EMG responses evoked by the termination of galvanic (DC) vestibular stimulation: ‘off-responses’ (original) (raw)

EMG responses in the soleus muscles evoked by unipolar galvanic vestibular stimulation

Electroencephalography and clinical neurophysiology, 1997

This study compared the effects of transmastoid galvanic stimulation with unilateral galvanic stimulation of vestibular afferents. We recorded the effects on soleus EMG occurring at short (SL) and medium (ML) latency, both in normal subjects and in patients with previous unilateral vestibular neurectomy. Unipolar cathodal and anodal stimulation on the same side produced opposite effects for both SL and ML responses. Responses to unilateral cathodal or anodal stimulation were smaller, but otherwise resembled those of transmastoid stimulation with the cathode or the anode placed on the same side, respectively. Unilateral cathodal stimulation resulted in a larger SL response, which occurred at shorter latency than unilateral anodal stimulation. With unipolar stimulation on the side of previous vestibular nerve section, typical SL and ML responses were absent. With stimulation of the intact side, the patients showed smaller SL responses than normal subjects with unilateral stimulation. ...

Postural electromyographic responses in the arm and leg following galvanic vestibular stimulation in man

Experimental Brain Research, 1993

Application of a small (around 1 mA), constant electric current between the mastoid processes (galvanic stimulation) of a standing subject produces enhanced body sway in the approximate direction of the ear behind which the anode is placed. We examined the electromyographic (EMG) responses evoked by such stimulation in the soleus and in the triceps brachii muscles. For soleus, subjects stood erect, with their eyes closed, leaning slightly forward. The head was turned approximately 90° to the right or left relative to the feet. In averaged records (n=40), current pulses of 25 ms or longer modulated the EMG in a biphasic manner: a small early component (latency 62±2.4 ms, mean ± SEM) was followed by a larger late component (latency 115±5.2ms) of opposite sign, which was appropriate to produce the observed body sway. The early component produced no measurable body movement. Lengthening the duration of the stimulus pulse from 25 to 400 ms prolonged the late component of the response but had little effect on the early component. Short- and long-latency EMG responses were also evoked in the triceps brachii muscle if subjects stood on a transversely pivoted platform and had to use the muscle to maintain their balance in the anteroposterior plane by holding a fixed handle placed by the side of their hip. The latency of the early component was 41±2.6 ms; the latency of the late component was 138±4.3 ms and was again of appropriate sign for producing the observed body sway. Galvanic stimulation evoked no comparable responses in either triceps brachii or soleus muscles if these muscles were not being used posturally. The responses were most prominent if vestibular input provided the dominant source of information about postural stability, and were much smaller if subjects lightly touched a fixed support or opened their eyes. The difference in latency between the onset of the early component of the response in arm and leg muscles suggests that this part of the response uses a descending pathway which conducts impulses down the spinal cord with a velocity comparable with that of the fast conducting component of the corticospinal tract. The late component of the EMG response occurs earlier in the leg than the arm. We suggest that it forms part of a patterned, functional response which is computed independently of the early component.

Vestibular-evoked electromyographic responses in soleus: a comparison between click and galvanic stimulation

Experimental Brain Research, 1998

The aim of this study was to demonstrate, if possible, vestibulospinal reflex responses in soleus using a stimulus known to be capable of exciting vestibular afferents, namely 100-dB (NHL) clicks. We were able to show short-latency electromyographic (EMG) responses after clicks in five of eight normal subjects, and then we compared these responses with those after transmastoid galvanic stimulation (12 normal subjects). Stimulation of the side towards which the head was rotated (i.e. the side facing backwards) with either clicks or the cathode (anode applied to the opposite side) gave an initial excitatory response in soleus, while click or cathodal stimulation of the opposite side (i.e. the side facing forwards) gave an initial inhibitory response. Onset latencies and modulation with changes in postural task were identical for both click-and galvanic-evoked responses. In addition, there was a significant correlation between the amplitudes of the responses in soleus after click and galvanic stimulation (R 2 =0.72). These similarities suggest that the earliest reflex responses in soleus after clicks and galvanic stimulation may be mediated by a common central pathway. In contrast, there was no correlation between the amplitudes of responses evoked by 100-dB clicks in soleus and those evoked by the same stimulus in the sternocleidomastoid. We conclude that vestibular activation by clicks can evoke reflex responses in lower-limb muscles and these responses have similar characteristics to the earliest responses evoked by galvanic vestibular stimulation.

Subthreshold Vestibular Reflex Effects in Seated Humans Can Contribute to Soleus Activation When Combined With Cutaneous Inputs

Motor Control, 2013

The integration of vestibular and somatosensory information for the control of lower limb musculature remains elusive. To determine whether a subthreshold vestibular input influences the cutaneous evoked response, the isometric EMG activity in the posturally inactive soleus muscles of 13 healthy, seated subjects was collected. Vestibular afferents were activated using galvanic vestibular stimulation (GVS; 1.8–2.5mA, 500ms), while percutaneous electrical stimulation was delivered to the distal tibial nerve (11ms train of 3 × 1.0 ms pulses, 200Hz) to activate foot sole skin afferents. GVS elicited responses in soleus both independently and when combined with cutaneous stimulation. The responses to the combined sensory input showed an interaction between the two sensory modalities to influence muscle activation. Of note is the presence of significant muscle modulation in the combined condition, where subthreshold vestibular inputs altered the outcome of the cutaneous reflex response. T...

Short and medium latency muscle responses evoked by electrical vestibular stimulation are a composite of all stimulus frequencies

Experimental Brain Research, 2011

Electrical vestibular stimulation produces biphasic responses in muscles maintaining balance. The two components of these muscle responses (termed the short latency and medium latency components) are believed to be independent and elicited by vestibular stimuli of different frequencies. We tested these hypotheses by determining (a) if frequency-specific stimulation protocols could evoke independently the short and medium latency responses and (b) whether these two components are triggered by distinct brain regions with a fixed time delay, interacting around 10 Hz. First, subjects were provided 10-25 Hz, 0-10 Hz, and 0-25 Hz vestibular stimuli to selectively modulate the short latency, medium latency, or both components of the response; and second, they were provided twenty sinusoidal stimuli from 1 to 20 Hz with a 0-20 Hz control trial, designed to determine whether an interaction between the short and medium latency responses occurs at a specific stimulation frequency. Both the 0-10 Hz and 10-25 Hz vestibular stimuli elicited multiphasic waveforms, suggesting the short and medium latency components were not modulated independently by the frequency-specific stimuli. Sinusoidal vestibular stimuli evoked responses at the stimulated frequency but no evidence of a reflex component interaction was observed. Instead, summation of the responses evoked by each of the sinusoidal stimuli resembled the biphasic response to broad bandwidth stimuli. Due to the lack of interaction and linear contribution of all stimulus frequencies to both the short and medium latency responses, the present results support the use of broad bandwidth electrical vestibular signal for physiological or clinical testing.

Vestibular-dependent spinal reflexes evoked by brief lateral accelerations of the heads of standing subjects

Journal of Applied Physiology, 2012

An impulsive acceleration stimulus, previously shown to activate vestibular afferents, was applied to the mastoid. Evoked EMG responses from the soleus muscles in healthy subjects ( n = 10) and patients with bilateral vestibular dysfunction ( n = 3) were recorded and compared with the effects of galvanic stimulation (GVS). Subjects were stimulated while having their eyes closed, head rotated, and while tonically activating their soleus muscles. Rectified EMG responses were recorded from the leg contralateral to the direction of head rotation. Responses were characterized by triphasic potentials that consisted of short-latency (SL), medium-latency (ML), and long-latency (LL) components beginning at (mean ± SD) 54.2 ± 4.8, 88.4 ± 4.7, and 121 ± 7.1 ms, respectively. Mean amplitudes for the optimum stimulus rise times were 9.05 ± 3.44% for the SL interval, 16.70 ± 4.41% for the ML interval, and 9.75 ± 4.89% for the LL interval compared with prestimulus values. Stimulus rise times of 14...

Alterations of Neuromuscular Signals as a Result of Vestibular Stimulation

IEEE, 2013

Interest in a better understanding of mechanical vestibular stimulation and its effect on changing the muscle tone in individuals with Cerebral Palsy (CP) is the motivation of this study. Stimulation to the otoliths has shown a reduction in the degree of spasticity in population with neuromuscular disabilities. Three children with CP were involved in this study of whom two are twins (12 year-old, female) and the third is a 14-year old, male. The pendulum knee drop (PKD) test was used to evaluate the degree of subject’s spasticity. The vestibular stimulation consisted of vertical oscillation with 3 inches of amplitude, a frequency of 2 Hz and a 15 minute duration. This form of stimulation targets the saccule organ in the vestibular system, which results in alteration of the descending signals of the vestibular system responsible for setting tone of the antigravity muscles. Electromyography (EMG) is simultaneously recorded from the quadriceps (Vastus Lateralis) and hamstring (Biceps Femoris) muscles along with the PKD test. The activation of EMG during PKD can be understood in relationship to the flexion and extension of the lower leg. It is interesting that EMG activity for quadriceps is seen at every flexion cycle in the post stimulation data, while on the other hand EMG activity is nearly continuous in the initial cycles of PKD in the pre stimulation. This may be an indication of a change in the activation pattern of EMG from the agonist and antagonist muscles as a result of the vestibular stimulation, which causes neural changes in the vestibular descending signal. In all three subjects of this study, the knee stiffness and damping parameters show a dramatic decrease post vestibular stimulation, and a smaller change is also noticed in the parameter describing virtual trajectory.

Magnitude effects of galvanic vestibular stimulation on the trajectory of human gait

Neuroscience Letters, 2000

This study examines the contribution of the vestibular system during different magnitudes of galvanic vestibular stimulation (GVS) during human walking. Anodal threshold levels of GVS were determined for right and left sides for each subject. Seven conditions were tested (no stimulation, left and right anode stimulation) at one, two and three times threshold. GVS was delivered to the mastoid processes at ®rst heel contact and continued for the duration of the trial. All subjects responded by deviating towards the anode while walking. In addition, the magnitude of deviation increased as the stimulus intensity increased. Our results demonstrate that the vestibular system is sensitive to GVS intensity changes and responds by altering the magnitude of the response accordingly. These data provide a strong argument in support of a signi®cant role for vestibular information during dynamic tasks. q

Suppression of the vestibular short-latency evoked potential by electrical stimulation of the central vestibular system

Hearing research, 2018

In an attempt to view the effects of the efferent vestibular system (EVS) on peripheral dynamic vestibular function, we have monitored the Vestibular short-latency Evoked Potential (VsEP) evoked by pulses of bone conducted vibration during electrical stimulation of the EVS neurons near the floor of the fourth ventricle in the brainstem of anesthetized guinea pigs. Given the reported effects of EVS on primary afferent activity, we hypothesized that EVS stimulation would cause a slight reduction in the VsEP amplitude. Our results show a substantial (>50%) suppression of the VsEP, occurring immediately after a single EVS current pulse. The effect could not be blocked by cholinergic drugs which have been shown to block efferent-mediated vestibular effects. Shocks produced a short-latency P1-N1 response immediately after the electrical artifact which correlated closely to the VsEP suppression. Ultimately, we have identified that this suppression results from antidromic blockade of the...