Description of coupling in the category of transitive Lie algebroids (original) (raw)
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Russian Journal of Mathematical Physics, 2015
Transitive Lie algebroids have specific properties that allow to look at the transitive Lie algebroid as an element of the object of a homotopy functor. Roughly speaking each transitive Lie algebroids can be described as a vector bundle over the tangent bundle of the manifold which is endowed with additional structures. Therefore transitive Lie algebroids admits a construction of inverse image generated by a smooth mapping of smooth manifolds. Due to to K.Mackenzie ([1]) the construction can be managed as a homotopy functor T LAg from category of smooth manifolds to the transitive Lie algebroids. The functor T LAg associates with each smooth manifold M the set T LAg(M) of all transitive algebroids with fixed structural finite dimensional Lie algebra g. Hence one can construct ([4],[5]) a classifying space Bg such that the family of all transitive Lie algebroids with fixed Lie algebra g over the manifold M has one-to-one correspondence with the family of homotopy classes of continuous maps [M, Bg]: T LAg(M) ≈ [M, Bg]. It allows to describe characteristic classes of transitive Lie algebroids from the point of view a natural transformation of functors similar to the classical abstract characteristic classes for vector bundles and to compare them with that derived from the Chern-Weil homomorphism by J.Kubarski([3]). As a matter of fact we show that the Chern-Weil homomorphism does not cover all characteristic classes from categorical point of view.
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Journal of Generalized Lie Theory and Applications, 2013
Extending the definition of Lie algebroid from one base manifold to a pair of diffeomorphic base manifolds, we obtain the generalized Lie algebroid. When the diffeomorphisms used are identities, then we obtain the definition of Lie algebroid. We extend the concept of tangent bundle, and the Lie algebroid generalized tangent bundle is obtained. In the particular case of Lie algebroids, a similar Lie algebroid with the prolongation Lie algebroid is obtained. A new point of view over (linear) connections theory of Ehresmann type on a fiber bundle is presented. These connections are characterized by a horizontal distribution of the Lie algebroid generalized tangent bundle. Some basic properties of these generalized connections are investigated. Special attention to the class of linear connections is paid. The recently studied Lie algebroids connections can be recovered as special cases within this more general framework. In particular, all results are similar with the classical results. Formulas of Ricci and Bianchi type and linear connections of Levi-Civita type are presented.
1 Relative Tangent Spaces and Almost Lie Structures
The aim of this paper is to give three new examples of generalised algebroids and groupoid-like structures, defind in the previous paper [7]. The generalised algebroids include the known definitions of Lie algebroid, prealgebroid and Courant algebroid and the new definition of a generalised prealgebroid. The non-trivial examples that are given in the paper extend those considered in the previous paper [7]. 1 Relative Tangent Spaces and Almost Lie Structures Let (θ,D) be an anchored vector bundle (AVB) ( or a relative tangent space, defined in [3]), where θ = (R, q,M) is a vector bundle and is D : θ → τM a vector bundle morphism of θ, called an anchor (an arrow, or a tangent map). Notice that we denoted as τM = (TM, p,M) the tangent bundle of M . If ξ = (E, π,M) is an other vector bundle on the same base M , then consider the fibered product RE = TE ×TM R = {(x, y) ∈ TE × R : π∗(x) = D(y)} of the differential π∗ : TE → TM and of the given anchor D : R → τM . Let ∆ : RE → TE be the ca...