Body Mass Index, Underweight and Overweight in Children 3 to 5 Years of Age from Skopje/ Индекс На Телесната Тежина, Неисхранетост И Прекумерна Исхранетост Кај Деца На 3–5 Години Од Скопје (original) (raw)

Childhood Obesity in Macedonian Preschool Children, Prevalence and Prevention

Journal of Morphological Sciences

Assessment of sex-specific differences of anthropometric parameters as indicator of growth and nutritional status in preschool children from Macedonia. The study included a total of 200 healthy preschool children from Macedonian nationality. Thirthteen anthropometric parameters were measured, defining longitudinal, circular and transversal dimensionality of the skeleton using standard technique and instruments for measurement. The following indices were selected and calculated: weight-forage ; height-forage and BMI. Skin-folds (triceps, scapula, thigh) were also measured. Qualitative examinations were with self-organizing maps. Sex-specific differences for almost all anthropometric parameters were detected, but they were not significant. Girls showed higher values than boys regarding height and weight, but there were no significant differences concerning BMI. Values at the 50 th percentile in girls were 20 kg for BW, 108.1 cm for BH and 16.82 kg/m² for BMI. The values of these parameters in boys were 19.75 kg for BW, 108.25 cm for BH and 16.24 for kg/m² for BMI. The values for triceps skin-fold were higher in boys than (13.0 ±3.0) than in girls (12.5 ±3.6). The results obtained can be used as criteria for assessment and detecting deviations in growth and nutritional status in preschool children.

Anthropometric parameters of growth and nutritional status in children aged 6 to 7 years in R. Macedonia

Advances in Medical Sciences, 2009

Purpose: Evaluation of age-and sex-specific differences of anthropometric parameters that were used as indicators of growth and nutritional status in children aged 6 and 7 years in R. Macedonia and their comparison with the WHO and NCHS reference values. Material and Methods: The study included 580 children aged 6 to 7 years from different regions of R. Macedonia. Eighteen anthropometric parameters were measured using standard equipment and measurement technique according to the International Biological Programme. The following nutritional indicators were calculated: BMI, weight-for-height, weight-forage and height-forage. Results: The majority of anthropometric parameters have shown significant age-and sex-specific differences in favour of male subjects, with exception of skin-folds that were apparently higher in female subjects. Values at the 50 th percentile in our male subjects for the index weight-forage were 23 kg and 26.95 kg, respectively, whereas in the female subjects they were 22 kg and 25 kg, respectively. The index height-forage corresponding to the 50 th percentile showed higher values in our male subjects (119.5 cm and 125.55 cm) than in our female subjects (118 cm and 124.5 cm, respectively). 50 th percentile in our male subjects for BMI was 16.48 kg/m 2 and 16.75 kg/m 2 , whereas in our female subjects it was 15.98 kg/m2 and 16.25 kg/m 2 , respectively. Conclusions: The found values are recommended to be applied for evaluation of deviations in the growth and nutritional status in children aged 6 and 7 years from Macedonian nationality.

Evaluation of Sex-Specific Differences of Anthropometric Variables That Were Used as Indicators of Nutritional Status in Macedonian Children


The aim of this study was to evaluate sex-specific differences of anthropometric varibales that were used as indicators of nutritional status in Macedonian children aged 5. The study included 226 (113 boys and 113 girls) Macedonian children aged 5. We selected 5 anthropometrical parameters to measure (body weight, height, mid upper arm circumferences-MUAC, skinfolds thickness triceps–SFTr and subscapular-SFSc) and in addition according to the standard formulas we calculated: weight-for-age (BW), height-for-age (BH), body mass index-for-age (BMI) midupper-arm circumference-for-age (MUAC) and skifolds thikness (SFTr-for-age, SFSc-for-age). In general results have shown sex-specific differences in the examined parameters (BH, BW, BMI) in favour of the boys, with exception of skin-folds thickness that were higher in girls. Values of the 50th percentile in boys were as follows: 21 kg for BW, 115cm for BH, 15.48 kg/m2 for BMI, 15.5 cm for MUAC, 7mm for SFTr and 4.1mm for SFSc. The values ...

Anthroplogy and Anatomy Prevalence of Underweight and Overweight among Preschool Children from Sofia Assessed through Different International References

The aim is to describe the frequency of categories nutritional status in Bulgarian preschool children according to different classification systems based on body mass index. Results: The overall prevalence of overweight including obesity in boys is 7.8%, 9.3%, 12,0% according to WHO, IOTF, BG respectively. In girls, overweight including obesity varied from 9.4% (WHO), 10.6% (IOTF), and 13.4% (BG-references). The overall frequencies of moderate and severe thinness in boys are 14.2% and 2.0% (IOTF), and 12.2 % and 5,1 % (BG-reference). In girls the moderate thinness frequency is 9.10% and 7.0% assessed by IOTF and BG values respectively and girls classified as severe thin are 3.4% (IOTF) and 6.7 % (BG-reference). The total prevalence of thinness according to WHO criteria is 0.7%. Conclusion: We found significant differences in estimated frequencies of thinness and overweight using the three selected criteria. In the absence of a global definition, we need both national and internation...

Changes in weight status of 7-year-old children in North Macedonia between 2010 and 2019

Archives of Public Health

Childhood obesity is growing as one of the most important public health issues that affects individual and population health but also puts heavy burden on the health systems. It is frequently associated with immediate adverse consequences, such as psychological problems, and a higher risk of many harmful comorbidities later in life, such as type 2 diabetes, dyslipidemia, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, hypertension, and coronary heart disease. Comparability of anthropometric data is crucial to track the changes over time. The aim of this paper was to present prevalence of thinness, overweight, and obesity in 7-year-old schoolchildren in North Macedonia in 2010 and 2019, and the changes in their nutritional status during thatperiod. Material and methods: Anthropometric measurements of body height and body weight were performed to the nationally representative sample of 7-year-oldchildren in school years 2010/2011 and 2018/2019. Measurements followed the Childhood Obesity Surveilla...

Analysis of selected anthropometric parameters of 6-year-old children in Warsaw compared to the peer population in the years 1996-1999

Pediatric endocrinology, diabetes, and metabolism, 2012

Beside the positive tendencies in somatic development seen in the population of children and adolescents in Poland (e.g. the trend of increasing body height that has continued over many years), certain unfavorable phenomena are also observed. In recent decades, disorders connected with a deficiency or excess of body mass - excessive adiposity in particular - have become important health and social problems. This poses a considerable threat for being overweight, for obesity, and for other diseases of civilization. The research targeted the evaluation of selected anthropometric parameters: height-weight indices, circumferences, and skinfold thicknesses in the population of 6-year-old children in Warsaw in comparison with their peer population in 1996-1999, as well as estimation of the frequency of abnormal percentile values of the aforementioned anthropometric parameters: values below the 10th percentile and above the 90th percentile. The research included a sample of 160 randomly cho...

The comparison of anthropometrical parameters of the four-year-old children in the urban and rural Slavonia, Croatia, 1985 and 2005

Collegium antropologicum, 2009

The aim of the study is to identify the secular trends in the anthropometrical parameters of the 4-year-old children in Slavonski Brod, Slavonia, Croatia, and the nearby rural area by comparing data of height, weight, and mid-arm circumferences from 2005 with the historical control data published in 1985. The cross-sectional study of 342 children, aged 4 years, from Slavonski Brod and the nearby villages was taken in 2005. The body height, weight, and mid-arm circumferences were measured and compared with the historical control data from the study performed in 1985 in the same area using the same methods. The data were compared according to sex and the place of residence. Results show that there were no significant differences in the body height, weight, mid-arm circumference and body mass index (BMI) between the urban and rural children in 2005. The Children in 2005 were significantly shorter (103.7 +/- 8.3 cm vs. 108.3 cm in 1985, P < 0.001, one-sample T test) and had lower wei...

Anthropometric Parameters and Indexes in 9 Year-Old-Children from R. North Macedonia

Journal of Morphological Sciences, 2021

The aim of the study was the detection of sex-specific differences of anthropometric parameters and indexes that were used as indicators of growth and nutritional status in the 9-year-oldchildren from R.North Macedonia. The study included 280 healthy children aged 9 (140 boys, 140 girls) from R.North Macedonia. Fourteen anthropometric parameters were measured which define longitudinal, circular and transversal measures of skeleton using standard equipment and measurement technique. The following indicators were calculated: weight-forage (BW), height-forage (BH), BMI, mid-upper circumferencefor-age (MUAC) and skinfolds thickness (scapula SFSc and triceps SFTr)-forage. The results have shown significant sex-specific differences in favour of boys for the height, four transversal and three circular parameters, with exception of mid-upper-arm circumference and skinfolds that were apparently higer in girls. Values of the 50 th percentile in boys were as follows: 33 kg for BW, 136 cm for BH and 17.65 kg/m 2 for BMI, 19.8 cm for MUAC and for skinfolds: SFSc 8 mm and 12 mm for SFTr.The values of these parameters in girls were: 32 kg for BW, 135cm for BH and 17.47 kg/m 2 for BMI. 20.8 cm for MUAC and for SFSc 9.8 mm and 12.8 mm for SFTr. These results can be used as criteria for the assessment of the morphological characteristics and detection of deviations in the growth and nutritional status in children aged 9.

Secular trend in growth and nutritional status in a sample of girls aged 7-9 years from Serbia

Journal of Comparative Human Biology, 2018

Secular trend changes over time and therefore is a marker of the public health of the populations. The aim of the study is to compare the anthropometric data of 7-9 year-old girls obtained in recent investigations in Serbia with data from 1980/81, by using Z-score and percentile classification systems, according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention-CDC anthropo-metric criteria. In 1980 and 1981 we used data for 800 schoolgirls aged 6.50-9.49 years. The data for the period 2011-2016 were obtained from recently conducted field investigations in certain parts of the Vojvodina region and from the East and Central Serbia. In total, 1313 girls were included in both investigations. Mean Z-score values for height-forage , weight-forage and BMI-forage in the present sample were compared with the corresponding values for the period 1980/ 81, and also compared with the reference. The results show that nutritional status Z-scores indicate similar mean values in both investigations. The secular trend of height has slowed down, but the percentage of girls with normal weight is considerably lower in the second investigation. The results indicate that nutritional problems are more common among present generation of girls. Both the problems of underweight and overweight in girls aged 7-9 have to be addressed. S A Ž E T A K Sekularni trend se menja tokom vremena i zbog toga može biti marker javnog zdravlja jedne populacije. Cilj istraživanja je bio da se uporede antropometrijski podaci kod devojčica uzrasta 7-9 godina iz nedavnih istraživanja u Srbiji, sa podacima iz 1980/81, na osnovu Z-score i per-centilne klasifikacije, prema antropometrijskom kriterijumu Centra za kontrolu i prevenciju bolesti (Center for Disease Control and Prevention-CDC). Za period tokom 1980 i 1981 godine korišćeni su podaci za 800 devojčica školskog uzrasta od 6.60 do 9.49 decimalne starosti. Podaci za period 2011-2016, dobijeni su iz nedavno sprovedenih terenskih istraživanja u određenim regionima Vojvodine, kao i istočne i centralne Srbije. Ukupno 1313 devojčica je bilo uključeno u oba istraživanja. Srednje z-score vrednosti za visinu za uzrast, masu za uzrast i BMI za uzrast, kod današnjih devojčica, poređene su sa odgovarajućim vrednostima za period 1980/81 kao i sa referentnim vrednostima. Rezultati su ukazali da Z-score indikatori nutricionog statusa pokazuju slične srednje vrednosti u oba istraživanja. Sekularni trend visine tela se usporava, međutim procenat devojčica sa normalnom masom tela je znatno niži u novijem istraživanju. Rezultati ukazuju da današnje devojčice znatno češće imaju neki nutricioni problem. Trenutno se mora

Anthropometric and growth characteristics of schoolchildren in Novi Sad

Srpski arhiv za celokupno lekarstvo, 2017

Introduction/Objective. Growth, development and maturation are periods marked with individual physical characteristics, which provide the insight into the health status together with anthropometric indicators and physical appearance of an individual. The aim was to determine body height and body weight of a representative sample of schoolchildren from Novi Sad, to make a comparative analysis in relation to age and gender, and to determine the beginning of accelerated growth. Methods. Sample included 11,676 pupils aged 6?15 years, from Novi Sad, Serbia. The basic anthropometric measurements (body height and body weight) were performed according to recommended methodology. Results. The average values of boys? body height ranged from 125.39 cm in those aged up to six years, to 175.09 cm for boys aged 15, and in girls from 124.07 cm at the age of six, to 165.77 cm for the oldest examined girls. The average values of boys? body weight ranged from 25.58 kg at the age of six to 61.38 kg at...