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Content Analysis of Central University Library Websites of South India
This study is to evaluate the status of the library websites of central universities of south India. A checklist of various elements has been used to gather the data and evaluate contents of selected library webpage. The domain name of host website, general information about the library, collection details, information on e-resources, Link search and retrieval interfaces and innovative services adopted are the major elements considered to evaluate the websites. However, it is found that contents are varying in every library website. It is essential to make library website become dynamic and effective.
Content Analysis Of Central Universities Library Websites Of Central Region Of India: A Survey
This research tries to analyse and compare the content and usability of central universities of central zone of India according to university grant commission parameters. Nowadays the websites of libraries are performing an important role in accumulating and circulating information or the data sources to the users and nowadays it is a popular way to interact with users without physical appearance. A study on the websites will help us to determine and analyse the content available, so that the rich and appropriate information may be provided to us by the assessment of improving the current site. A checklist was arranged to collect data which consist of a general information about library services, information about library collection, accessibility on universities webpage, link searches and retrieve interface. This checklist was set to determine the content of University library websites.The investigator took all centre zone central universities of India library for the study on the basis of content available on websites.
Content Analysis of Central Universities Library Websites of North Eastern States of India: A Survey
The library website helps to get in touch with its patron trough online. The present study is carried out for analyzing the contents available in the library webpage of the Central Universities of the North Eastern States in India. The study is based on the information available in the library webpage of the concerned universities. A checklist was designed and the library web pages were evaluated based on the previous evaluations of websites conducted by different authors.
Content analysis of library websites of central universities of North East India
IP Indian Journal of Library Science and Information Technology, 2021
Library websites play an essential role in collecting and sharing information or sources for users. Today it is a common platform to interact with users without their behavior. A website survey certainly helps us to identify and analyse available content to obtain rich and suitable information by evaluating the current website's improvement. The present study evaluates the contents of the nine central university library websites of the North East India. A checklist has been developed to collect library facilities, library collections, university webpage accessibility, link searches, and the retrieval interface. The purpose of this article is to help website developers, and administrators better understand the current state of these university websites so that they may provide more informative, up-to-date information, authentic information, user-friendly, and dynamic methods to users based on their needs.
Content Analysis of State Private Universities' Libraries Website in North East India: An Evaluation
Conference Paper , 2020
The library website is playing a very significant role in disseminating information services to users. The report on the present study will help decide to update the State Private Universities Libraries website. The eighteen State Private Universities Libraries Websites in North East India were selected for the study basis on content available on their websites. The present study revealed that the University of Science & Technology, Meghalaya (USTM) and Sikkim Manipal University became "very good" ranking scores compared to other states private universities, whereas "lower-ranked" libraries are, etc. needs improvement to provide the basic library services as per user demands.
Evaluation of library web presence of technical colleges of West Bengal through content analysis
Website of an academic institute can be considered as the face of institute in modern days. Library being the main pillar in supporting the teaching learning of academic institute it should be given its due importance. Keeping that in view this paper tries to find out the presence of libraries in the website of respective colleges under Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology (MAKAUT), West Bengal. Based on the literature review of the studies done on this subject area, 41criteria under 8 broad headings were selected to analyze the content of the Web Pages. A web based exhaustive study of the selected websites of the colleges was done. The collected data was then analyzed using Microsoft excel. From the observation, it is found that the libraries of colleges under MAKAUT have minimal representation in their parent websites. Based on the findings some suggestions have been made for the improvement of the library Web Page. Focusing on web appearance, a lot of work needs to be done. The problem can't be resolved without a change in attitude about the role of library and information science in higher education. Library professionals of those institutes should come forward to change the scenario and take their libraries to the next level.
The study evaluates the content of Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) and Banaras Hindu University (BHU) library websites using qualitative (11 checkpoints) and quantitative (170 checkpoints) evaluation. The qualitative parts covered 11 features which belong to the homepages of the websites, which helps as recording devices of the descriptive information, moreover, quantitative part of the checklists covered 170 dichotomous question affiliated to the different aspect of the features such as; multimedia, general information, services, resources, my library features, web2.0/library2.0 features, currency accuracy and relevance, organization and structure features, links and maintenance features, user-interface features, search features and informative feedback and support features. A quantitative 5-points rating scales was executed to provide a numerical rating for each feature and rank them on the bases of numerical facts. The study has shown that the library websites are lagging behin...
International Journal of Research in Library Science
This study is content analysis of the selected library website of Indian Institute of Management in India. For conducting the study, online survey and observation methods were found appropriate. The data were collected through the well structural six checklist elements from the selected IIM in India under the study. The study further, discusses services and facilities being offered by the IIM library website. The study reveals that maximum number of IIM library website have mentioned information related to about us & library hours 13 (77.2%), library services, library rules and regulation 11(61.1%), collection of books & journals 13(72.2%), E-resources that is e-books, ejournals 14(77.7%) on their website/webpage. On their website/webpage , however , study also report that of the library website/webpage have social bookmarking tag , Facebook 3 (16.6%), LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter, and You Tube 2 (11.1%) on their website. The domain name of the host website, general information about the library, library services, library collection, information on E-Resources, information on social bookmarking tag, and link search & retrieval interface are the major elements considered to evaluate the library website. The study suggest for caring out such evaluative studies which is the need of hour to enable the institution to update their website periodically and come up with flying colors on users expectation.
Ranking of Library Websites of Agricultural University of India: A Study
Purpose: The purpose of the study is to derive the current status of web contents of library websites of Agricultural Universities in India and to examine the web-based library services provided via their websites and to determine the rank of the library websites on the basis of content analysis. Design/ Methodology/ Approach: For data collection in this study, survey and observation methods were applied. Data are collected from the library websites of Agricultural Universities of India with the help of a checklist prepared on the basis of previous studies done. Findings: The findings show that most of the surveyed libraries have up-to-date library websites or webpages with the information of adequate services and facilities. Most of the library websites provide access to e-resources and provide remote access to their resources.