reactors simulate the primary zone of the combustion chamber, the dilution zone and the processes of mixing of secondary air, which is supplied to the respective zones, with the main flow. The mathematical model is based on the equations of conservation of mass and energy for a chemically reacting system. As a kinetic scheme of gaseous fuel burning in the combustion chambers of gas turbine engines, the mechanism of high-temperature oxidation of ammonia is used, taking into consideration the chemical reactions of hydrogen combustion, which includes 71 reactions with 22 components. The influence of operational parameters of the combustion chamber on the distribution of temperature and concentrations of chemically reactive components in the volume of the burning device is considered. Calculations of the working process of the combustion chamber were carried out for a thermal power of 1.,0 MW, a pressure of 0.3 MPa and at variation of the excess air coefficient from 1.41 to 2.03. The possibility of stable operation of the combustion chamber on ammonia under the conditions of effective swirling of the primary air is shown. At the same time, the residence time of the reagents in the primary combustion zone should exceed 0.025 seconds, which is possible if there are powerful devices for stabilizing combustion. The results of the work can be used in the development of combustion chambers of gas turbine engines for decarbonized energy systems, as well as for afterburning products of solid oxide fuel cells operating as part of hybrid power plants.

Features of the Working Process in a Hybrid Combustion Chamber of an Ammonia-Fueled Gas Turbine Engine

Збірник наукових праць Національного університету кораблебудування, 2022

The need to reduce the impact of energy on the environment requires the development of decarbonized systems that do not use carbon, as well as the determination of optimal parameters for their operation. The purpose of the work is to establish the features of the organization of the working process of the combustion chamber of a gas turbine engine that operates on gaseous ammonia. The thermodynamic and gas dynamic processes in a hybrid gas turbine combustion chamber with partial mixing of components outside the combustion zone were chosen as the object of study. To predict the aerodynamic structure of chemically reacting flows in the ammonia-burning combustion chamber, a three-dimensional modeling method was used. The proposed mathematical model is based on the equations of continuity, conservation of momentum, conservation of energy, transport of chemical components of the mixture, as well as equations that describe the characteristics of the turbulence of swirled flows. The Eddy-Dissipation-Concept (EDC) combustion model was used to calculate the oxidation processes of ammonia in the gas turbine engine combustion chamber, which takes into consideration the interaction of kinetics and turbulence. To calculate the kinetic aspects of high-temperature ammonia combustion in air, a chemical scheme with 71 reactions and 22 components is proposed, which can be used over a wide range of temperatures, pressures, and excess air coefficients. A designed scheme of a combustion chamber operating on gaseous ammonia is proposed. The features of the organization of the working process in the combustion chamber with partial mixing of components outside the combustion zone at a thermal power of 1.0 MW are considered. Three-dimensional CFD calculations of energy and emission characteristics of the ammonia-burning combustion chamber are carried out. The possibility of complete ammonia combustion in the volume of the fuel-burning device with effective swirling of primary air is demonstrated. The results obtained can be used in the development of combustion chambers of gas turbine engines for decarbonized energy systems, including fuel cells.

Studying the Peculiarities of the Working Process in the Combustion Chamber of Synthetic Gas-Operated Turbine Engine of 2.5MW

NTU "KhPI" Bulletin: Power and heat engineering processes and equipment, 2015

УДК 621.43.056 С. И. СЕРБИН, д-р техн. наук, проф.; директор Машиностроительного института НУК им. адм. Макарова, Николаев; Н. А. ГОНЧАРОВА, ассистент кафедры турбин НУК им. адм. Макарова, Николаев; В. В. ВИЛКУЛ, нач. сектора расчетных и экспериментальных работ отдела камер сгорания ГП НПКГ «Зоря»-«Машпроект», Николаев ИССЛЕДОВАНИЕ ОСОБЕННОСТЕЙ РАБОЧЕГО ПРОЦЕССА КАМЕРЫ СГОРАНИЯ ГТД МОЩНОСТЬЮ 2,5 МВТ, РАБОТАЮЩЕЙ НА СИНТЕЗ-ГАЗЕ Статья посвящена вопросам численного моделирования рабочих процессов камер сгорания газотурбинных двигателей, работающих на синтез-газе. Авторами исследованы вопросы возможности применения синтез-газов в качестве основного топлива для камер сгорания. Рассмотрены вопросы применения конструктивных модификаций топливосжигающих устройств с целью применения RQLтехнологии для улучшения экологических характеристик существующих камер сгорания газотурбинных двигателей. Ключевые слова: камера сгорания, синтез-газ, RQL-технология, математическое моделирование, горение.

Working Process of Internal Combustion Engine Running on Enriched Hydrogen Gasoline-Air Mixture

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Physical-Technical Series, 2018

The effect of hydrogen additives on the working process of a piston-type gasoline engine is studied. The indicator diagram has been built, and the operation of the piston engine on gasoline-air mixtures enriched with hydrogen in the amount of 0…20 % of the volume of air entering the engine has been analyzed. The possibility of obtaining satisfactory parameters when the engine works on gasoline with hydrogen additives is shown. The dynamics of the engine performance is studied depending on the oxidant excess coefficient. It has been established that the oxidizer excess ratio at which the maximum indicator pressure is reached is moved to the zone of poor mixtures. When the mixture is enriched with hydrogen in the amount of 20 % of the air volume, the maximum of indicator pressure pimax = 5.3...5.8 MPa is reached at α = 1.15...1.25, while for 10 % hydrogen addition the maximum pimax = 4.9...5.2 MPa takes place at α = 1.05...1.10 against pimax = 4.7...5.1 MPa at α = 0.90...0.95 for pure...

Characteristics of Combustion Chamber of Hybrid Gas-Steam Power Plant Operated on Hydrogen Fuel for Fpso Vessel

Судостроение и морская инфраструктура, 2022

The issue of environmental aspects of power plants in the modern world is inseparably considered inseparable from increasing efficiency. Therefore, researchers propose new approaches to improve pollutant emissions. The article considers the possibility of combining methods of increasing efficiency and environmental aspects to use the potential of energy carriers in conjunction with minimizing environmental damage. The article is aimed at investigating the processes of combustion of hydrogen fuel in the combustion chamber of a contact-type turbine as part of a hybrid gassteam power plant and the influence of various variants of steam injection into the chamber on the emission indicators. The study was carried out by modelling using modern CFD complex such as Ansys Fluent. As a result, data on possible environmental indicators in the selected mode with different variants of steam injection are obtained, and the contours of temperature and concentrations of nitrogen oxides in different cross-sections of the flame tube are presented. The influence of the amount of injected ecological steam on nitrogen oxide emissions is reflected. The possibility of using of hybrid power plant for Floating Production, Storage, and Offloading (FPSO) vessels and gas carriers is considered.

Influence of the Composition of the Synthetized Gas on the Combustion Process of the Mixture in the Internal Combustion Engine

Bulletin of the National Technical University «KhPI» Series: Engineering and CAD

The article is devoted to the use of low-energy synthesized gas (synthesis gas) as a fuel for internal combustion engines, which in turn transmit mechanical energy to a cogeneration plant (combined production of heat and electricity). Such power plants allow you to achieve high values of total effective efficiency when using a conventional internal combustion engine with spark ignition. The analysed synthetic gases can be obtained by the method of gasification of household waste with access to air. In this work, synthesis gases were obtained in laboratory conditions. The composition of the components of the studied synthesis gases corresponds to several gas mixtures that are created during the artificial gasification of household waste of certain categories. The influence of the composition of the synthesis gas components on the internal parameters of the internal combustion engine was studied. The process of supplying fuel to the engine was controlled by a standard block with sever...

Stability of the Combustion of Polydisperse Coal-Methane-Air Mixture in the Heat Recovery Burner

Vestnik Tomskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Matematika i mekhanika, 2017

Решена задача об устойчивости горения полидисперсной взвеси угольной пыли в метано-воздушной смеси в горелке с рекуперацией тепла. Определена граница устойчивого горения угле-метано-воздушной смеси в зависимости от состава и скорости подачи смеси на входе в горелку. Показано влияние инертных частиц на устойчивость горения смеси. Ключевые слова: угле-метано-воздушная смесь, полидисперсная угольная пыль, щелевая горелка, устойчивость горения.

Internal Combustion Engines and Environment

Dvigateli vnutrennego sgoraniâ, 2022

Парсаданов Ігор Володимирович-доктор техн. наук, проф., головний науковий співробітник кафедри двигунів та гібридних енергетичних установок Національного технічного університету «Харківський політехнічний інститут»,