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A Study on Listening Problems Faced by Students of Higher Education
Globish: An English-Indonesian Journal for English, Education, and Culture, 2022
The purpose of this study is to describe listening comprehension problems faced by students when taking the TOEFL-like test. This research is a descriptive research. This research is also categorized as a survey, the broad area of survey research encompasses any measurement procedures that involves asking questions of respondents. Furthermore, the researcher gave questions to the sample in form of questionnaire to get the data about listening problem faced by students taking TOEFL-like. In this research, the researcher used the questionnaire to collect the data. After discussion in the previous chapter, finally leads the researcher to make conclusion from what have been already discussed. The conclusion is among the twenty indicators, all the indicators came from various sides, such as: students' side, TOEFL organizer, material, listening equipment and another supported thing that related to the activity on TOEFL test especially listening skills.
This study was aimed at identifying the students' response to the importance of studying listening comprehension, and finding out problems faced by second year students of English Study Program - FKIP UR in listening comprehension. This study was a descriptive research. The population of this research was the second year students of English study program of FKIP-UR. The sample of this research was selected by using total sampling technique. There were 90 students who participated in this research. The instrument of this research was a set of questionnaire. The questionnaire consisted of two sections. Section one contained questions about students' self-rated English listening proficiency level (1 item), students' perceptions related to their high school education (4 items), students' response to the importance of listenig skill (5 items), and students' ways of practicing listening skill (5 items). Section two consisted questions about listening comprehension prob...
Toeic test is one of the requirements to graduate at State Polytechnic Bengkalis. To pass in Toeic test, some of students get difficulties to pass the passing grade. The aim of this study is to find out students’ difficulties in listening to Toeic tests and how to overcome the problem. This study found that students’ ability in listening comprehension on Toeic test was average category from 11 students by 36.7%. Then students ‘difficulties in Toeic tests Picture description (used similar sound answered agree by 50%), question response (the speech rate answered agree by 53.3%), short conversation (unfamiliar word answered strongly agree by 53.5%), short talks (can easily miss the text answered agree by 43.3%).
English Language Teaching for EFL Learners
This study aimed to analyze the students' problems in the listening section of TOEFL in English Education Department of UIN Alauddin Makassar. This study was qualitative research. The Research subjects were 12 students who had undertaken TOEFL test from English Education Department of UIN Alauddin Makassar. The instrument was an interview guideline. The data were analyzed using Miles and Huberman analysis. This research indicated that the students encountered three problems in the listening section of TOEFL. The first problem was listening to material such as unfamiliar words, grammar structure, vocabulary, pronunciation, speech speed, and long-spoken text. The second was the listener's personal problems, such as feeling worried, losing concentration, unclear pronunciation, and encountering an unknown word. The third was the environmental situation, such as the noise around and the low quality of the recording.
This research was mainly to explore what are Non English Department Students’ (NEDS) difficulties in listening comprehension, especially in doing TOEFL Test. The writer employed a qualitative method to find out the students to do solve their problems in understanding listening skills. It is a case study involving fifteen students from Eighth semester of Arabic Department students in IAIN SMH Banten, who join a test of TOEFL preparations. To collect the data the writer used archival records, interview and questionnaire are served as the data collection method. The result of this research indicates that the students’ recapitulation score in listening section of TOEFL test was poor, by percentage 60% of students include 9 students of fifteen participants are very low understanding, and 40% of students’ include 6 students are low understanding. It means that the students are unfamiliar to do the TOEFL test. The result of the study shows that there are some points of the students’ manner...
The Students’ Listening Problems For Senior High School in Pematangsiantar
Edunesia: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan
This article describes the English listening problems faced by students in senior high school in Pematangsiantar. Specifically, it reveals (1) students' English listening skills, (2) problems they face in listening to English, and (3) how the teacher solves the problem. This article uses a qualitative descriptive method and is carried out in high school in Pematangsiantar, North Sumatra. the subject of this article through the purposive sampling technique. The data was obtained through a series of English listening tests using recordings with native and non-native speakers, observation, and interviews. The findings show (1) the problems they face in listening to English deal with speaking speed, limited vocabulary, level of concentration, and established language habits, and (3) To overcome this problem, the teacher applies the practice of the right way technique. by giving students several ways to practice listening to English. Thus, it can be concluded that the teacher's efforts are relevant to listening problems faced by students.
This research entitled “ An Analysis of Students’ Difficulties in Listening: A Case Study at Twelfth Grade Students of MA NW Narmada in Academic Year 2015/2016 ” was aimed at discovering students’ common difficulties in listening and possible causes of those difficulties. This study also focuses on the difficulties in listening part of National Examination. The population of this study was 111 students, cluster random sampling technique was used to select research subject, and the sample was 37 students. In collecting the data, two kinds of instruments were used: test and questionnaire. The test was used to find out the students’ common difficulties in listening part of National Examination, and the questionnaire was used to discover some possible causes of those difficulties. By using descriptive quantitative method to analyse the data, it was found that the students’ common difficulties were answering question in monolog, this is indicated by the majority of students who gave inco...
Humaniora Vol 29, No 3, 2017
The study is to classify the problem triggers in consecutive interpreting especially in listening. The objectives of the research are to find out the relationship between listening skills and sound problem by comparing the test results of English student and non-English student and prove that students' problem triggers are closely related to the writing and reading performances which are caused by listening skill problems such as domain in comprehension, similar word, etc. The method used in the research is descriptive qualitative. The participants are English Department and non English student. Technique of collecting data in the research uses questionnaire, test, and interview. The biggest problem faced by non-English student group is numbering and proper names. It is 34 % which occupy in first rank. Whereas the percentage of English student in comprehension is 27%, then the numbering and proper names, the last is similar word which has 20%. Meanwhile, the test result of English group is 84.5 and non-English group is 60. It represent the background knowledge factors are also play an important role in doing the test. In conclusion, there is relationship between students' problem triggers, writing and reading performances, especially homophone errors. So, the hypothesis is accepted and it strengthens a currently underdeveloped theory that sounds problem play an important role in listening.
English Proficiency of Students at Politeknik Negeri Balikpapan Based on TOEIC
English language proficiency is generally measured by English competency scores such as TOEFL and TOEIC. To be able to apply the right learning patterns for students of Politeknik Negeri Balikpapan (Poltekba) for the purpose of mastering the TOEIC, an analysis of their English proficiency is needed by measuring their TOEIC scores. This analysis can be used as a reference for English lecturers in providing relevant learning materials according to the needs of the students and the industrial world. The research method used is qualitative-quantitative because it focuses on analyzing the TOEIC scores of the students. The researchers conducted analysis on the TOEIC scores as the data and explained them descriptively. The data used in this analysis are TOEIC scores from 291 students. The scores were mapped into 6 levels of English proficiency. The results of this study describe the level of English proficiency and the comparison between mastering Listening and Reading Comprehensions by th...
Listening Comprehension for Twelfth Grade Students in Sinar Husni High School for Men
The paper analyzes listening comprehension of English language skills for twelfth grade students at Sinar Husni high school in Medan. The paper answers the following questions: 1. what are the factors that determine students' interest in learning English? 2. How frequently listening educational instruments are used to improve the listening skills for student? 3. What are the common difficulties that face the respondents in the questionnaire implemented in this paper in terms of listening comprehension? Thus, the paper aims to find the factors influencing English listening comprehension and the strategies to be taken that might improve students’ listening comprehension. The paper indicates that the current problems face students in developing listening comprehension skills are speed speech, limited knowledge of vocabulary, and limited knowledge of the subject in question. Further studies could be conducted to gauge the issue of listening comprehension at the university level-amon...