A generic data structure for integrated modelling of tokamak physics and subsystems (original) (raw)

The European Integrated Tokamak Modelling effort: Achievements and first physics results

The achievements and first physics results are presented of the European Integrated Tokamak Modelling Task Force (EFDA ITM-TF) effort, aiming at providing a standardized platform and an integrated modelling suite of validated numerical codes, for the simulation and prediction of a complete plasma discharge in arbitrary tokamaks. The framework developed by the ITM-TF, based on a generic data structure enclosing both simulated and experimental data, allowed for the development of sophisticated integrated simulations (workflows) for physics application. The equilibrium reconstruction and linear MHD stability simulation chain was applied, in particular, to the analysis of the edge MHD stability of ASDEX Upgrade type-I ELMy H-mode discharges and ITER hybrid scenario, demonstrating the stabilizing effect of an increased Shafranov shift on edge modes. A successful benchmark among five EC beam/ray-tracing codes was performed in the ITM framework for an ITER inductive scenario for different ...

Development of the DINA-CH Full Tokamak Simulator


CEA-Cadarache, 13108 Saint-Paul-Lez-Durance, France Introduction A wide variety of tokamak plasma simulator classes has been exploited, roughly grouped as: a) prescribed transport, prescribed bou ndary for the simplest cases, b) fixed or prescribed boundary transport simulators, c) free-b oundary evolution with prescribed transport simulators and finally d) free-boundary w ith transport self-consistent with the boundary evolution. In the mid-1990’s, at the time the basic ITER designs were being developed, transport modelling was less advanced th an today and intriguingly, the most challenging class of self-consistent free boundary codes was the most popular. It was only later, with advanced understanding of transport tha t the present class of prescribed boundary transport codes developed into today’s popular tool s. In the context of the mid-1990’s the candidate self-consistent simulation codes were res tricted to TSC, the most advanced, DINA [1], relatively new and CORSICA, more p...