Oral Health Related Quality of Life in Adult Population Attending Outpatient Department of KD Dental College and Hospital, Mathura (original) (raw)

Oral Health Related Quality of Life among Tamil Speaking Adults Attending a Dental Institution in Chennai, Southern India


Canadian Dental Association defines oral health as a state wherein the oral tissues contribute positively to an individual's well-being in all dimensions of health by allowing them to eat, speak, and socialise without any discomfort [1]. Thus, oral health plays a major role in the general well-being of a person. Oral health problems can have wider social, economic and psychological concerns thereby affecting the quality of life. Quality of Life (QoL) is concerned with "the degree to which a person enjoys the important possibilities of life" [2,3]. It is currently a very effective subjective parameter to assess patient centred impacts of general and oral health. Problems like teeth decay, pulpitis and periodontitis cause considerable pain. Teeth loss can interfere with proper chewing, speaking and aesthetic appearance. Craniofacial disorders, malocclusion, appearance of the teeth or dentures significantly affect self-esteem, social relationships and communication capability. Other oral diseases such as head and neck cancer, dental fluorosis, craniofacial anomalies cause considerable distress to individuals thereby affecting QoL [4-10]. Oral Health Related Quality of Life (OHRQoL) denotes a person's perception of how oral health influences life quality and overall wellbeing. It encompasses an individual's satisfaction with oral health, self-esteem and the ease with which they are able to eat, speak, and engage in social interactions [11]. Various socio-dental indicators are available to measure OHRQoL, such as social impacts of dental disease [12], geriatric oral health assessment index [13], oral health impact profile [14], dental impact on daily living [15], oral health related quality of life UK [16], oral impacts on daily performances [17], dental impact profile [18]. Clinical parameters measure the presence or absence and severity of disease. However, they do not measure the impact on the individual's quality of life; hence, complementing with OHRQoL indicators can enable the clinicians not only in planning the treatment but also to assess patient centred treatment outcomes and satisfaction. In the present study we primarily intended to determine the extent of impact on physical, psychological, social and functional aspects due to oral health or disease among patients attending the outpatient department of a teaching dental institution in Southern India. Additionally, we also aimed to evaluate whether socio-demographic factors, subject's self-perceived health status and treatment needs, subjective clinical symptoms experienced, clinical parameters assessed objectively influenced OHRQoL. MAtErIALS And MEtHOdS Study Participants: Non-probability method of sampling was

Oral Health-related Quality of Life in Relation to Oral Health Status among Residents in the Surrounding Areas of Rural Health Training Center Attached to a Medical College Hospital

Journal of Orofacial Research, 2015

Background: The literature on oral health-related quality of life in relation to oral health status among rural population in India is scanty. Aims: To assess the oral health-related quality of life in relation to oral health status among residents in surrounding areas of a rural health training center attached to a medical college hospital in Madhya Pradesh, India Materials and methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted over a period of 4 weeks among the residents in the surrounding areas of Rural Health Training Centre (RHTC), Ratua, attached to People's College of Medical Science and People's Dental Academy, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh. A pilot study was conducted on a convenient sample of 20 participants at RHTC. The result of the pilot study enabled us to estimate the sample size. The selection of participants was done using a stratified random sampling technique. The selected participants were interviewed by a calibrated investigator to collect the desired information on OHRQOL using the pretested OHIP-14 questionnaire. The oral health assessment was done using mouth mirrors, explores, and CPITN probe on a plastic chair under natural daylight by a calibrated investigator. The comparison of the mean values between different subgroups was done using independent sample t test and one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA). The comparison of the qualitative data between the different subgroups of the population was done using the chi-square test. The comparison of the mean values between different subgroups where the distribution was skewed was done using the Kruskal-Wallis test. Results: A total of 254 participants were examined in the present study. The mean OHIP-14 score was significantly higher (suggesting a higher oral health-related quality of life) among the participants without caries experience (p < 0.001). The mean OHIP-14 score significantly decreased (p < 0.001) as the periodontal status worsened. The mean OH1P-14 score was significantly lower (p = 0.017) among participants with oral mucosal lesions with no difference between participants with and without malocclusion. Conclusion: Oral health-related quality of life was poor among participants with oral diseases.

Oral health related quality of life among adults reffered to dental clinic of Babol Faculty of Dentistry in 2009-2011

Caspian Journal of Dental Research, 2013

Introduction: The quality of life is defined as the individual's sense of well-being and their satisfaction with daily work as influenced by dental and oral conditions. Oral diseases are very common and have impacts on the different aspects of individual's life and can change their social performances roles, in other words, they can change the quality of life. The aim of this study was to evaluae the impact of oral problems on quality of life in adults who referred to Babol Faculty of Dentistry during 2009-2011. Methods: This cross-sectional study was performed using a non-randomized sampling method. In this study, 500 patients who referred to Babol Faculty of Dentistry age 20-50 years were selected. Then all the questions in OIDP (Oral Impact on Daily Performance) questionnaire which were translated into persian from english were asked and completed. These questions are valuable and reliable for Iranians based on the previous studies. Finally, the data were analyzed by SPSS statistical software. Results: According to this study, oral problems have effected on (80.6%) of the patients’ quality of life. Gender, occupation, level of education and general health have impacted on OIDP score changes. There were significant differences in gender, occupation and level of education. In this study, the general and oral health conditions scores showed a significant association with OIDP score. Most of the patients’ complaint was about eating (64.4%), but going outside and shopping were the least (10%). Conclusions: According to the results of this study, tooth pain was the most oral and dental problem and tooth shape and size were the least effective on the oral health related quality of life. This shows that the most needed treatment are tooth restoration، root canal therapy and surgical treatment for pain relief.

Relationship between oral clinical conditions and daily performances among young adults in India – A cross sectional study


© 2015 Ministry of Health, Saudi Arabia. Objective of the present study was to investigate relationship between oral health-related quality of life using Oral Impacts on Daily Performances (OIDP) scale and specific clinical dental measures. A cross sectional descriptive survey was conducted among 800 students. Oral health status and impacts were assessed using WHO guidelines and OIDP index respectively. Chi square test and multiple logistic regressions were employed for statistical analysis. Participants with caries were significantly (. p≤. 0.05) more likely to have an impact on cleaning (OR. =. 2.487) and sleeping and relaxing (OR. =. 8.996). Similarly participants with oral mucosal conditions were more likely to have an impact on eating (OR. =. 3.97), cleaning (OR. =. 2.966) and physical activities (OR. =. 11.190). Dental Aesthetic Index (DAI) impacted on cleaning (OR. =. 2.134), emotional stability (OR. =. 3.957) and social contact (OR. =. 3.21). OIDP Index showed acceptable psy...

Association Between Oral Health Status And Quality Of Life Among Selected South Indian Population

SciDoc Publishers, 2021

Background: Periodontal disease is a major oral health problem, which approximately affects 15-17% of the adult population. However, the periodontal disease not only affects the supporting structures of the oral cavity, but also has a negative impact on the oral health-related quality of life. Aim: the aim of the study was to assess the association between oral health status and quality of life among a selected South Indian population. Materials and Methods: The present study was conducted among 150 outpatients who reported to the Department of Periodontics, Saveetha Dental College and Hospitals, Chennai, India. Based on the periodontal status of the patients, patients were categorised as follows: Group 1-Clinically healthy (50 patients); Group 2-Gingivitis (50 patients); Group 3-Periodontitis (50 patients). To measure patient based outcomes, Oral Health Impact Profile-14 (OHIP-14) item questionnaire was used. The OHIP-14 questionnaire consists of seven divisions and the patients were asked to rate each item on a 5-point scale. The OHIP-14 score is the sum of responses and ranges from 0 to 56. The data was analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS Software, Version 23.0). The association between oral health status and quality of life was done using Chisquare test. The level of significance was set at p<0.05. Results: The association between oral health status and quality of life was done using Chi square test. OHIP-14 questionnaire score range of 41-56 was predominantly given by 39 patients with periodontitis. 21-40 range of scores were predominantly given by 15 patients with gingivitis. 0-20 range of scores were predominantly given by 42 individuals with clinically healthy gingiva. The association between oral health status and quality of life was found to be statistically insignificant with the p value of 0.00. Conclusion: The present study suggests that patients with periodontitis presented with poor quality of life when compared to patients with gingivitis and individuals with clinically healthy gingiva. Hence, oral health status is directly associated with quality of life.

Oral health assessment and associated lifestyle behaviors among adults in Mathura city: a cross-sectional study

International Journal Of Community Medicine And Public Health

Background: Oral health is recognized as an important aspect of an individual’s general health and quality of life. Impairment of oral health diminishes the quality of life. The aim of the study was to assess the oral health (the number of natural teeth, pain or discomfort on teeth, having dentures), oral health behaviors (e.g., using toothbrush, dental flossing, and toothpaste containing fluoride) and lifestyle behaviors (e.g., sugar consumed, tobacco, alcohol) of people living in Mathura city, Uttar Pradesh.Methods: This study was cross-sectional study conducted at K. D. Dental College and Hospital, Mathura. Pre-validated WHO oral health questionnaire was used to assess oral health, lifestyle and oral health behaviors of the study participants. Face to face interview sessions were conducted with consenting individual participants to ensure transparency and consistency, to reduce interviewer and misclassification bias. Results: Total 550 participants were participated, in which 27...

Oral health related quality of life

Diseases and disorders that damage the mouth and face can disturb well-being and his self-esteem. Oral health-related quality of life (OHRQOL) is a relatively new but rapidly growing notion. The concept of OHRQOL can become a tool to understand and shape not only the state of clinical practice, dental research and dental education but also that of community at large. There are different approaches to measure OHRQOL; the most popular one is multiple item questionnaires. OHRQOL should be the basis for any oral health programme development. Moreover, research at the conceptual level is needed in countries where OHRQOL has not been previously assessed, including India.

Factors Related to Oral Health-Related Quality of Life of


The aim of this cross-sectional study was to assess the factors associated with the impact of oral health on the quality of life in a sample of 504 Brazilian independent elderly. Data collection included oral examinations and structured interviews. The simplified form of the Oral Health Impact Profile (OHIP-14) was used to measure OHRQoL. Information on sociodemographic characteristics, use of dental services, and subjective measures of health was collected. Poisson regression within a hierarchical model was used to data analyses. The following variables were associated with a negative impact on OHRQoL: female gender (

The Effect of Oral Health Status on Elderly Quality of Life in Makassar District, Indonesia

Systematic Reviews in Pharmacy, 2020

The objective of this study is to determine the effect of oral health status on the quality of life of older people living with families in Tamalanrea District, Makassar. This study was an observational analytic study with a cross-sectional design. The study was conducted on 268 elderly samples, dental and oral health status was measured using the OHI-S index and DMF-T. The level of quality of life was measured by GOHAI. The study showed that caries affected the quality of life of the elderly (p = 0.000), oral hygiene affected the quality of life of the elderly (p = 0.001), tooth loss affected the quality of life of the elderly (p = 0.000), and using dentures affected the quality living elderly (p = 0.000). Based on the study conducted, there is an effect of dental and oral health status on the quality of life of elderly living with families in Tamalanrea District, Makassar. How to Cite this Article Pubmed Style Thalib B, Rasyid R, Asmawati , Hasyim R, Thalib AM. The Effect of Oral ...

Pilot survey of oral health-related quality of life: A cross-sectional study of adults in Benin City, Edo State, Nigeria

BMC Oral Health, 2005

Oral health studies conducted so far in Nigeria have documented prevalence and incidence of dental disease using traditional clinical measures. However none have investigated the use of an oral health-related quality of life (OHRQoL) instrument to document oral health outcomes. The aims of this study are: to describe how oral health affects and impacts quality of life (QoL) and to explore the association between these affects and the oral health care seeking behavior of adults in Benin City, Edo State, Nigeria.