Status Trofik Dan Estimasi Potensi Produksi Ikan DI Perairan Danau Tempe, Sulawesi Selatan (original) (raw)
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BAWAL Widya Riset Perikanan Tangkap, 2019
Danau Paniai termasuk tipe danau tektonik, berukuran besar dan telah dimanfaatkan sebagai tempat pariwisata, transfortasi, irigasi persawahan, sumber air minum dan perikanan tangkap. Aktivitas manusia disekitar danau juga berpengaruh terhadap kualitas, kesuburan dan produksi ikan perairan danau. Penelitian kualitas air, status trofik dan potensi produksi ikan bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi parameter kualitas air, tingkat kesuburan serta potensi produksi ikan perairan danau. Parameter diukur terdiri dari suhu, kedalaman, kecerahan, daya hantar listrik, pH, oksigen, alkalinitas, amonia, nitrat, fosfat, total fosfor dan klorofil-a. Pengukuran dan pengambilan sampel air dilaksanakan pada bulan April, Juli dan Oktober 2016 di tujuh stasiun pengamatan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan Danau Paniai mempunyai kualitas air yang baik untuk kehidupan ikan dan udang. Nilai indeks status trofik berdasarkan metode Carlson sebesar 49, mengklasifikasikan perairan pada tingkat kesuburan sedang. Angka pote...
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Jurnal Ilmiah Ecosystem
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Distribusi Ikan pada Wilayah Genangan Berbeda di Danau Tempe, Sulawesi Selatan
OLDI (Oseanologi dan Limnologi di Indonesia)
Fish Distribution at Different Inundation Areas in Lake Tempe, South Sulawesi. Lake Tempe area consists of permanent standing watersand non-permanent area (flooded area). This study aims to investigate the species and its relative abundance distribution, as well as the distribution of size, condition factor, and gonad maturity stage of dominant species at those different areas. Sampling was carried at high water level period (March, June, and August 2017) in 18 stations, stations 1 to 13 represent the non-permanent inundation areas, and stations 14 to 18 represent the permanent inundation area. Fish was caught using various gears. Fish was identified morphologically and the number was counted. The size of the dominant species was measured and the gonad maturity stage was determined. Data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. The results of this study show that the highest number of species is found in non-permanent inundation areas. Species that are only found ...
Sarifah Aini, Dinno Sudino, Angkasa Putra, Yenni Nuraini, Mira Maulita, Nabila Rizqiah Ramadhanty, Hamdani, Deni Aulia, Herianto Suriadin, 2023
On the island of Sumatra, the first largest lake is Lake Toba while the second is Lake Singkarak. On the one hand, there are several human activities around the lake which cause a decrease in fish catch production and reduce the sustainability of endemic fish in the lake, such as fishermen who often catch fish with tools that are not friendly to the environment and are not selective and lead to overfishing. The aim of the research is to examine the potential for fish production in Lake Singkarak based on the value of chlorophyll-a and the abundance of phytoplankton. This research activity was carried out from March to May 2022 at Lake Singkarak. The method used is survey method. The data analysis process includes analysis of fish production potential on chlorophyll-a values and analysis of fish production potential on phytoplankton abundance. Based on the chlorophyll-a value, the estimated potential for fish production in Lake Singkarak is 4,663 tons/year, and based on the abundance of phytoplankton, the potential for fish production is 21,852 tons/year.
Limnologi Dan Potensi Produksi Ikan Danau Laut Tawar" Aceh Tengah
Jurnal Penelitian Perikanan Indonesia, 2017
Danau laut Tawar terletak di Aceh Tengah pada ketinggian 1200 m di atas permukaan laut. Danau ini mempunyai luas 7000 hadengan kedalaman maksimum l15 m. Danau laut Tawar mempunyai peranan Penting sebagai sumber pengadaan protein terutama bagi masyarakat di Kabupaten Aceh Tengah
Estimasi Potensi Produksi Ikan Di Danau Laut Tawar Berdasarkan Morphoedaphic Index
Jurnal Serambi Engineering, 2020
Laut Tawar Lake is located in Aceh Tengah District is the largest lake in Aceh Province. The lake, located at an altitude of 1230 meters above sea level, produces about 13 species of freshwater fish. Fish depik (Rasbora tawarensis), eyas (Rasbora sp.), and relo (Rasbora sp.) are endemic species of Laut Tawar Lake. This study aims to estimate the potential of fish production based on the value of morphoedaphic index. The observation was conducted for one year, from October 2016 until September 2017. The measurement of electric conductivity value of lake waters was conducted on 7 (seven) stations selected purposively in the lake area about 5870 hectares. The results showed that morphoedaphic index value of Laut Tawar Lake ranged from 5.10 to 7.84 with an average of 6.14. Potential of fish production in the lake is 33.47 kg/ha/yr with total potential of fish production of 196.49 ton/yr. The value shows a decrease of 10.93 kg/ha/yr over a period of 22 years. This decrease is caused by c...
Analisis Risiko Produksi Usahatani Padi DI Pesisir Danau Tempe
Jurnal Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian
Production risk is an occurrence of uncertainty in the agriculture sector and potentially potential loss and as a deviation from the agricultural production result obtained with the expected. This study aims to (1) To know the risk farming production at the shore of Lake Tempe in Mallusesalo Village, Sabbangparu District, Wajo Regency; and (2) To identify the efforts that need to be made by farmers in mitigating the risk of production of Lake Tempe coastal rice farming in Mallusesalo Village, Sabbangparu District, Wajo Regency. Data analysis techniques used are farm income analysis, coefficient of variation (CV) analysis, and descriptive analysis. The results of this study show that the average income of farmers is in Mallusesalo village of Rp. 17,243,261 / ha per season. Production risk obtained coefficient of variation (CV) of 0.046 can be interpreted as rice farming in Mallusesalo village has a low production risk. Efforts that need to be done by farmers in mitigating production...
Status Trofik Perairan Danau Laguna, Kota Ternate Selatan, Maluku Utara
Deleted Journal, 2024
Water quality and trophic status of waters play an important role in aquaculture activities because they will affect the growth process of cultivated fish, if the water quality and trophic status are low then they can support aquaculture activities in the waters of Laguna Lake, South Ternate City. The purpose of this study was to determine the water quality and trophic status in the waters of Laguna Lake in supporting and supporting freshwater aquaculture activities. The research method used in this research is descriptive qualitative, the results of air analysis are described based on Class and Water Quality Standards, while the trophic status is estimated based on Carlson, 1977. The results of the analysis show that the water quality in Laguna Lake is still in accordance with Class II Quality Standards. PP No. 22 of 2021, while the trophic level status in Laguna Lake is also classified in the oligotrophic category, namely TSI <40, TSI in Laguna Lake waters ranges from 20.69-23.28. Based on the results of the analysis of water quality and trophic status, it was found that the waters of Laguna Lake are still good and can support freshwater fish farming activities.