Mezraa-Telei̇lat Tarak-Baski 'Impresso' Çanak Çömleği̇ Bezeme Tekni̇kleri̇ Üzeri̇ne Deneysel Bi̇r Çalişma (original) (raw)
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In Near East archaeology one of the important problem is development of economy which is based on farming. However diffusionism of this economy among the other important subjects. In this sense, studies of Mezraa Teleilat have important contributions to the Near East archaeology. Especially, reflections of the transition from the Pre pottery Neolithic to the Pottery Neolithic and development of the Pottery Neolithic cultures by layers is primacy. Discovering first pottery and process to become a widespread among the discussion subjects in prehistoric archaeology, in addition rareness of find places which is reflect transition process and inadequate publishing in this places is affected to understand this new life style and influence of the other regions. Fort hat reason, Mezraa-Teleilat excavation reports includes data processing which is concerned Neolithic cultures basis and distribution/ enlargement. Spreading pottery to the west in economy based on farming different models explicable. Mediterranean Neolithic “Impressed” pottery basis problem is among the problems which said above. In this problems solution we have to take in consideration not only the spread of decorations, styles and technics but also the spreading of the new way of life which can be defined due to the “Neolithic Package”. Despite all of these names, “Impressed” is the most common designation and is used for the pottery of Early Neolithic Culture on the Adriatic coast, especially Palmatia and North Italy. A variation of Impressed decoration is “Cardium Impressed”. This variant, created by pressing the cardium shell into the vessel, occurs on the Liguria coast in Italy, South France, Corsica and South Spain. Except these regions, on the several parts of the Aegean and Anatolia and especially within the several culture communities which are dated to Early Neolithic, the potteries with similar decoration technique, appears Southeast Anatolia and Çukurova. Generally this pottery is called in these regions, pressed, nail-pressed or impressed. It appears in Near East, around North Syria and Paletsine, in North Africa at Tunus-Redeyef. In the decoration, especially more intensely on the part of the Mediterranean, continues their presence by whole the Neolithic Period as the most common group of pottery. In the Levant, impressed pottery has been found in Mersin, The Amik Plain, The Lebanon Coast and The Kerkh Valley. At this time The Levantine Early Neolithic is more clearly defined and greater in density than The Anatolian Early Neolithic. Thus, we find Impressed pottery with other vessel types such as dark faced burnished ware, straw wares, red-slip ware and Hassuna ware. As mentioned previously, Impressed pottery can be simply defined as pottery with a special kind of decoration made by pressing an object, such as bamboo, a comb, a nail or a shell onto the wet surface of a vessel. Different types of impressed decorations are designated based on the type of object that is used as the instrument of pressure; for example “comb-pressed”, “finger pressed”, or “notched”. Specifically, “notched” or “jagged decoration” are made by stabbing or cutting small notches or cavities into the wet surface of the vessel with a sharp pointed instrument. If these decorations are made when the surface of the vessel is wet, they become clay traces around decoration; if they are made when the surface of the vessel is dry they become smooth-edged. When looked on the forms of potteries which the impressed decoration seems intensely, we see global jars, big vessels with narrowing mouths and bowls which are not in a big variation appears. These vessels are simple and plain. The surface can be burnished or not. In this article, we will mention about the experimental laboratory Studies, which are made to define the tools and decoration patterns of impressed technics and we also aim to explain the details of known impressed technics. And mainly we will take in consideration of the data gathered from the Mezraa-Teleilat, which are about the decoration technics, that defined due to the samples from this site. And we will use the visual samples to explain the subject better.
Akdeniz Sanat
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Bi̇r Mobi̇lya Fabri̇kasinda Çalişan İşçi̇leri̇n Çalişma Duruşlarinin Reba Yöntemi̇ İle Anali̇zi̇
Mühendislik Bilimleri ve Tasarım Dergisi, 2017
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The passion for experiencing sound with all its aspects has evolved from Surround, Quadraphonic Ambisonic and Dolby Stereo to Quadhome, Stereo Dolby Surround, Dolby Digital and DTS technologies, and then its effect has manifested itself on the music listening practices coupled with sound technologies. This dissertation studies mix techniques of surround sound applications used in the music productions and headphone technologies that have been advancing recently. This study presents examples of past applications to discuss the path to be pursued by the music productions, aiming at the experience, in the direction of headphone technologies now transforming a number of parameters into a single instrument. To support the research, the study focuses on the approach of featuring experience; an approach embraced by the experimental “Zaireeka” album released by the Flaming Lips in 1997. Zaireeka features a combination of four compact discs designed to be played simultaneously on four separate sound systems, and was re-recorded with binaural and advanced Sennheiser Ambeo VR 3D microphones, as designed in the album, using the state-of-the-art binaural recording technique. This physical experience was transferred to an immersive sound environment for 3D headphones. In this study, future sound engineers were asked to listen both 5.1 surround sound system and 3D versions of this production with stereo headphones and they were then asked to review their listening experiences. These studies and evaluations provide an insight suggesting that the 3D immersive sound applications will be a more frequent element of music productions in the future and they will be more popular among the listeners.
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yılları arasında yaşamış ve tam adı "Ahmed b. Yusuf b. Ali b. Ezrak" olan İbnü'l-Ezrak, bugünkü Diyarbakır ilinin Silvan ilçesinde yaşamıştır. Memleketini ve tarih ilmini çok sevdiğini eserinden öğrendiğimiz İbnü'l-Ezrak, bu motivasyon ile "Tarihü'l Meyyafarikîn ve Âmid"i kaleme almıştır. Eser XII. yüzyıla kadar olan bölge tarihi için eşsiz bir kaynaktır. Bizzat gözlemlerine ve kendinden önce eser veren İslam tarihçileri ve coğrafyacılarına dayanan İbnü'l-Ezrak, eserini kimseye sunma gayreti içinde olmamıştır. Bu özellik esere ayrıca kıymet katmaktadır. Eserin "Mervaniler" ve "Artuklular" bölümü Türkçe'ye çevrilmiş olup diğer bölümleri çevrilmeyi beklemektedir.