Estudo hidrogeológico de uma área montanhosa (Serra da Estrela, Portugal central): uma abordagem multidisciplinar (original) (raw)
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… Xeológico de Laxe …, 2005
The results of a preliminary hydrogeological study of the river Zêzere catchment upstream of Manteigas (Serra da Estrela Natural Park, Central Portugal) are presented. In this mountain region, different types of groundwater and surface water (used in several economic activities) occur. The methodology adopted in this study emphasizes the way how Geology, Geomorphology, Geophysics, Geochemistry, Soil Science and Hydrogeology contribute to the description of the hydrological phenomena taking place in the catchment, such as infiltration and aquifer recharge and groundwater flow and geochemistry -allowing to develop better hydrogeologic conceptual models. The hydrological modelling in course includes the use of the VISU-AL BALAN code, which is being coupled to a GIS. The hydrogeochemical techniques are highlighted as well as its preliminary results concerning major and minor elements. The thermomineral water study includes the identification of the reservoir's geologic material, the characterization of water-rock interaction and geothermometry.
… Xeolóxico de Laxe, A …, 2005
The results of a preliminary hydrogeological study of the river Zêzere catchment upstream of Manteigas (Serra da Estrela Natural Park, Central Portugal) are presented. In this mountain region, different types of groundwater and surface water (used in several economic activities) occur. The methodology adopted in this study emphasizes the way how Geology, Geomorphology, Geophysics, Geochemistry, Soil Science and Hydrogeology contribute to the description of the hydrological phenomena taking place in the catchment, such as infiltration and aquifer recharge and groundwater flow and geochemistry -allowing to develop better hydrogeologic conceptual models. The hydrological modelling in course includes the use of the VISU-AL BALAN code, which is being coupled to a GIS. The hydrogeochemical techniques are highlighted as well as its preliminary results concerning major and minor elements. The thermomineral water study includes the identification of the reservoir's geologic material, the characterization of water-rock interaction and geothermometry.
This work is strongly connected with one of the most crucial water research issues at the turn of the millennium "High Mountain Areas Hydrology" (UNESCO IHP-VI Programme). Special emphasis is dedicated to high mountains and their role and impact on surface water/groundwater interaction at Serra da Estrela region -Central Portugal, in order propose a preliminary hydrogeologic conceptual model of the Manteigas -Nave de Santo António -Torre sector, contributing to i) increase knowledge on recharge and discharge processes in this high mountain area and ii) assess the role of snowmelt as a source of groundwater resources, with the aid of coupled isotopic and geochemical techniques. The isotopic signatures of Caldas de Manteigas thermomineral waters combined with the i) morphostructural data and ii) isotopic composition of shallow groundwater and precipitation samples, made it possible to identify possible recharge areas, which should be located at altitude sites above 1500 m a.s.l.. The recharge altitudes are similar to those of Nave de Santo António area which is directly located on the Bragança-Vilariça-Manteigas fault zone. This tectonic structure should play an important role in groundwater recharge and circulation towards the discharge zone at the Spas.
Mountains are often considered as the world's water towers. This paper presents a critical review on the research concerning the integrated assessment of groundwater resources of the mountain hydrogeologic system of Serra da Estrela Natural Park (central Portugal). The study area is the Zêzere river basin upstream of Manteigas village located at the Serra da Estrela Mountain in Central Portugal. It provides the source of strategic water resources for the Portuguese mainland, including normal groundwaters, thermomineral waters and surface waters. An integrated approach has been used to formulate a conceptual model for this complex mountain hydrogeological system by integrating the geological, morphotectonic, hydroclimatic, unsaturated soil zone, hydrogeological, hydrogeophysical, hydrogeochemical and isotopic data. This model has been useful to: i) evaluate the water resources; ii) provide the basis for a sustainable management of water resources, iii) design measures for groundwater exploitation and contamination control; and iv) set up land-use policies.
An integrated multidisciplinary approach will be adopted in order to carry out a broad characterisation of the groundwater in the Porto urban area and Serra da Estrela mountain region (Iberian Massif, Northern and Central Portugal). Such an approach will contribute to improve groundwater management and protection, under the sustainability framework. Research will include the following main tasks: a) presentation of a geologic, morphotectonic, hydrologic and climatic outline; b) hydrogeologic inventorying and definition of a network of surface and ground water monitoring points; c) fieldwork campaigns, in order to collect water samples for chemical and isotopic analysis.
Hard-rock watersheds are essentially confined to fractured and weathered horizons, but they are a source of valuable water resources at a regional level, namely for domestic, industrial and agricultural purposes, and public supply. They commonly exhibit complex geological bed-rock and morphological features as well as distinctive gradients in rainfall and temperature. Hydromineral and geothermal resources have relevant economic value both for the bottled water/thermal spas industry and for energy supply. A comprehensive evaluation and integrated groundwater resources study has been carried out for the Caldas da Cavaca hydromineral system in Central Portugal, using hydrogeomorphology and GIS mapping techniques. Thematic maps were organised from a geodatabase comprising several layers, namely lithology, tectonic lineaments density, slope, drainage density, rainfall, net groundwater recharge and water quality. Normalised weights were assigned to all these categories according to their relative importance to groundwater potential, based on their effectiveness factors. Hydrogeochemistry, natural radioactivity and intrinsic vulnerability assessment (GOD-S, DRASTIC-Fm, SINTACS, SI indexes) issues were also cross-checked. Based on all the compiled information, a hydrogeomorphological map was produced. This multidisciplinary approach highlights the importance of hydrogeomorphological mapping as a tool to support hydrological conceptualisation, contributing to groundwater decision-making process in different stages, like water resources management and territory planning, and thus, to environmental sustainability
Hydrogeology Journal, 2011
In a multidisciplinary approach, geological, geomorphologic, structural, hydrogeochemical and isotopic surveys were conducted on the Serra da Estrela groundwater system (central Portugal) in order to establish/develop a conceptual circulation model of the Caldas de Manteigas thermomineral system. A detailed study of the isotopic and geochemical composition of surface waters (e.g. Zêzere River), shallow groundwaters (cold dilute springs), and thermomineral waters was carried out to characterize the distribution of isotopes in waters of this mountainous region, and to determine the origin and possible recharge locations of the thermomineral system. Special attention was dedicated to isotopic tracers and their role in the definition of the thermomineral waters' conceptual model, considering: (1) the δ 18 O fractionation gradient; (2) the mean isotopic composition of the thermomineral waters in the region; and (3) the estimation of snowmelt contribution as a source of groundwater recharge at Serra da Estrela. The recharge of the thermomineral aquifer takes place on the more permeable zones of the granitic massif, associated with the main tectonic structures, whereas the recharge of the shallow aquifers seems to take place mostly in the plateaus, although another part of the recharge may occur in the slopes of the Zêzere River valley.
Water Pollution IX, 2008
This study summarizes the results of geological, geomorphological, tectonic, geochemical, geophysical, hydrogeological and isotopic techniques in hydromineral resources assessment (issue temperature between 27ºC and 45ºC). Two case studies are presented: i) Serra da Estrela mountain region, the highest mountain in Portuguese mainland and ii) Serra do Marão mountain region. A special emphasis is dedicated to the recharge and discharge processes and the role of snowmelt as a source of hydromineral resources. Since local Spas are particularly dependent on water quality, the existence of mixing between hydromineral waters and local shallow groundwaters is also considered.
Understanding the role of geomorphology is essential to accurately assess hydrogeological systems and groundwater resources. Hard-rock watersheds provide a source of valuable water resources. They commonly exhibit complex geological bedrock and morphological features as well as distinctive gradients in rainfall and temperature. A comprehensive evaluation and integrated groundwater resources study has been carried out for Caldas da Cavaca hydromineral system in NW Portugal, using hydrogeomorphology and GIS mapping techniques. Thematic maps were prepared from satellite imagery, topographical and geological mapping and other hydrogeological field data. These maps were converted to GIS format and then integrated using GIS software with the purpose of elaborating a hydrogeomorphological map intended to delineate the infiltration potential areas for the study region. Finally, this study highlights the importance of hydrogeomorphological cartography and groundwater GIS mapping as useful tools to support hydrogeological surveys, as well as for decision-making in the scope of management plans respecting to land and water resources and groundwater sustainability.
Environmental Earth Sciences, 2010
High-mountain basins provide a source of valuable water resources. This paper presents hydrological models for the evaluation of water resources in the highmountain Zêzere river basin in Serra da Estrela, Central Portugal. Models are solved with VISUAL BALAN v2.0, a code which performs daily water balances in the root zone, the unsaturated zone and the aquifer and requires a small number of parameters. A lumped hydrological model fails to fit measured stream flows. Its limitations are overcome by considering the dependence of the temperature and precipitation data with elevation and the spatial variability in hydrogeomorphological variables with nine sub-basins of uniform parameters. Model parameters are calibrated by fitting stream flow measurements in the Zêzere river. Computed stream flows are highly sensitive to soil thickness, whereas computed groundwater recharge is most sensitive to the interflow and percolation recession coefficients. Interflow is the main component of total runoff, ranging from 41 to 55% of annual precipitation. High interflows are favored by the steep relief of the basin, by the presence of a high permeability soil overlying the fractured low permeability granitic bedrock and by the extensive subhorizontal fracturing at shallow depths. Mean annual groundwater recharge ranges from 11 to 15% of annual precipitation. It has a significant uncertainty due to uncertainties in soil parameters. This methodology proves to be useful to handle the research difficulties regarding a complex mountain basin in a context of data scarcity.