Examining teacher-made English test in a language school (original) (raw)
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Determining the Quality of English Teacher-Made Test: How Excellent is Excellent?
Indonesian EFL Journal: Journal of ELT, Linguistics, and Literature, 2019
Many studies have been conducted on evaluating the quality of a teacher-made test. Item analysis is crucial for making a good test, and improving test items. In response to the advantages of item analysis, this study looks at the theoretical and practical benefits of item analysis. The objectives were to know and to describe the extent of the quality of the English test items concerning difficulty level and discriminating power. This research used descriptive quantitative analysis. A total of 171 respondents of second-year students at MAN 1 Kota Tangerang Selatan 2017/2018 academic year were included in this study. The findings indicate that the English mid-term test has 24 acceptable items (80%) from the quality excellent, good, and satisfactory. Then, three items (10%) have poor quality, and three items (10%) have very poor quality, or in the negative value on discrimination index to the extent that the items are eliminated. It is proven by statistical data that they fail to disti...
Investigating the Quality of a Popular Classroom Assessment Instrument in Indonesia
Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Applied Linguistics (CONAPLIN 9), 2017
This paper reports a preliminary study on the quality of a multiple-choice test as a popular classroom assessment in Indonesia. An item response analysis was conducted to scrutinize four major kinds of quality: reliability, construct validity, item discrimination ability, and distractor plausibility. The data were a form of test developed by a local teacher with strong credentials and administered to roughly eighty students, the test takers' responses to each test item and the data processed by ConQuest, a program developed by Australian Council for Educational Research. The study uncovered that the test requires some reconstruction to establish adequate construct validity. At least 13.5% of all items failed to discriminate students on their ability and roughly half of all items had deficient distractors, not to mention some which distracted no students. Additionally, the test was also found to have failed to meet the acceptable cutoff score of reliability. Finally, this preliminary research highlights two important implications: first, the importance of classroom teachers to receive a proper training on assessment to be able to accurately monitor and reveal the learners' genuine learning progress, and second, the importance of conducting wider scale research to investigate teachers' capacity in developing their classroom assessment instruments.
PREMISE JOURNAL:ISSN online: 2442-482x, ISSN printed: 2089-3345, 2016
The new curriculum applied in Indonesia recommended the use of authentic assessment. This study deals with the authenticity of English assessment. This research aims at finding empirical facts about what type of assessments are used, describing the authenticity of the assessments, showing teachers’ understanding to the assessment system and identifying problems encountered in applying authentic assessment. The method used is qualitative research, and the data was collected by observation, interview and content analysis. The findings are firstly, the teacher used three types of assessment : (a) Formative Test covering affective-cognitive-psychomotoric aspects (b) Mid Term Test (c) Semester Test. Secondly, the Formative Test had high level of authenticity, while the Mid Term Test and Semester Test had low authenticity. Thirdly, the scoring system used was the Criterion Reference Test which refers to Minimum Mastery Criteria. (4) There were at least four problems in applying aut...
The Quality of Teacher-Made Multiple-Choice Test Used as Summative Assessment for English Subject
PRASI, 2020
This study analyzed the quality of multiple-choice test used as middle test made by the English teachers in one school in Singaraja. This study was essential to be conducted since the items of the multiple-choice test must have good quality to be used to assess the students’ achievement levels. This study used content analysis method in analyzing100 items from 3 different instruments. In collecting the data, the checklist analysis form was used to compare the items of teacher-made multiple-choice test with the norms as one of the standards in making a good multiple-choice test, then clarified through interview. From the data that have been obtained, there are 72% of students who got bad scores in the middle test. There is 1% of the items has sufficient quality, 8% of items have good quality, and the rest of the items have very good quality. The most common mistake found is in the punctuation and capitalization. It is supported by the results of the interview, which show that the tea...
English Language Assessment in Malaysia: Teachers' Practices in Test Preparation
ENGLISH LANGUAGE ASSESSMENT IN MALAYSIA: TEACHERS’ PRACTICES IN TEST PREPARATION Looi-Chin Ch’ng1 Soubakeavathi Rethinasamy2 ¹Universiti Teknologi Mara, Sarawak Campus ² Centre for Language Studies, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak ¹chngl026@sarawak.uitm.edu.my ²rsouba@cls.unimas.my Abstract In the context of English language teaching, many studies that claimed to investigate teachers’ assessment practices were actually exploring their perceptions and belief with little reference to what they were practising in schools. The need to address such a limitation has prompted this study to examine the current formal assessment practices of English language teachers in lower secondary schools. Specifically, this paper reports how the teachers prepare the formal assessments. Extensive structured interviews were conducted with 72 teachers from 24 schools in Kuching division, Sarawak. Relevant documents such as test papers and assessment guidelines were also collected for further analysis. The findings from this study revealed that a majority of the teachers conducted formal assessments mainly due to the requirements of the school and ministry while following pre-determined steps in preparing a test. Furthermore, the findings also revealed teachers’ reliance on commercial reference books in constructing exam questions and sample answers. The outcome of the study provides an insight on the nature of English language teachers’ assessment practices in relation to the classroom teaching and learning at the secondary level.This could help inform the Ministry of Education in providing necessary support for the teachers particularly assessment practices in ESL context as well as in formulating a better assessment policy for schools. Keywords: English language assessment, assessment practices, language testing
This paper explains and critiques the implementation of CBT (Computer-Based Test) and PBT (Paper-Based Test) as English language assessment in Indonesian Junior High Schools. The policy analysis was done by scrutinising two regulations of Badan Nasional Standar Pendidikan (Indonesian Bureau of Standardised Education): BSNP: 0075/SDAR/BSNP/XII/2016 about the contents of National Examination, and BSNP: 0043/P/BSNP/2017 about the national examination procedures. The comparison to the validity and reliability of English language assessment was also done based on the implementation in 2017. There are some findings: 1) The regulation reduced the highstakes of national examination; 2) 4,2 million examinees did two different administration procedures in the examination: 11,096 schools (1,349,744 students) used CBT, while 2,855,633 students in 45,092 schools used PBT ; 3) Sixty percent of 11,096 schools could do CBT independently whereas the others should take test on other schools, 4) The content and construct validity of the English testing was challenged by the fact that the listening and speaking skills were not assessed in both CBT and PBT, the use of multiple choice could not accommodate students' higherorder thinking, and the educational gaps among Indonesian regions; 5) The reliability of this assessment was also reduced due to the different forms of administration, technological barriers, and test schedules causing different psychological impact on the test takers; 6) Although there were limitations of these policies implementation, the Indonesian government was optimistic to increase the quality and quantity of CBT use in the national examination to improve the accountability of Indonesian education.
Validity and Reliability of Semester Tests Made by Teachers: An Evaluation Study of English Learning
This research was conducted to analyze and evaluate the quality of semester tests made by grade VIII teachers of junior high school (SMP) at Kec. Tambang for English subject. Thus, it was classified into evaluation studies. The findings revealed that the tests were categorized as valid and had the highest reliability index (0.71). Among the four tests, the semester test used at SMPN 4 got the best quality compared to tests used at other schools. In conclusion, the quality of the semester tests designed by English teachers in class VIII at SMP Negeri Kec. Tambang varied in terms of validity and
The Quality of the Indonesian Language Teacher-Made Tests at Junior School Level
Teachers' ability to compose high quality test is highly important, because with the good quality test, teachers are able to measure precisely the success of the learning process they has done. To be able to know teachers' ability in composing learning outcome test, the research has been done in order to acquire clear information. The measurement of learning outcomes test quality made by teacher can be seen in test item validity, test reliability, test discriminating power, and test difficulty level. The research result shows that the tests made by Indonesia language teacher are: (a) invalid so it cannot become students' learning outcomes measuring instrument, (b) it does not have test validity aspect, (c) it does not fulfil test reliability test. Based on the result, intense training related to test composing technique, test quality analysis, and school's evaluation techniques is necessary.
Teachers' ability to compose high quality test is highly important, because with the good quality test, teachers are able to measure precisely the success of the learning process they has done. To be able to know teachers' ability in composing learning outcome test, the research has been done in order to acquire clear information. The measurement of learning outcomes test quality made by teacher can be seen in test item validity, test reliability, test discriminating power, and test difficulty level. The research result shows that the tests made by Indonesia language teacher are: (a) invalid so it cannot become students' learning outcomes measuring instrument, (b) it does not have test validity aspect, (c) it does not fulfil test reliability test. Based on the result, intense training related to test composing technique, test quality analysis, and school's evaluation techniques is necessary.
Test-Items Analysis of English Teacher-Made Test
Journal of English Education and Teaching
The primary purpose of this study is to find out information about the quality of item analysis on English teacher-made tests related to the difficulty level, item discrimination level, validity, and reliability of the final semester assessment for the twelfth-grade student of SMAN 8 Pontianak in the academic year 2020/2021. The researcher conducted this study using descriptive quantitative analysis with the data obtained from the English teacher-made test, consisting of 40 items with 257 test-takers of twelfth-grade students. The researcher analyzed the test items by using the combinations of Master TAP and SPSS Version 16 applications. Based on the difficulty level, the analysis results show that 22 items were categorized as easy, 14 items as medium, and four items as difficult level. Moreover, the item level of item discrimination shows that 9 items are categorized as poor, 18 items as enough, and 13 items as good index level. The analysis results also show that 23 items as valid...