Visual exploration of visual parser execution (original) (raw)
Related papers
Visualization of syntax trees for language processing courses
Journal of Universal …, 2009
This article describes the educational tool VAST. We designed VAST to be used in compiler and language processing courses. The current version allows generating and visualizing syntax trees and their construction process. The main advantages of VAST follow: it is designed to be as independent from the parser generator as possible, it allows students to visualize the behavior of parsers they develop, and it has an interface designed to easily handle huge syntax trees. Finally, we describe two satisfactory preliminary evaluations from the usability and educational points of view.
Syntax trees visualization in language processing courses
2009 Ninth IEEE …, 2009
This article describes the educational tool VAST. We designed VAST to be used in compiler and language processing courses. The current version allows generating and visualizing syntax trees and their construction process. The main advantages of VAST follow: it is designed to be as independent from the parser generator as possible, it allows students to visualize the behavior of parsers they develop, and it has an interface designed to easily handle huge syntax trees. Finally, we describe two satisfactory preliminary evaluations from the usability and educational points of view.
Visual execution and data visualisation in natural language processing
We describe GGI, a visual system that allows the user to execute an automatically generated data flow graph containing code modules that perform natural language processing tasks. These code modules operate on text documents. GGI has a suite of text visualisation tools that allows the user useful views of the annotation data that is produced by the modules in the executable graph. GGI forms part of the GATE natural language engineering system.
Visual language parsing: If I had a hammer
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1998
Since the 1960s, grammatical formalisms and parsing methods developed originally for natural language strings have been extended to represent and process two-dimensional visual expressions such as mathematics notation and various kinds of diagrams. But despite all of the e ort, there has been negligible impact on human-computer interfaces to support visual modes of communication. Why? As with all tech transfer issues, some of the reasons may b e b e y ond a researcher's control. However, I believe that two of the contributing factors in the case of visual language VL parsing can and should be addressed by the research eld. First, the eld needs to consolidate and communicate its results. This is in fact not trivial for higher-dimensional visual language representation and parsing, and I will try to illustrate why. Second, researchers have to look harder for the right application domains. One of the obvious applications is the interpretation of visual language expressions constructed with GUIs. While grammatical representation and parsing may bring something to the table, the problem of interpretation may be solvable with simpler techniques. I'll discuss some other application areas and my experience with them: design support, smart screen layout for electronic publishing, and visual focusing for attributed graphs.
LLparse and LRparse: visual and interactive tools for parsing
Abstract This paper describes instructional tools, LLparse and LRparse, for visualizing and interacting with small examples of LL and LR parsing. These tools can be used to understand the process of constructing LL (1) and LR (1) parse tables through a series of steps in which users receive feedback on the correctness of each step before moving on to the next step.
Visual language editors based on LR parsing techniques
8th International Workshop on Parsing Technologies (IWPT’03), 2003
Visual language editors should provide a user-friendly environment where users are supported in an effective way in the construction of visual sentences. In this paper, we propose an approach for the construction of syntax-directed visual language editors by integrating incremental parsers into freehand editors. The approach combines the LR-based techniques for parsing visual languages with the more general incremental Generalized LR parsing techniques developed for string languages.
Visual grammars and incremental parsing for interface languages
Proceedings of the 1990 IEEE Workshop on Visual Languages, 1990
In this aper we present a grammar formalism and parsing algordm for the purposes of defining and processing visually based langua es. Our work is currently set in the context of a wider $fort to process input sketched on interactive tablets and worksurfaces as well as to support interface dido es using these technologies. After outlining the particuc demands that these overall goals place on our.vlsual laneage component,.we pre.ynt a grammar formalism and an mcremental parsmg algonthm that uses mars. We then compare our approach to others
An Interactive Visualization Tool for Understanding Complex Programs
In this paper, we present the development of a program parser coupled with an off-the-shelf interactive program visualization tool that assists in the understanding of complex computer programs. The major objective of this work is to quickly help newcomers become familiar with existing software code and become productive members of the software development team. These software systems that often incorporate several interacting pieces will be produced and maintained by several individuals and/or vendors. Hence, it will be difficult for one individual or group to be fully cognizant of the intricacies of the overall software system. In work-related training, interactive visual systems will be required to provide support for teaching organizations' newer workforce to quickly learn and effectively contribute to the development and maintenance of these complex and critical software systems. An environment that provides an in-depth view of the software system will be necessary to fulfill this requirement. Additionally, an interactive visual system may provide a means to dynamically access and analyze the skills and capabilities of trainees for skill-based job placement.
A Parsing Methodology for the Implementation of Visual Systems
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 1997
The Visual Language Compiler-Compiler (VLCC) is a grammar-based graphical system for the automatic generation of visual programming environments. In this paper the theoretical and algorithmic issues of VLCC are discussed in detail. The parsing methodology we present is based on the "positional grammar" model. Positional grammars naturally extend context-free grammars by considering new relations in addition to string concatenation. Thanks to this, most of the results from LR parsing can be extended to the positional grammars inheriting the well known LR technique efficiency. In particular, we provide algorithms to implement a YACC-like tool embedded in the VLCC system for automatic compiler generation of visual languages described by positional grammars.
Improving Students' Performance with Visualization of Error Recovery Strategies in Syntax Analysis
J. Res. Pract. Inf. Technol., 2013
Journal of Research and Practice in Information Technology, Vol. 45, No. 3/4, August 2013 Copyright© 2013, Australian Computer Society Inc. General permission to republish, but not for profi t, all or part of this material is granted, provided that the JRPIT copyright notice is given and that reference is made to the publication, to its date of issue, and to the fact that reprinting privileges were granted by permission of the Australian Computer Society Inc. Visualization technologies can be used to enhance teaching materials. This work is focused on a complex aspect of syntax analysis, syntax error recovery strategies. Compiler visualization is not a new research fi eld, but the authors have not found any visualization tool dealing with this topic. We have enhanced a parser visualization tool called VAST to produce educational visualizations regarding syntax error recovery strategies. We have evaluated the enhanced version of VAST and its visualizations about syntax error recovery...