Manajemen Kesan Pelaku Budaya Musik Saronen Dalam Mempertahankan Eksistensi di Masa Pandemi (original) (raw)
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Musikolastika: Jurnal Pertunjukan dan Pendidikan Musik, 2020
Perubahan budaya memerlukan waktu lama dan rentetan-rentetan perubahan kecil yang saling mengikuti dengan lambat dinamakan evolusi. Perubahan tersebut terjadi karena usaha-usaha masyarakat untuk menyesuaikan diri dengan keperluan-keperluan, keadaan-keadaan, dan kondisi-kondisi baru, yang timbul sejalan dengan pertumbuhan masyarakat. Kebijakan pemerintah untuk melakukan segala kegiatan di rumah saja, dalam memotong rantai penyebaran pandemi covid-19 yang menjadi ujian berat untuk para musisi. Kondisi para musisi tidak jauh dari dua keniscayaan antara dibatalkan atau ditunda pertunjukan musiknya. Namun para musisi tetap survive dengan menyelenggarakan pertunjukan musik secara daring. Beberapa artist mengajak penonton berdonasi untuk masyarakat yang terdampak pandemi covid-19 melalui penyelenggaraan pertunjukan musik daring tersebut. Dampak yang kurang baik dalam perubahan kebudayaan musik yang serba daring ini adalah merubah hal-hal yang bersifat abstrak menjadi kongkret, begitu juga ...
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Pandemi Covid-19 telah mengubah kehidupan manusia di berbagai aspek. Yang sebelumnya ‘normal’ menjadi ‘tidak normal’. Kondisi yang tidak normal ini sering disebut “new normal”. Untuk menghindari persebaran virus, secara sosial manusia harus berada di rumah, bekerja di rumah, dan menghindari kerumunan. Kondisi ini tentu saja sangat berpengaruh pada kehidupan/eksistensi pergelaran musik etnik, terutama yang dilakukan secara langsung atau “live”. Kini eksistensi musik ini sangat tergantung pada media. Di dalam tulisan ini dideskripsikan upaya para komponis musik etnis dalam mengeksplorasi nilai-nilai estetis di dalam musik etnik. Dari hasil analisis yang dilakukan diketahui bahwa seyogianya para komponis kini tidak lagi boleh berparadigma konvensional. Ia harus mempertimbangkan aspek di luar musik yakni teknologi. Hal ini semakin menunjukkan bahwa studi musik etnik bersifat interdisipliner. Seorang komponis, dengan demikian harus menguasasi media, terutama teknologi media pengambilan ...
Proses Komunikasi dalam City Branding melalui Budaya Musik Saronen Di Sumenep Madura
KANAL: Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi, 2019
Nowadays, the globalization era makes the tourism industry got the impact of globalization. The city is as destination that become one of the components can can attract tourists. An interesting phenomenon arises that there are many kinds of cities with various tagline. One of them is The Soul of Madura. Based on the city branding processin Sumenep city, thus representation should be concerned through branding that will be done, branding process that is done requires communication, because communication is one of branding process that is done. Besides, the researcher wants to see how the communication process in the saronen music culture in the process of branding. This research used a qualitative approach in the type of descriptive research. The object in this research was saronen music culture. The result was a communication that is created in the process of city branding at saronen music culture. It included all conceptulization, even they were one-way communication processes, in...
Eksistensi Music Director Radio di Era Kurasi Musik
Abstract. In this era, music on radio is no longer a benchmark for individuals to listen to music. If you look far into the past the radio is the initial reference to find out what music and music developments are on the rise, this is what is called the era of independent music creation. This is where researchers will try to explore using qualitative research methods with the approach of the phenomenology of Alfred Schutz, About how the era of music creation is on the self existence of the radio music director in Bandung. The purpose of this study was to determine the meaning of the music director of radio in Bandung in interpreting the era of music creation of self existence. The results of his research are as follows: (1) The motives of music directors in interpreting their existence as MDs in the era of music creation,namely motives of interest, social and learning; (2) Music director defines this profession as a profession that aims to educate, add friendship relations, and as a...
Adaptasi Manajemen Siaran MQ 92,3 FM dalam Menjaga Eksistensi di Masa Pandemi
Jurnal Audiens
Radio MQ 92.3 FM merupakan radio swasta bernuansa Islami yang berada di Kampus AMIKOM Yogyakarta. Radio ini menyasar audiens pada keluarga muda dengan range usia 19 - 45 tahun dengan memiliki status ekonomi menengah ke atas dan pendidikan S1. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana manajemen produksi Radio MQ 92.3 FM dalam menjaga eksistensi di kala pandemi Covid-19. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu metode studi kasus dengan teknik pengumpulan data melalui wawancara dan observasi. Penelitian ini menghasilkan temuan bahwa Radio MQ 92.3 FM dalam memproduksi sebuah siaran program turut melibatkan pendengarnya untuk memberikan pendapat mengenai program yang mereka butuhkan atau inginkan. Artikel ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat beberapa tantangan yang harus dihadapi oleh Radio MQ 92.3 FM untuk menyajikan informasi kepada pendengarnya. Pada kondisi pandemi Covid-19 mendorong radio MQ 92.3 FM untuk mempercepat digitalisasi radio yaitu dengan memanfaatk...
Adaptasi Pekerja Seni Musik Dangdut di Masa Pandemi COVID-19
Jurnal Litbang: Media Informasi Penelitian, Pengembangan dan IPTEK
ENGLISHOne of the government policies on management of COVID-19 pandemic is community activity restriction, includes dangdut music show. The study aims to describe the efforts of dangdut artists adapting to COVID-19 pandemic. It was qualitative research using phenomenology approach. This study was conducted in Pati Regency. Data were obtained through interviews and observation. The interviews were carried out with five instrument players and two singers. Meanwhile, the observations were made on dangdut music shows, which held offline and virtual on social media. The data were analyzed descriptively. This study found that the community activity restriction caused dangdut artists couldn’t conduct music shows and lead to income reduction. Then, those dangdut artists adapted to this situation. First, on Thursday, Juli 8 2020, some artists held a peaceful action and praying together in Pati’s city center. This action aimed the dangdut artists were allowed to perform music shows. Second, ...
Mempertahankan Musik Dalam Tekanan Arus Globalisasi (Music Under Pressure)
Music is a world culture that accompanies the development of human civilization. Music has an important role in its function in various aspects of community life. As time, the culture of capitalism in the era of globalization gives various pressures on the existence of music in society, so it is necessary to ponder the community, especially in the field of intellectual art of music to bring the essence of music, which is humanizing.
Pemanfaatan Budaya Lokal Saronen Dalam Proses Manajemen Public Relations
Representamen, 2018
Indonesia is blessed with a variety of tribes and cultures that abound and have a uniquenessuniquenessof diverse between tribes and cultures with one another. based on this the researcherinterested to study about local culture as activity in process of public relations management especiallyat local culture that exist in madura. Researchers interested in researching on the local culture inMadura because madura is one of the typical culture and large enough that exist in Indonesia, besidesmadura is also one of the areas that have cultural diversity, such as one of which is the saronenculture, cow culture, culture sonok cattle and the majority of residents still hold firm local culture inthe area. literature review used is the process of public relations management. This research methodusing qualitative approach, While the type of descriptive research. The results of this study indicatethat the culture has been embedded into various activities in society in Indonesia including the proc...
Proses Komunikasi Dalam Pelestarian Budaya Saronen Kepada Generasi Muda
Jurnal PIKOM (Penelitian Komunikasi dan Pembangunan), 2019
Indonesia is widely known as a country that has various tribes and cultures, among others is saronen music of Sumenep Madura. However, in the current era of globalization many foreign cultures, particulary Western countries, influence the country. It results in youth's lack of interest in local cultures. They prefer to adopt foreign cultures, which are perceived to be more modern. It is therefore interesting to study the communication process in preserving the culture of saronen to youth in Sumenep. This research employed a descriptive qualitative design. It was found that there were two strategies applied in preserving saronen music to youth, i.e., through interpersonal and public communication. There were three types of communication process implemented, i.e., one-way, interaction and transactional communication. During the interaction process, there were two types of communication applied, i.e., task-oriented communication and socioemotional-oriented communication.
Musik, Aspek Hukun dan Etika Bisnis
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), 2022
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengemukakan bagaimana musik dilidungi oleh negara melalui undangundang secara hukum maupun etika berbisnis dalam dunia hiburan (musik). Secara hukum musik dapat dijadikan media untuk terjadinya tindak kejahatan, baik dari sisi kontrak kerja, pornografi, perizinan, pajak, hak kekayaan intelektual (Haki). Penelitian ini mempergunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara mendalam dan studi literatur. Hasil Penelitian menunjukkan bagaimana begitu pedulinya negara terhadap warganya, mulai dari hak hidup, kekayaan yang berwujud, sampai kepada kekayaan secara intelektual. Undang-undang dirancang secara detail dan diupayakan untuk tidak menciptakan peluang kepada pihak lain melakukan tindak kejahatan terhadap hasil karya (musik) maupun mengatur etika berbisnis dalam dunia musik. Kata kunci: musik, aspek hukum dan etika bisnis.