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Managing Drugs Supply in Pharmacy Logistic of Public Hospital in Indonesian
Inventory control of drugs in hospital which are not done properly can cause stockout or stagnant of supplies. Based of data processing of the drug at Siti Khodijah Sepanjang Hospital experienced stagnant amount 38,9% and stock out amount 29,3% during period January-September 2015. The objectives of the study were to analysis inventory control of drug in logistic pharmacy Siti Khodijah Sepanjang Hospital. This research was a descriptive research with cross sectional design by observation and interviews. In depth interviews were carried out to get more detailed information about the variables examined. Activity of planning, procurement, distribution, and storage are performed not effective enough so led to stagnant and stock out drug. Also evaluation that has running was not adequate because only looks about financial audit. The conclusion that can be drawn is logistic management system has not run effectively so that the occurrence so stagnant and stockout drug.
Teikyo Medical Journal, 2021
Drug supply management is vital for healthcare providers, including hospitals, since ineffective management can lead to losses, i.e., increased costs of drug supply and disruptions to pharmaceutical services. Therefore, drug supply management must be carried out effectively, in a multidisciplinary way, and be well-coordinated. Against this background, a study was conducted on drug supply management in the pharmacy warehouse of the regional public hospital of Muntilan Subdistrict, Central Java Province, Indonesia, to examine its effectiveness and efficiency. An examination was carried out by determining the conformity percentage of each indicator of drug supply management with the actual conditions of the hospital where this study took place. It is a non-experimental descriptive observational study in which the quantitative data were obtained retrospectively by observing and tracing documents on the process of drug supply management, i.e., selection, planning, procurement, storage, and distribution, at the pharmacy warehouse from November 2020 to February 2021. Obtained data were then analyzed with indicators of effectiveness and efficiency of drug supply management by the Indonesian Ministry of Health and a hospital indicator as a complement. The results of this study found that the conformity percentage of drug selection was 85 percent; while drug planning was 101.32 percent for budgets and 107.73 percent for the number of drug types; drug procurement was 10.95 percent for allocated budgets, 0 percent for incorrect invoices, and 5.5 times for delayed payments; drug storage was 100 percent for drugs listed on stock cards, 7 times for Turn Over Ratio, 0.1 percent for expired and damaged drugs, and 17.94 percent for dead stocks; and drug distribution was 94.63 percent for serviced drugs. It can be concluded that the process of selection, procurement, and storage shows conformity; in contrast, both planning and distribution processes were not found to conform. This study suggested referring to an e-catalogue to improve the planning process, while better supervision and control is required to improve the process of drug storage and distribution in the pharmacy warehouse.
Pharmacy Specialty in Indonesia
In the current era of globalization, science and technology is growing rapidly. Developments that occur can cause various problems and also new challenges in human work activities, for example competition in the world of work is becoming increasingly fierce. The competition that occurs is not only with local human resources, but also with human resources from abroad. With a situation like this, the need for diverse skills from each individual becomes the main thing. Jobs do not only require education and degrees, but also expertise, skills, personality and mentality that can determine a person's success at work. One of the worlds of work that has quite fierce competition is the pharmaceutical world. In addition to increasingly fierce competition, over time a pharmacist also experiences developments and changes. Currently a pharmacist to play an important role in maximizing the drug delivery system, patient personal therapy, prevention and control of a disease that cannot be avoided. A pharmacist must be prepared to face many societies with new and varied diseases. One of them is the emergence of a new disease caused by the Covid-19 virus. In addition to doctors, this is where the role of pharmacists is needed. Pharmacists must be able to make a formula that can cure the disease currently suffered by the community.
Pharmacy Education
Background: Pharmacists are the only people authorised to manage the medicines inventory. However, in the case of pharmacist shortage, other personnel may take over this function. This is particularly the case in most primary healthcare centers (puskesmas) in Indonesia. Aim: To compare the outcome of medicine inventory management between pharmacists and non-pharmacists in primary healthcare centres (PHCs). Methods: A survey of 146 puskesmas in East Java was conducted involving 73 pharmacists and 73 non-pharmacist staff. This study was conducted from July to January 2020. Each respondent completed a questionnaire focusing on the inventory aspects of medicine management. Results: Purchasing accuracy is higher for pharmacists (90%) than for non-pharmacists (68%). Pharmacists manage the inventory more efficiently with only 2% of the drugs expired and wasted while non-pharmacist staff wasted 16% of the drugs and 18% of the drugs expired. Conclusion: The role of pharmacists in...
Evaluation of drug inventory management in Anwar Medika Hospital Sidoarjo
International journal of health sciences
Drug management is carried out effectively and efficiently to prevent drug shortages, drug prescription outside the formulary. Drug management at Anwar Medika Hospital Pharmacy Installation has not been carried out according to standards. This study aims to evaluate the management of drug management at the Pharmacy Installation of Anwar Medika Hospital and to make recommendations regarding the problems that occur. This research is a descriptive verification study with qualitative and quantitative data. The samples used were primary and secondary data from selection, planning, procurement, receipt, storage, distribution, Evaluated use of drugs based on BPK, WHO and Permenkes 72/2016. The evaluation results that do not meet the standards identified the root of the problem using the fishbone, determining the priority of the problem using the CARL method, recommending alternative solutions using the PEARL method. The results of drug management at the Pharmacy Installation of Anwar Medik...
Drug Inventory Analyze in Pharmaceutical Warehouse at Parungpanjang’s Public Health Centre in 2019
This study aims to view the inventory drug in the pharmaceutical warehouse of Parungpanjang’s Public Health Centre in accordance with the Management Guidelines from the Directorate General of Pharmaceutical and Medical Devices Development of the Indonesian Ministry of Health in 2010. This is a descriptive observational research and data collection has conducted by direct observation by filling out the online quistionaire in google form link and with in-depth interviews with Pharmacy Officers at the Parungpanjang’s Public Health Centre. The results show that at the warehouse, requirements storage / the preparation of a drug and the drugs record system are in accordance with the requirements while the requirements of human resources have not yet met the requirements. Warehouse requirements of 100% are in accordance with standard operating procedures, storage requirements / preparation of drugs by 90% are in accordance with standard operating procedures and non-conformity reaches 10%, ...
ABC and VED Analysis of Imam Reza Educational Hospital Pharmacy
Annals of Military and Health Sciences Research
The ABC and VED (i.e. vital, essential, desirable) analysis of the pharmacy of Imam Reza Educational Hospital was carried out to determine the categories of medicines, which necessitate strict control. The annual consumption and cost of each item of medicine for the year 2016 were analyzed and cost control programs, i.e. ABC, VED, and ABC-VED matrix analysis, were used. The drug formulary of the pharmacy included 597 items. The annual drug expenditure on items issued was 13 108,365,188 Rials. The ABC analysis showed that 5.7%, 11.2%, and 83.1% of items belonged to category A, B, and C, respectively, conforming 74.873%, 20.089%, and 5.038% of ADE of the pharmacy. The VED analysis revealed 10.55%, 19.43%, and 70.02% of items as V, E, and D category items, respectively, conforming 23.20%, 47.91%, and 28.89% of ADE of the pharmacy. On ABC-VED matrix analysis, 15.24%, 20.44%, and 63.32% of items were defined to be category I, II, and III items, respectively, conforming 83.76%, 13.54%, and 2.70% of ADE of the pharmacy. In conclusion, scientific inventory management tools are needed to be applied on a routine basis for efficient management of pharmacy stores, as they contribute improvement in patient care and judicious use of resources.
Pharmaceutical Services in Community Pharmacy in East Jakarta
The objective of this study was to primarily focus on description of delivery of health care services by community pharmacies in terms of Good Pharmacy Practice and customer knowledge and perception about self-medication in East Jakarta Municipality. A crosssectional study design using structured questionnaire was done to describe the good pharmacy practice in community pharmacy and self-medication practice among the customers. Questionnaire was developed based on the four elements of good pharmacy practice. For customers, scores for self-medication practice was divided into information from pharmacies (Score 1) and their knowledge about the drug they bought at interviewing time (Score 2). Ninety eight pharmacists and 294 customers were interviewed in this study. As a conclusion in terms of good pharmacy practice, 69.4% of pharmacies were concluded less than good. A significant association was found between job status of pharmacist, frequency of pharmacist practice, type of pharmacy and number of prescription with good pharmacy practice. From customers, 88.1% of respondents got information from pharmacies (Score 1) less or equal to 4, while 79.6% of the customer knowledge (Score 2) higher or equal to 5. The summary for self-medication practice was fair in 71.8% customers. The association was found significantly in education and income of customer with knowledge of customer (Score 2). By Spearman correlation test, there was a significant association between information from pharmacies (Score 1) and good pharmacy practice. In conclusion, the practice of community pharmacy in East Jakarta was less than good; the self-medication practice among customer in East Jakarta also less than good. There is a gap in education/information practice to customers that can be fulfilled by pharmacist in the community.
Kesmas: Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat Nasional, 2013
Indonesia is facing shortage of pharmacist in public health centers (PHCs), therefore the local government and PHCs have to cope with this problem. This paper aimed to describe the pharmaceutical manpower availability in PHCs, the problems occurred and potential applied solutions. Data was taken from National Health Facility Research 201. Quantitative data related to pharmaceutical manpower in PHCs was analyzed descriptively based on regions. Supporting qualitative data through in-depth interviews with the health office staffs in Bogor and Bekasi and pharmacists in four PHCs were conducted and being analyzed using thematic analysis. It was found that Sulawesi had the highest percentage of PHCs having pharmacist (29.1%) while Eastern Indonesia 51.5% of PHCs didn’t have any staff with pharmacy related educational background. The highest percentages of staff composition were pharmacy technician followed by nurse. The main problem was due to high workload with limited manpower available...
Internal Control of Drug Inventory at the Pharmacy Installation of the Dumai City General Hospital
International Journal of Financial and Investment Studies (IJFIS), 2022
This study aims to find out how the implementation of internal inventory control in the medicine (pharmaceutical) section of the Dumai City General Hospital which is located on Jalan Tanjung Jati No 4. Dumai City Regional General Hospital. This study uses descriptive analysis of the results of interviews with specified sources, field observations and documentation. Primary data were obtained from interviews and direct observations. While secondary data from documents related to drug supplies such as invoices, purchase invoices, receipt documents, inventory cards, expenditure documents, organizational structures, and letters of order. The results of this study indicate that the internal control of the supply of medicines is quite good and has not entered the very good category because there are several things that must be improved, namely the separation of duties that are listed in detail and there are still not carrying out according to procedures and the existence of arrears in pay...