Neural Network Model Predictive Control Applied to a Fed-batch Sugar Crystallization (original) (raw)
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This paper is focused on issues of nonlinear dynamic process modeling and model-based predictive control of a fed-batch sugar crystallization process applying the concept of artificial neural networks as computational tools. The control objective is to force the operation into following optimal supersaturation trajectory. It is achieved by manipulating the feed flow rate of sugar liquor/syrup, considered as the control input. A feed forward neural network (FFNN) model of the process is first built as part of the controller structure to predict the process response over a specified (prediction) horizon. The predictions are supplied to an optimization procedure to determine the values of the control action over a specified (control) horizon that minimizes a predefined performance index. The control task is rather challenging due to the strong nonlinearity of the process dynamics and variations in the crystallization kinetics. However, the simulation results demonstrated smooth behavio...
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Nonlinear model predictive control strategies applied to a fed-bath sugar crystallizer
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Linear Model Predictive Control Strategies Applied to a Batch Sugar Crystallizer
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Nonlinear MPC for fed-batch multiple stages sugar crystallization
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This paper addresses the issue of developing feasible advanced control strategies for the operation of industrial fedbatch multi-stage sugar crystallization processes. The operation of such processes poses very challenging problems mainly those inherent to its batch nature and also those due to the difficulties in measuring key process variables. Inadequate control policies lead to out-of-spec batches, with consequent losses resulting from the need of product recycling. In order to address these problems, a modification of the general Nonlinear Model Predictive Control (NMPC) is proposed in this paper, where the NMPC is executed only when the tracking error is outside a pre-specified bound. Once the error converges towards the˛-strip, the NMPC is switched off and the control action is kept constant. In order to further reduce the complexity of the control system, the proposed modification, termed Error Tolerant MPC (ETMPC), is provided with a Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) predictive model. The ETMPC + RNN control scheme was extensively tested on a crystallizer dynamic simulator, tuned with data from two industrial units, and compared with the classical NMPC and PI strategy. The results demonstrate that both NMPC and ETMPC controllers lead to improved end point process specifications, when compared with the PI controller. The explicit introduction of the error tolerance in the optimization relaxes the computational burden and can complement several other suggestions in the literature for feasible industrial real time control.
Intelligent Predictive Control - Application to Scheduled Crystallization Processes
2009 International Conference on Adaptive and Intelligent Systems, 2009
The purpose of this paper is twofold. On the one hand, we propose a modification of the general Model Predictive Control (MPC) approach where a prespecified tracking error is tolerated. The introduction of error tolerance (ET) in the MPC optimization algorithm reduces considerably the average duration of each optimization step and makes the MPC computationally more efficient and attractive for industrial applications. On the other hand a challenging scheduled crystallization process serves as a case study to show the practical relevance of the new intelligent predictive control. Comparative tests with different control policies are performed: i) Classical MPC with analytical or Artificial Neural Network (ANN) process model; ii) ET MPC with analytical or ANN process model; iii) Proportional-Integral (PI) control. Besides the computational benefits of ET MPC, the integration of ANN into the ET MPC brings substantial improvements of the final process performance measures and further relaxes the computational demands.
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