Radicalism Among Indonesia’s Young Generation: How to Overcome It? (original) (raw)

Pseudo-Radicalism and the De-Radicalization of Educated Youth in Indonesia

Studies in Conflict & Terrorism, 2019

This article discusses a recent phenomenon of radicalization among university students in Indonesia, with special attention to what may be called "pseudo-radicalists" (i.e., a group of students who have been exposed to radical ideologies); however, they are not strongly grounded in an exclusive and extreme religious viewpoint that justifies militant attitudes and violent actions. We carefully and critically examine the extent to which educated youth have been infiltrated by radical influences and how they de-radicalized themselves. Our research includes seven government tertiary institutions identified by the National Agency for Combating Terrorism or Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Terorisme as having been inflicted by radicalism,

From Youth for 74 Years of Independence of the Republic of Indonesia (Masohi Militancy: Youth Efforts to Eradicate Radicalism And Terrorism)


Youth is an important figure of the national movement because youth are the pillars of national development and the future State of Indonesia. However, one of the problems facing Indonesia today is the involvement of youth in radicalism and terrorism. Answering this problem, this research uses normative juridical research methods with a statutory and conceptual approach. This research shows the need for the role and responsibility of youth in tackling radicalism and terrorism. The active role of youth is a reflection of moral strength, social control and agents of change in the development of the nation and the State of Indonesia, while the responsibility of youth can be carried out with masohi militancy efforts. Masohi militancy is a youth attitude that reflects resilience, enthusiasm and passion to cooperate with each other in tackling radicalism and terrorism in Indonesia which is realized through “Panca-P” namely Pembangunan kepemudaan, Pelayanan kepemudaan, Penyadaran pemuda, P...

Radicalism in Indonesia and the Reflective Alternatives to Reduce

PEOPLE: International Journal of Social Sciences, 2018

Radicalism has been an important issue in Indonesia since the last few decades. Identity exclusivity, mainly religion, has caused the increasing of radicalism potency in term of its intercitizen relation. In order to solve the problem, it is needed contra-radicalism and deradicalization strategies. In this case, contra-radicalism is carried out by immigration restriction, early detection, law enforcement, and organizations control. Meanwhile, deradicalization can be executed through education inclusive approach; leader persuasion, Pancasila socialization expansion, and religion position understanding straighten out. In

Youth Existence and Radicalism in Aceh, Indonesia

Jurnal Ilmiah Peuradeun

In general, the discourse on youth existence and radicalism in Aceh has been started by a radicalism map and ended by analyzing data on youth involvement in countering radicalism in Aceh. The data were presented from previous facts, media publications, interviews, and observations of various sources. The result of the analysis revealed that the intensity of radicalism discourse among youth had increased in 2017. It was the momentum of the development of radicalism discourse. It was reflected by the involvement of youth activists of various community, youth and university organizations in countering radicalism ideas in Aceh. Therefore, the challenge of youth existence in responding to religious radicalism unemployment and drug in Aceh is very important. It is perceived that not every single radical action reflects the ideological belief but due to social and political gaps.

Mitigating radicalism amongst Islamic college students in Indonesia through religious nationalism

HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies

Radicalism has the potential to become more widespread in a younger generation of Muslims who are too textual, exclusive, extreme and uncritical. Their ethos of struggle has created a momentum to contest radical ideologies of Islamic radicals. This study investigates the potential for the radicalisation of Islamic students in Indonesia and formulates an approach of integrating national and religious values to mitigate the potential for radicalism. A qualitative research approach is used, and data were collected by distributing questionnaires to Indonesian Islamic student activists. Interviews were also conducted with experts to strengthen secondary sources of information. The results show that the potential for Islamic student to be exposed to radical activists is high. Through categorisation, interpretation and analysis, it was found that the concepts and spread of radicalism were more influenced by religious interpretations than social tolerance factors. In addition, the religious...

The Development of a Model of Inducing Nationalist-Religious Characters in Islamic Boarding School in SMP 6 Kedungsuren Kendal Regency to Anticipate Radicalism among Young Generation

KnE Social Sciences, 2019

Globalization is a phenomenon where the world seems small while the interaction and interdependence among all countries in the world gets more intensive including Indonesia. Beside leading to positive effect, this circumstance also causes negative impact such as national disintegration threats. Those threats relate to many foreign ideologies and cultures entering to Indonesia so the values of Indonesian ideologies became degradable. The emerging threats and interferences are mostly based on ideologiesandreligioninthesakeofpeople’sprosperity.Therecentconditionrequires the importance of revitalizing the values of ideology and culture of Indonesia that can be conducted through national-religious character education which has been induced to people since their childhood one of which through Islamic boarding school. The research was conducted in SMP NU 06 Kedungsuren, Kaliwungu Selatan District, Kendal Regency, Central Java Province. The purpose of this research is to develop the model o...


Jurnal Demokrasi dan Otonomi Daerah, 2009

This essay examines the factors of radicalization in several Islamist groups in Indonesia, which undertake violent action and radical thoughts (or what some describe it as fundamentalist).

Deradicalism as a Humanistic Approach to Managing Radicalism in Indonesia

Radicalism is thought based on beliefs about the values, ideas, and views held by someone who is judged to be the most correct and considers others to be wrong. Social media is now an important factor in the spread of radicalism in Indonesia, this is supported using the internet in Indonesia which shows an increasing trend from year to year. This research is intended to build the concept of Islamic boarding school radicalism as a humanistic approach in tackling radicalism in Indonesia Indonesian. The results of the study stated that deradicalization pesantren are reeducation, rehabilitation, resocialization, and reintegration. With pesantren, perpetrators exposed to radicalism can be temporarily separated, but not imprisoned. The actors can also interact and even add religious knowledge. Thus, the thirst for understanding about religion will be channeled properly, through the guidance of uztad and kyai who are certainly pro-nationalism and loyal to the Unitary State of Indonesia. After the perpetrators exposed to radicalism have understood their mistakes and are loyal to the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia, resocialization will be carried out, and reintegration into society will be carried out. Deradicalization boarding schools are, of course, currently a humanist discourse in tackling radicalism. Radicalism is sometimes not only overcome through repressive legal means but can also use humanist and persuasive methods. Therefore, deradicalization pesantren is an answer for mapping as well as de-radicalizing perpetrators exposed to radicalism without committing terrorism.


This paper examines Islamic radicalism particularly in Indonesia in terms of its roots and strategies of action. While focusing on the Jama'ah Islamiyah (JI, lit. " Islamic Community ") as the larger subject of discussion, it takes Ar Rahmah Media Network with its print publication of Jihad Magazine (Jihadmagz) in particular as the case of study. The paper argues that the emergence of Islamic radicalism is mainly triggered by the combination of the ruling regime's political repression, crucial socioeconomic deprivation, globalisation, and Arabia support. Also, it further argues that there is a shift of strategies among activists of radical Muslims in delivering their messages as well as in conducting their radical actions.

The Development of Radical Islamic Movements and the Importance of Anti-Radicalism Education at the High School Level in Indonesia

Jurnal Pertahanan: Media Informasi ttg Kajian & Strategi Pertahanan yang Mengedepankan Identity, Nasionalism & Integrity, 2021

Radicalism is a challenge and concern for the world, including the Muslim community in Indonesia. The radicalism movement is evidenced by the existence of violence in achieving its goals in political, religious, social, educational, and economic matters. In the world of education in Indonesia, violence, and intimidation still often occurs so that anti-radicalism education is needed which can be realized through the teaching process, especially at the high school level. Anti-radicalism education requires humans to respect each other's differences and make peace according to the Al-Quran and Hadith guidelines which are integrated through education. For this reason, the analysis in this article is descriptive qualitative with an approach using the library method which aims to understand the history of the development of the Islamic radicalism movement and Islamic solutions to overcome the problems of religious radicalism and terrorism by implementing anti-radicalism education. Besi...