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Tourism And Its Influence Upon Macro-environment In Romania
Annales Universitatis Apulensis Series Oeconomica, 2011
Tourism is a complex social and economic phenomenon specific to modern civilization, an essential activity in the life of nations, being strongly influenced by the freedom of travel and the evolution of society. Addressing to large shares of the population and meeting the human need for travelling and knowledge, recreation and healing, tourism is characterized by a high momentum both nationally and globally, resulting in a vast human and material potential, with important implications upon the evolution of the entire society. Hospitality and tourism industry are nowadays considered to stand for the largest business in the world, being the main industry in point of their contribution to the gross world product, labor committed as well as the most important capital investor. The objective of our article is to analyze the evolution of several indicators of tourist traffic and their influence on the macro-environment in Romania. As far as the research methodology is concerned, the article is based on a positivist quantitative approach, being in the same time a longitudinal one, as we present the evolution of various indicators measuring the degree of impact the hospitality industry has on the national economy. The main information sources for this research are published on the websites of various authorized bodies (NIS, NBR, WTO), using exploratory method for analyzing the evolution of the phenomenon in time, but I also considered the interpretive method when disclosing the analysis results.
An analysis of some recent statistics of the Romanian tourism
Jurnal of Tourism, no. 11 /2011, pp. 38-44, 2011
One studies the evolution in time of some indicators that are representative for the touristic activity in Romania during 2000 – 2009, as well as correlations between them, these being: the number of arrivals and of overnights in the tourism structures with accomodation functions, as well as the number of tourism structures and their accomodation capacity, separately for foreign and Romanian visitors, as well as for different tourism destinations. All these indicators were extracted from the database of the National Institute of Statistics. Generally, an increase in time of the number of tourists is found, but also a certain decrease during the last two-three years, except for some groups of destinations which show a rather peculiar and interesting dynamics. Thus, the tourism in the resorts of the seaside area have registered an accentuated decrease during the last four years, especially for the foreign tourists, that reflects a change in their options. On the other hand, the tourism for the category of destination ―other localities and touristic routes (which excludes the resorts of the spa, seaside, and mountain areas, as well as the city of Bucharest and all the county capital cities) has shown a remarkable growth during the whole considered time interval, indicating an increase of the interest of the tourists (both Romanians and foreigners) for the cultural and rural tourism.
Sustainable Tourism in Romania: Tendencies, Opportunities and Threats (coautor)
Tourism represents one of the fast-developing sectors in Europe. The economic, political and demographic changes indicate that the proportion of common expenses for tourism is increasing fast, but the political measures for promoting long-term tourism advance slowly. It is well known that there is a tight interdependence between the global economic growth, the structure of economy, the use of natural resources and the changes in the environment. The economic activities using natural resources modify the environment; moreover, the nature of this change also determines the way in which these activities will take place in the future. People's welfare results not only from economic activities, but also from the joy the environment, in its broadest sense, can generate. As a distinct sub-field of economy, tourism develops in complex and very diverse forms. Therefore, tourism became a growing burden for the environment because of the use of water, soil and energy, of the development of the infrastructure, of buildings and facilities, because of pollution and waste, of soil fragmentation and the increase of the number of secondary residences. In some popular destinations, these pressures have caused a severe degradation of the local environment, which in its turn affects the tourist interest of these places. Some countries that used to be little visited in the past, especially in Central and Eastern Europe, such as Romania, are becoming more and more attractive due to their economic transition and opening of borders, which provides them with huge potential for the development of tourism. The holiday spending model changes, as pauses are shorter and people travel more often for shorter stays, and visit places that are more remote from their home. The price of trips continues to lower, and at the same time the tourism quota in common expenses grows. This should not make us forget, as Norbert Suchanek says, that there are three tourist tendencies extremely dangerous for the environment and for the social and economic situation in the developing countries that have expanded, that is, an increase in the number of plane travelers, of all-inclusive holidays and of cruises. Tourist experience has proved, in time, that irrespective of the type of tourism practiced, in general there result a series of impacts felt both by the society and at the level of the natural environment. The development of tourism in a certain area must not affect however the socio-economic interests of the resident population, nor those of the environment an, especially, of the natural resources that represent the main attraction, together with historic and cultural sites. Long-term development of tourism is especially apparent in the following three important fields: economy, ecology and society and culture. Long-term tourism can be implemented with tourist development, which must be supported under an ecological aspect, viable and profitable from an economic point of view, and balanced from an ethical and social point of view for the local population. Keywords: long-term tourism, tourist development, tourist tendencies, ethics In this context, we aim in this paper to identify the tendencies manifested through opportunities and threats for long-term tourism in Romania, considering that numerous supporting and financing actions for tourism are the focus of Europe and the entire world.
Perspectives of Sustainable Development of Tourism in the North-East Region of Romania
Sustainability, 2016
In this paper we propose to highlight the tourism evolution and its intensity in the NorthEast region of Romania, compared to two regions with similar touristic potential from the Eastern European Union: Subcarpathia from Poland and Central Slovakia. We analysed if the EU attachment of Romania, Poland, and Slovakia had some effects on tourism development in the three regions mentioned. Issues arising from the analysis of the current situation of tourism will allow us to draw some sustainable development directions of tourism in the NorthEast region based on conserving and capitalizing the uniqueness of the area. We will consider the experience of the other two regions, trying to adapt them to the situation of the NorthEast region. Based on the analysis we have made, we consider that other countries can inspire us by authorities' initiatives in supporting tourism, good human resources training, entrepreneurship stimulation, and assistance in accessing financial resources, including EU ones.
The economic and social contribution of tourism from the sustainable development point of view
Proceedings ISI of 5-th …, 2010
Economic branch of interference, of great interest and important availability, Romanian tourism should become a dynamic component of the global economic system. Subsystem of the national economy, tourism bears influences from other subsystems and exercises, in turn, an increasingly influence on their evolution. The tourism sector in Romania currently holds only a modest share of GDP, in particular because it has not been strongly supported by decision factors, its development being left to chance. It is widely recognized the ability of tourism to become a primary sector of the national economy, in a context that will meet national targets in this area.
Tourism is an essential component of public service sector, an industry with huge potential for development. It is part of the tertiary sector of the national economy, consisting primarily of supplies of services, which results in a highly dynamic, natural, under the conditions of contemporary civilization. The tourism industry is characterized by a great structural complexity, which takes many forms of service. The purpose of this paper is to support the arguments link between sustainable development and national tourism sector, and therefore the assimilation of the term "sustainable tourism" and its inclusion in the sustainable development strategies of Romania.
The Analysis for the romanian tourism today
ABSTRACT Romania's entry into the EU involves essential adjustments both for the management of the tourist industry and the institutions involved in this economic field. Tourism has the chance to develop without the strict limitations required in other industries, such as agriculture and industry. The only major restrictions are determined by the competitiveness of Romania as a destination on the international market.
Analysis on the Situation of Romanian Tourism in Recent Years
This paper presents an analysis of the situation of foreign tourists arrivals and evolution of the number of Romanian tourists in our country. Even if you have not noticed big improvements in infrastructure, access roads, namely in the modernization of accommodations and services, however, the number of tourists has increased since 2010. As before, most of whom are European citizens, especially from EU countries, followed by eastern neighbors, Moldova and Ukraine. From the point of view of requirements, most checking in at 2-3 stars or flowers, but there is a increase tendency of 4-star / flower level, despite relatively high prices compared to services.
Tourism is considered and pursued in its development through a system of specific indicators, based on a standardized methodology for computing worldwide. Tourism indicators provide the necessary information and quantify the tourism policy, allowing the effects of these actions and measurement. This paper is a study using statistical methods, such as indices for the characterization of the Romanian tourism during the period from 2000 to 2009, the statistical analysis of the capacity and activity of tourist accommodation.