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As explained in the Mundell-Fleming theory (Mankiw, 2006), which states that there is a negative influence between exchange rate and economic growth, where the higher the exchange rate, the lower net exports (the difference between exports and imports) will decrease the amount of output decreases and will cause GDP (Economic growth) to decline.This study uses multiple linear regression analysis to predict and predict the change of value of certain variables when other variables change. Correlation is one of the analytical techniques in statistics used to find the relationship between two or more variables that are quantitative. Then obtained multiple linear regression equation between Rupiah Currency Exchange Rate (Y), Export Value of Indonesia (X1) and Indonesia Gross Domestic Product at Current Market Price Based on Business as variable (X2), that is obtained by multiple linear regression equation is Y =-5050,90239 + 0,0095804 X1 + 0,0014006 X2 where Interpretation of correlation between the relationship of Currency Exchange IDR (Y), Export Value of Indonesia (X1) and Gross Domestic Product at Current Price Based on The field of business (X2) is 0.973 with a very strong interpretation that ranges from 0.75 to 0.99.
Eduvest - Journal Of Universal Studies
The purpose of this study is to partially and simultaneously analyze the influence of the variable production quantity, international prices, exchange rates, inflation on the volume of Indonesian rubber exports from 1980 to 2018. The research method uses quantitative methods. Sources of research data from publications of data collected by government officials or departments include the website of the Central Statistics Agency (BPS), Bank Indonesia (BI), the Ministry of Agriculture's Data and Information Center (Pusdatin), Index Mundi. The research location was conducted in Indonesia. The data method used in this study is the non-behavioral observation method. Multiple linear regression is the type of data used in this study as an econometric tool to describe this research and also uses data analysis such as descriptive statistical tests, classical assumptions test, simultaneous test (F test), and partial test (t-test). The results of the analysis in this study indicate that the ...
This study aims to investigate the effect of Rupiah/US dollar exchange rate on the volume of Indonesia's export. It analyzes monthly data spanning from January 2001 to November 2015. An econometric model used to analyze the data is the difference equation model. Result of analysis found that in the long term the exchange rate of rupiah/US dollar affects export. This long-term influence is negative, in that each 1% increase (decrease) in rupiah/US dollar is always followed by 0.24% fall (rise) in export. Furthermore, in the short term there is an effect of the exchange rate of rupiah/US dollar on export and the effect is also negative. Indonesian government needs to conduct a policy aimed at increasing industrial outputs that can boost exports. The government also needs to implement a monetary policy to ensure that the exchange rate of rupiah remains stable.
The Impact of Production and Exchange Rate on Consumer Goods Industrial Exports in Indonesia
Economics Development Analysis Journal, 2023
The Indonesian consumer goods industry has been stagnant for four years 2014-2018 with the export average of only 5.5 trillion or equivalents to zero % growth. Since the government has been working hard for economic recovery during Covid 19 pandemic, the growth has grown to 20 trillion in 2021 (after the pandemic). Therefore, this research aimed to describe the influence of production and exchange variables on export growth of consumer goods industry in Indonesia. It used a linier regression method by using quarterly time series data of 2008-2021 which have been never studied before. The result showed that there found 78.80 % increase of export (cateris paribus) for 1 % production increase, 41.80 % increase of export for 1 % exchange rate increase, and 1 % of production and exchange rates increases caused 81.90 % increase in exports. Based on the explanation, there found a positive and significant effects between production and exchange rates on the export of consumer goods industry partially and simultaneously. It means that both factors are substantial and needed to be continuously improved in order to increase the export value of Indonesian consumer goods industry which in the end will also have positive impact on its growth.
International trade is important for a country to drive economic growth. Export is one of the international trade activities carried out by Indonesia, namely the export of CPO commodities. The development of CPO production and exports every year increases, so that the cultivation of oil palm plantations increases but has a negative impact on the environment and decreases the total production of other plantations because most farmers choose to cultivate oil palm. The development of oil palm plantation cultivation also has a positive impact that is the absorption of labor. CPO provides benefits to the country in the form of foreign exchange through exports. The purpose of this research is to find out how the production, price, and USD exchange rate affect the volume of Indonesian CPO export. Data collection was carried out using non-participant techniques in the form of studying the descriptions of books, theses, articles and websites. Data were analyzed using multiple linear regression. The results of this study found that simultaneouslythe production variable 1 , price 2 , and the USD exchange rate 3 had a significant effect on Indonesia's CPO export volume. The production 1 partially has a positive and significant effect on the CPO exports volume. Price 2 and USD Exchange Rate 3 partially have a positive but not significant effect on the CPO exports volume.
Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Impor Indonesia, 2000.I-2008.I
Eko-Regional: Jurnal Pembangunan Ekonomi Wilayah, 2014
The aim of this research are to enquiry the influence of exchange rate rupiah to USD, Gross Domestic Product (GDP), and world oil price toward import of Indonesia during 2000.I-2008.I. The research methods are descriptive and quantitative analyses using secondary data. The analysis tool is path analysis to show direct and indirect influences of Indonesia's import. This research also uses t-test to show partial influence and F-test to know together influence. Between those three variables, world oil price is the most influence variable of Indonesia's import.
Jurnal Ekonomi Pembangunan, 2020
Indonesia’s economic growth can no longer depends on internal trade only but needs to depend on the export and import with the global market, thus macroeconomic influence towards export and import needs further research.Thus, this research focuses on the effect of multiple macroeconomic variables which are the rate of loans, money supply, inflation and consumer price index towards export and import in Indonesia. The data used in this research are secondary data acquired from BPS, BI and the Ministry of Trade during the periode of 2012-2018, which are analyzed using the classic assumption tests (normality test, autocorrelation test, heteroscedasticity test, and multicollinearity test) followed by the multiple regression analysis. Based on the F test we concluded that all the dependent variables are simultaneously effecting both import and export, while the T test shows that only the Consumer Price Index does not have any effect towards both import and export while the other variable...
Analysis Of Causality Exchange Rate and Export Value In Indonesia (Empirical Study in 1997-2020)
Prisma Sains : Jurnal Pengkajian Ilmu dan Pembelajaran Matematika dan IPA IKIP Mataram
This study aims to analyze the causal relationship between the exchange rate and export value in Indonesia using time series data from 1997 to 2020. The analytical method that will be used in this research is the Granger Causality Test approach. The instruments used are the data normality test, the stationary test, the optimal lag test, and the Granger causality test. Based on the results of the research that has been done, it shows that from the output of the cointegration test in table 4.3 above, the trace statistic is 9.016078, which is smaller than the critical value (5%), which is 15.49471, and Prob. 0.3639 is less than 5 percent, whereas for the output of the Granger causality test above, at lag 1, it is known that the probability value (Prob.) of the relationship between export value and exchange rate is 0.4953; this result is greater than the significance level of 5 percent, so that from the output of the From these results, it can be concluded that there is no causal relati...
Effect of Exchange Rate, National Income, and Inflation on Import Price in Indonesia
The aims of this research were to determine the effect of exchange rate, national income and inflation on the import price in Indonesia. The data used in this research was the secondary data issued by the International Financial Statistics (IFS) and BPS. The method of data analysis used in this research was dynamic models with a single equation that is the method of Error Correction Model (ECM). The results show that exchange rate in the short and long term has positive effect, and the Exchange Rate Pass Through value is 0.6. the variable of national income in the short and long term has positive effect on import prices, but in the short term it is not significant. In the long term, the variable of national income is significant. The variable of inflation rate in the short and long term has positive effect and significant.
Analysis of Determinants of Development Imports in Indonesia
Indonesia is known as a developing country which industrial production has not been sustainable to the local demand. This is reflected in Indonesia's dependence on other countries in terms of consumer goods, raw and auxiliary materials as well as capital goods. Indonesia carries out import activities because most domestic products have not been able to compete with foreign products, and there is a sense of grandeur for the people when they are able to buy goods from abroad. The purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of gross domestic product (GDP), foreign exchange reserves, exchange rates and inflation on imports in Indonesia in 2000 - 2019. The method of analysis in this study uses the Error Correction Model (ECM). The estimation results show that in the short term, the variable gross domestic product (GDP), foreign exchange reserves and inflation have a positive and significant effect on imports in Indonesia, while in the long run, all variables have a significant and...