Critical success factors for lean... - artigo - 2012 (original) (raw)
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Critical success factors for Lean Six Sigma programmes: a view from middle management
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to investigate issues related to the application of Lean Six Sigma (L6s) in a service industry. By adopting a case-study approach this paper analytically explores the critical success factors that affect L6s implementation. Design/methodology/approach – The study adopts a qualitative approach attempting to explore the nature of L6s application in a service context. In particular, two case studies from the telecommunications industry have been selected. Secondary data were collected through an analysis of companies' documents, written procedures and quality assurance policies. Moreover, primary data were collected through a number of interviews with managers and quality experts. Findings – There are particular factors that influence the implementation of L6s in organizations, that can be distinguished in facilitators like Top Management Involvement & Support, Quality-driven Organizational Culture, Quality-driven Training, Top Down & Bottom Up Project Selection, Customer Satisfaction, Prior implementation of other quality improvement programs and Supportive Performance Management & IT Systems, and inhibitors such as Lack of Awareness for L6s, Lack of Awareness for the Need of Continuous Quality Improvement Programs & L6s, Lack of Strategic Orientation, Working Mentality & Habits. Research limitations/implications – The main limitation of the study is the fact that in both cases only managers and top administrators were approached. Frontline employees who are directly involved in L6s approach may offer a clearer view on issues related to the impact of critical factors on L6s application. Originality/value – This study has four major advantages. First, it expands our understanding regarding the implementation of L6s in a service industry, in which the application of management models is more complex and problematic. Second, it focuses on the responses of managers, who always play the most significant role in the adoption of such techniques. Third, it explores the quality management initiatives in the telecommunications industry. Finally, it provides future studies with a L6s multi-factor application approach that can be further tested and developed.
Road towards Lean Six Sigma in service industry: a multi-factor integrated framework
Business Process Management Journal, 2016
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to adopt a multiple case-study approach, of three companies, in order to identify the factors affecting Lean Six Sigma (L6σ) implementation in service industry. Design/methodology/approach – Secondary data were collected through companies’ documents, written procedures and quality assurance policies. Primary data were collected through a number of in-depth interviews with managers and quality experts. Findings – The analysis of qualitative data gathered through in-depth interviews with managers in all three cases resulted in the emergence of variety of critical success factors (CSFs) regarding L6σ implementation in service industry. As it can be seen the great majority of the factors have been identified in all three cases. Moreover the analysis shows that there are two categories of factors emerged. Originality/value – This study has four major contributions. First, it provides an intergraded multi-factor framework regarding the implementation...
Critical Success Factors for Successful Lean Six Sigma Implementation in the Service Organizations
Organisations have been applying Lean Six Sigma (LSS) to increase operational efficiencies. However, many of them face implementation challenges due to various hurdles, resulting in failures. This paper aims to assess Critical Success Factors (CSFs) for the successful LSS implementation in different service sectors in Jordan, covering health, education and hospitality sectors. This study also investigates whether the LSS CSF identified by the literature are equally valid and vital to Jordanian service sectors. Ten CSFs were selected as a priority for the LSS implementation for the service sector in Jordan. The tested CSF factors were selected based on the most notable literature on the topic. The study followed a quantitative methodology, in which a structured questionnaire was developed based on these factors. The study results have shown differences between the CSFs for implementing LSS in service institutions in Jordan compared with those mentioned in the previous literature. In our work, the "selection of the most talented employees" ranked first as the most successful factor contribution for the LSS implementation, while "Top management commitment and involvement" ranked second. The main managerial contribution is that the research results will help organisations decide on the top priority areas of CSFs for LSS implementation and shed light on service organisations priorities towards adopting the LSS approach to develop their business in Jordan and achieve competitiveness through LSS implementation. Moreover, this study could encourage other researchers to conduct studies about LSS in developing countries.
Research work on Lean, Six Sigma and Lean Six Sigma has become increasingly present in the literature in the field of operations management and business excellence and has extended to other areas as the need for process improvement is more prominent. Whether it analyzes theoretical aspects regarding the development and the evolution of the two methodologies or of the most recent merge between the two, known as Lean Six Sigma strategy or simply Lean Sigma, or it presents results of studies undertaken in different industry or service sectors, the knowledge provided by the articles, books or studies currently available is vital to all researchers, specialists in the field and to all businesses. In this consideration we propose a detailed review of the most significant findings drawn from studies concerning the evaluation of the performance of Lean Six Sigma strategy as pure theory or as evidence from organizations performed in the time-frame 2003 to 2014 that seeks to underline the les...
A new Lean Six Sigma framework for improving competitiveness
Manufacturing companies strive for ever-increasing competitiveness through productivity and quality. This goal can be achieved through the implementation of lean manufacturing and six sigma methodologies. Lean manufacturing adds value by reducing waste, while six sigma eliminates variability. In this context, this article proposes a new framework within Lean Six Sigma circumstances. The framework was proposed by means of an exhaustive literature review which identified the positive points of other Lean Six Sigma frameworks available on literature. The framework was applied to a case study, and the assessments were based on semi-structured questionnaires and analysis of records and documents. The implementation was carried out in a manufacturing company in Brazil, which belongs to an American-based multinational. In the case study described herein, the manufacturing company established the proposed framework to support the combination of lean manufacturing and six sigma and introduced an enterprise-wide culture of project through the proposed Lean Six Sigma framework, which resulted in significant benefits.
Applying lean six sigma principles in organizations: The opportunities and barriers
Business Economics and Management Research Journal, 2022
This conceptual study initially provides a framework for lean Six Sigma principles in organizations. The research objective of this study is to present the mainlines of lean Six Sigma and to comprehend the perspective of organizational theories and applications of lean Six Sigma (LSS). The pursuit of excellence, LSS, aims to eliminate waste while improving the quality of organizational processes. However, the margin between good times and bad times can usually be thin for the organizations. While the coronavirus pandemic enters its third year and thanks to record-high inflation rates throughout the world, organizations are feeling the sharp price hikes of necessities including transport, energy, and utilities that reducing profits. So, as LSS focuses mainly on removing waste and decreasing the defects and variations in an organization's processes and aims at increasing customer satisfaction productivity, and quality, organizations that employ LSS principles in their operations will be more ready to react to unforeseen events or conditions which may jeopardize organizational structure and outcomes. In sum, this study aims to draw a framework on LSS and its key effects on organizations and to uncover a detailed review of LSS thinking and the opportunities and barriers to implementation of LSS in organizations.
Lean Six Sigma and Innovation – an exploratory study among UK organisations
Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 2014
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Exploring lean six sigma: A comprehensive review of methodology and its role in business improvement
International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Growth Evaluation, 2022
In a highly competitive industrial landscape, organizations are increasingly adopting strategies to enhance product quality, with Lean Six Sigma emerging as a notable approach. This paper presents a comprehensive review of Lean Six Sigma, a synergistic approach combining the waste-reduction principles of Lean with the process optimization strategies of Six Sigma. The study underscores the importance of the Lean Six Sigma approach as a valuable tool for businesses, seeking process improvement and increased competitiveness and acknowledging that its applicability depends on an organization's specific circumstances and needs. Furthermore, the paper critically assesses the benefits and potential criticisms of Lean Six Sigma, providing balanced insights into challenges to its implementation. By offering a comprehensive understanding of Lean Six Sigma, this review paper serves as a valuable resource for organizations aiming to enhance their operational efficiency, reduce cost, and improve customer satisfaction.
Organizational Transformation: Strategic Application of Lean Six Sigma for High Performance
This paper sets forward a model for the strategic implementation of Lean Six Sigma to maximize financial gain. This paper is designed to circumvent challenges to implementation and effectiveness in Lean Six Sigma through the emphasis on strategic implementation and discussion of pursuant benefits. As new industries standardize Lean Six Sigma as a preferred methodology of organizational improvement, scholarship examining case studies and contextual challenges and methodological adaptations have emerged. This scholarship mainly focuses on change management and organizational improvement highlighting the challenges and processes of combined Lean Six Sigma implementation. This paper devises an alternative strategy that will realize the benefits of Lean Six Sigma. Improvement Projects must be strategically selected based on management practices involving strategy, metrics, and process management. Improvement needs to be driven by leadership and strategy using key metrics to drive decisio...